Why is it a taboo to like jap games?

why is it a taboo to like jap games?

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Poor Mike

japanese industry

Kill yourself OP

Is that David Duke? I never knew he was so buff.

Because the progressive, gaming press have more control on the west, and want to force their way of thinking into western games.

It's a sign that people who play them aren't brainwashed by bullshit.

It's why you see Marvel comics plummeting and why people are returning to anime and manga too.

People just want to have fun. They don't want ugly women subverting the "male gaze" as characters in video games. They want escapism.

It's not. Just don't be an autistic faggot about it.

it isn't
you just browse this shitty board too much

It isn't you just live on the internet too much.

To add to that, the term "indie" has been dragged through the mud.
It used to mean an auteur vision without compromise, no matter how long it took.
Now it means western developed pixel graphic, low-fi rogue like dungeon crawler shoot-em-ups, and other games with very little refinement, and everything pumped into some gimmick or grating, over done theme.

It's made me a lot more conservative in my purchases now. I just want a good looking, refined experience, and that mostly comes from Japan. There are exceptions, but it's difficult to not get poisoned by toxic ideology or laziness in the west.


Because browsing Sup Forums will left you an insecure retard who can't enjoy any hobbies anymore.

>all those muscles
>their lives could still be ends with a single bullet
Can't fucking wait for leftists to get truly violent and slaughter far-rightists in the streets.

>toxic ideology!!

You sound like a fucking SJW right now

>look at those pathetic hairless arms

Mr, Duke looks the most alpha by far, despite being an old geezer.


>getting truly violent
Communism is dead user. SJWs are all that remains of leftist activists.

how insecure can you get, gayboi?

The weak must fear the strong

>their lives could still be ends with a single bullet
>Can't fucking wait for leftists to get truly violent and slaughter far-rightists in the streets.

Why do they have guns if they're leftists?

Checkmate sonybros.

He's looking better since fixing the beard situation

Someone post orig pic

David Duke is a cuck who BOUGHT a PhD diploma from a NO-NAME Ukrainian university because he has an inferiority complex towards educated people such as liberals.

Who was it that lobbys for gun control and taking guns away from people? That says folks shouldn't be armed, since they got the gubment?
They ain't got not guns. Far rightist's got bunkers full of em.

>Why do they have guns if they're leftists?
Eh... BECAUSE they're leftists?!

Left wing scum are a bunch of stupid faggots who couldn't shoot a gun to save their lives.

Its not taboo its just seem as homo or gay

Yeah, and then you faggots cry about your genocides and holodomors when you actually fucking deserve to be wiped out.

For a group that's obsessed with the notion of revelating, uncomfortable truths, it's amazing how easily they can delude themselves en masse about certain subjects.


whites should be killed

This. I lean left despite growing up in the Ozarks with a bunch of hunting and fishing.

Armalite in the closet.

>every leftist is a pink haired homosexual who wants to take my gunz!

lol fucking idiots. This isn't video games.

These cocksuckers can whine without end about how them communists "raped their way into Europe" but then have absolutely no problem w/ an idea that you are being run by a midget megalomaniac from Russia who has a history of molesting young Russian children.

>people still don't know the difference between jap and weeb
even worse than the fags who think that fat chicks are THICC.


I fucking hate how you normie Sup Forums redditors ran such a great meme into the ground so quickly. Really disgusting.

>not making a distinction between skinny fats, chubbies and actual fatties

More subgenres, user.

>I let internet culture render certain words offensive/meaningless for me even in legitimate contexts because I'm unhappy and intellectually lazy and it's easier to hate things in broad categories
Oh, thanks for letting us know about your mental illness user, I'll keep it in mind.

Why would you feel the need to be a white supremacist if you're buff? Those black bullies from high school can't push you around anymore so there's no need to fear them

>I take jokes as if they are manifestos written in the spirit of Mein Kampf

And you call me unhappy? Chill the fuck out, user.

>skinny fats, chubbies and actual fatties
we don't need to go this deep, user.

I dunno. Sometimes a skinny fat gets me. Sometimes it's a chubby.

Literal fatbacks are disgusting though, I think we can agree there.

14 words

I like big butts and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny

Holy shit


I didn't see this coming.

Why is there a jew on the left there

Spiral staircase
Rhinoceros beetle
Ruins street
Fig tart
Rhinoceros beetle
Via dolorosa
Rhinoceros beetle
Singularity point
Rhinoceros beetle
Singularity point
Secret emperor


7 words.

that feel when no girlfriend to hold