TFW Salmon Rush has bad weapons


This weapon set is actually not bad, everyone just needs to know how to use their weapon (aka not expecting the elitre and roller to kill the stingers)

No, you're just bad.

>tfw Splatoon 2 died in a month
>Splatoon 2 died faster than BATTLEBORN

>there will never be a salmon run mode where you escort the full egg basket across salmonid infested waters
>you will never defend a grizzco ship from a horde of rabid salmonid while trying to get home
>you will never meet mr. grizz
the current mode is amazing but there's so much potential to branch out here. i doubt we'll see anything else other than a couple of new maps

Nobody ever does, though. In a group of friends, even if they were lower skilled, this might work better, but I tried a round at profreshional earlier, and we didn't even make it past the first round. A freelance team can handle a charger, but not if it's the only weapon with decent range.

I don't know what possessed the developers to make every map for Salmon bay the same brownish-puke green tone. Would've been nice if we got a more sunnier map for it.

I get it, it's supposed to be grungy and industrial-looking. This ain't no squid-kid proof area!

A couple new maps might be nice, though.

I like the corn that's skewered in the background on the current stage

Same but then again Splatoon 1 didn't have addition modes and levels till later who knows maybe they may surprise us.

I'm actually often pleasantly surprised how well my team is able to do with weapons that I wouldn't think would be very good. It's more based on each players skill level and if the game just decides to fuck you over for whatever reason.

They don't call it the Restricted Zone for nothing.

>Still pushing this meme

Take a break, user.

You're shit, also you're a faget for shitting up inklings with Nazi memes.

>nazi memes
spotted the newfriend

You must be one of the furfags.

"Bad weapons" means "I'm shit with these"

They're cancer too, Along with all the Mayofags who enable furfags.


>he actually thinks weapons cant be bad for salmon rush


I'll freely admit that I'm shit with a charger vs other people, but salmonids are easy and predictable. I know to focus on the boss, and ignore the trash. The problem is that there's no guarantee that anybody is going to cover you.

The lack of range can make some bosses nigh impossible to kill. An over abundance of short-range weapons means you have little chance against them. Again, the problem is that you can't necessarily rely on getting backup.

In a freelance group, this hurts a lot.

You can take down Steel Heads and Drizzlers in one hit
Quit being dead weight

Nobody is playing this game anymore so it doesn't matter

t. ARMSfag

If you want to see a dead game, please play Halo 5 or, it pains me so much to say this but, ARMS ___ ________ .

I'm taking the bait guys. I'm not gonna make it back alive. Go on without me.

Why is everyone saying Splatoon 2 is dead?

Shitposts don't have to be true

Because they don't like the game and they want it to die.

It isn't dead, the playerbase is booming. Especially for salmon run.

Try getting a game in A or higher. No-one is playing this anymore.

You'll get a shit team every now and then, but it's really not hard to get all the rewards playing with randoms.

lack of public education regarding timezones

Are you a fucking idiot? The higher rank you are the less players there will be dipshit. I'd wager that more than half of the player base won't reach above B- because if you haven't noticed, this is a game for children.

With the way ranks work, you could have an entirely MLG player base, and most of them could not be but so high rank. It tapers out at higher levels by design, as whenever someone wins, the other team must lose.

I remember the other day, it was perfect. Aerospray, splattershot pro, jet squelcher, and some roller. Shot straight up to max rank.