Tfw game burnout

>tfw game burnout

What rekindled the flame for you?

Nothing. I got a sudden urge to complete GTA San Andreas at the start of this month but can't bring myself to play anything since then.


I can't understand at all why Sup Forums hates this game

Nothing. Its just not the same anymore. Now I have to worry about my future and shit.

An autistic quest to try and be the pannenkoek2012 of the game I like most. Put another way, I've been learning how to break it apart and have been having a great time figuring out how all the pieces work. It takes a lot of time/effort though since it's been 90% translating random hexadecimal strings into something meaningful.

New Style Boutique 2

I want to play games but nowadays I feel too bad from loneliness to really play anything. I guess that's burn out. Been playing FFXIV to try and make friends but it isn't working.

bad experiences from early access survival games

It's not even a survival game user

first time it was terraria's 1.3 update

second time it was bloodborne

everytime, the time before the next burnout is shorter and shorter

im waiting on my 3rd rekindling now

Rocket League. Getting good feels so rewarding in what you're able to do.

EDF 4.1 for PC saved my soul

but I 100%ed it 2 months ago

Dark Souls
I never finished it on my first playthrough years back and I'm sure everyone on here has played it to death, but god damn it really is good to be absorbed in a proper video game again.


man it sucks when you are having a good time and then you fucking remember the projects you have to finish in less than 3 months

Weebshit, neptunia to be specific, I don't have time to play anything that requires attention, and the retarded grinding can be fun in the little time I have to play


La Mulana

Was looking for a new multiplayer game for my bro and I to get. I saw this game has been blowing the fuck up like crazy recently. Is it really that decent or is it just twitch bait?

Getting a job, and a girlfriend.

I just want my free time back with vidya. I get like 15 minutes a day on my 3DS and it's like a slice of heaven.

Actual fun with friends that are good and want to win with, builds teamwork.

>falling for the girlfriend meme

Fighting games like Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2 and Street Fighter 5.

Getting a much younger fiancee with an autistic love of the Tales series.

it's good. i don't play it everyday maybe on the weekends but i ran it with 3 other people. we probably had our best match during the weekend, almost won too. the more people that are in the small circle the better.


it's a successful early access.

Watch moves. Read books. Get a gf. Stop being a faggot.

just got it on PS4 an hour ago, on my 5th playthrough already

Same situation for me. Did you finish your MSQ yet?

>Game can be beaten in 12 minutes.

Just try not to honk when driving or you'll get banned for stream sniping and harassing others.

Breath of the wild. Holy shit I love video games

I havent truly recovered from when my mom died 4 years ago. Kerbal Space Program helped for a bit, and MMOs helped for a bit, but now i think i worry too much about time to play games. I spend hours on end worrying about what im going to do tomorrow that i dont do anything today.

>a full playthrough takes a fifth of an hour

How did you meet an autistic weeb qt?

my nig


My little sis introduced us.

That's cute.

hollow knight

Very cute.

I got to take her virginity too

I stop sucking dick... oh wait, I never did.
If I get bored of playing I do something else, because I'm not a loser with a single hobby. And by the time I remember vidya, I feel super hyped about it.

tell me user, what are your other hobbies?

Don't remind me. Was great at first. Now she's completely co-dependent and we have an apartment together and no way family will ever let me move in with them again.

Learn from my cliche mistakes anons.

Hollow Knight


whenever I resub I end up regretting it a week later and I have a new passion for single player games. I've been really hacking away at my backlog these past few weeks and it's been great

Every time I burnout on games I always go back to STALKER and play through those. I usually do a +100 hour playthrough of STALKER about every other year. I do the same with New Vegas, Fallout 2, and I think Underrail is going to get on that list. I usually cycle between them. Last year I did a huge playthrough of Call of Chernobyl, now that mod makes STALKER fucking crack to me. This year I'm doing a TTW NV playthrough. Hopefully when the Underrail expansion comes out I'll do that next year. Don't know why but good single player games are always the thing to get me out of a slump.

