What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It wasn't a main entry and 4 sucked, this game is basically Saints Row 4 DLC just like Gat outta Hell

it alright

>this game is basically Saints Row 4 DLC just like Gat outta Hell
>SR4 was a glorified standalone DLC pack for SR3

This is also true

its a single player game literally who cares.

Doing better than Lawbreakers which loses a 100 players a day.

I'm playing it. It's pretty fun. Gonna do some vids at some point for webm threads so ni**as can ask me 'what gaem?' and I can ignore them while they squirm as people give them meme answers xD (who else /devilish/?).

they made a game nobody wanted
and then also put denuvo on it

no cute girls

The progression and gameplay loop feel aimless. You level up and get one skill point that does shit like +3% damage, you also get a HP and shield boost, but it all feels like nothing changed.

Characters have shoot gun, use special move that either is useless or kill a few enemies no real impact on gameplay, and then super special awesome move that has no impact, so you end up finding three characters that have base guns that feel okay and just shoot normally.

>which loses a 100 players a day.
>a 100 players
>a one hundred players

you're retarded

Not him but,
>a hundred players a day
It makes sense.

if he had typed "a hundred" it would have made sense. typing it out in number form pretty much just means "one hundred"

Fuck off autist, it makes sense. There's not point arguing about such a minor thing.

then why are you arguing about it

Saint's Row hasn't been good in like a decade.

t. 'a 100' user

>it makes sense
It makes sense, yes, because most of us on here are accustomed to retard speech.

Grammar Naz user was correct though,saying a one hundred sounds stupid.

100= a hundred

It would have been awkward if it was 200 or over.

Well it doesn't sound stupid on it's own because you can have "A one hundred pound man fights a wild dog over a sandwich" but in the context in question yeah it's stupid.

>runs like shit
>has had no marketing
>they refused to call it saints row even though it shares some characters, which destroyed the possibility of self marketing
>devs streamed the game for nearly a year and did never top 10k views with their streams and did nothing significant to rebrand the game
>devs streaming where incredible faggots that where cringeworthy all the time

>No Co-Op when that's been one of Saints Row's biggest selling points

Just wait for the co-op DLC.

>shitty game from shitty developer flopped

It's so fucking plain. They took a concept that could have been fun and stripped it down to the most milquetoast version of it they could possibly make. Playing this after Saints Row 3 makes me feel like when I was a kid and they suddenly replaced all the fun playground equipment with lame shit.
I understand why MOBAs do this since MOBA players get mad if a game is dynamic or ever does anything to surprise them. Because god forbid a player uses the systems and mechanics in any way that doesn't follow the exact protocol that the devs laid out.
But why make a single player game like this? It's just boring, uninteresting, and leaves me with no willingness to play it.

Can't wait to get this game for cheap, thanks Sup Forums,


Seoul is actually a nice place though.


Deep Silver has done this with quite a bit of games where they rarely if ever advertise them existing. It's a bit disappointing in this game because it looks like it can make for a fun Crackdown clone but it looks like it has Borderlands/Destiny/Division-tier bulletsponges.

so can you make your own character or are you forced to play ones the devs already made?

This game is so glitchy as fuck. I can't even finish any of the missions to unlock new agents cause they glitch out halfway through almost every goddamn time.

Sounds like a standard volition game.

>Playing this after Saints Row 3
Jesus Christ, kid. Play SR2.

It's a bit like Fallout in that regard.

Nobody seems to question why the first game in a series has the number 3 at the end of the title.

Its run around and blow shit up in a city. everyone and their grandma have already done that to death in other games. plus other games do it better. its got nothing unique and is very bland.

Does Day 1 Steam player count really matter for a game like this? It's single player only and they likely know it will have a long tail when it goes down in price in sales etc.

Saint's Row, with none of the things that makes saints row good and characters nobody cares about.

This. I would consider buying it around half price if it had character creation and customization. The preset characters are almost all terrible-looking, and having to open loot boxes for a chance of getting skins is fucking retarded.

>Politically correct, "progressive" SJW-friendly Saint's Row

Who the fuck wants this?

Apparently nobody if the initial sales are anything to go by.

cliffy must be glad his game wasn't blunder of the century for long

A very small percent of SR "fans". By that, I mean people who've only played 3, 4, and/or Gat Out of Hell. Even some if them aren't going for it, though, thanks to the removal of character creation and Overwatch/Battleborn aesthetic.

its mediocre

feels like its worth 30$ not 60$

Even that sounds too high.

but i already spent a week in Seoul

>third person single player Battleborn
what were they THINKING
it looks so boring, just look up any gameplay video
how does nobody at volition just stand back and go "yo hold up this is a fucking snoozefest" years ago?

>multicharacter shooter based on a superhero team
are they stupid? co op would have ensured them atleast some sales
if its laziness then i hope they realise how much they fucked up

They've been lazy ever since SR3. Compare Steelport to Stilwater, then note the downgraded clothing customization, identical safehouses, awful attempts at humor, and how motorcycles all drive like the roads have been iced over.

I wanna go back to a simpler time, Sup Forums


Holy shit, the effort put into this trailer is night/day compared to Agents of Mayhem.

Oh hey, someone saved my picture