Your sisters or your gfs?

Movies, books, going for walks, exercising, and I play pool from time to time.

Weekends are not long enough to let me do all the stuff I like to do.

Being extra socially active so down time feels more relaxing/earned

Buying a PS4 after trading it in a couple years ago when I built my PC.

Persona 5, BB, and especially Yakuza have brought fun
back into games for me. Just about to wrap up my second DS1 run as well, first time doing DLC.

it's an extremely simple game. you drop onto an island, you get guns, you shoot people, you die or you win, repeat. that said, it's in early access, has horrible netcode, some of the worst hit detection in video games, and is massively, massively buggy. i got 80 hours out of it so far. games usually get to the top 10 in 20 minutes, so it's a great pick up and play game.

>some of the worst netcode
>when he knows full well escape from tarkov just came out to try to beat pubg



Bethesda games and Sony exclusives.
I'm still playing F4 and I like Horizon a lot.

So break up with her, dumbass. If you already hate her this much things can only get worse for both of you.

>some means all

nice meme.

No. I'm about halfway through at level 40. How about you?

The Witcher 3.
Started it 2 weeks back and already have nearly 70 hours in it. The game is great I love just everything about it.
The quests are fun and rewarding, story is good and gameplay is fun. I just love riding all over the map and finding new Witcher gear, fighting monsters or just explore the world.
Can't remember the last time a game captivated me this much.

>play game for about an hour
>"Wow, that was fun, I'll play that again one day"
>never play it again
>play different game for about an hour
>"Wow, that was fun, I'll play that again one day"
>never play it again
>cycle continues

Every time. I can't stop myself from dropping things even though I am enjoying them

You gotta find a game that fully consumes you, OP. A game you can't stop thinking about whenever you aren't playing it. You gotta play something that really challenges you. Something that forces you to learn it inside and out. To rekindle that flame you have to completely master that game.

I don't know what you have played, but look for something completely different than what you are used to. the only rule is that it has to be something you can really sink your teeth into. Resonance of Fate, Armored Core, Furi, fightan games, Creeper World 3, Risk of Rain with Sup Forums, and Ghost Trick have all gotten me out of your position in the past. Hope that helps. You just gotta go hard.

Not playing video games for a few weeks and doing some other hobbies instead.
Read some books. Learn to play an instrument. Learn a language. Go outside. Ride motorcycles, bicycles, whatever.

Same. I played it on release and was blown away, I never played demon souls somehow flew under my radar and I will someday buy a cheap ps3 and play it. But yea I dropped it around dukes archives first time I played. I was younger and into a lot of other shit besides gaming and now I'm married with kids so I have gone back to older games I missed when I was wild.

>tfw life burnout

back in 2012

Tales from the Borderlands brought me back to giving a shit. Sometimes it's good to take a cinematic game and enjoy a nice story and some campy vibes.

Just recently had a gaming fatigue yet again but unironically steins gate and hellblade did the trick for me

>moving soon
>have to save money
>no more going out to favorite places
>fuck wat do
>guess I'll play vidya
>hmm what's in my backlog
>EYE? Guess I'll give it a go.
>What's this?
>Deja vu?
now I can't stop murdering Jian

Force yourself to only ever have at most 2 games installed, and don't uninstall them unless you've beaten them or have started them up a couple of times and didn't enjoy yourself at all. Sometimes having too many things to choose from makes you not want to choose at all and you end up doing nothing, it's like getting swamped with work and not getting anything done.

Pyre. My GOTY so far.

>Weekends are not long enough to let me do all the stuff I like to do.
This. I like to party too much, drink too much, but never game too much. Which is weird cuz I have a very competitive mindset and have to be the best at all games. Someone 1v1 me in q3a I'll wreck your shit niggrrs

A lot of people hated it. But it gave me hope that someday all games will be this immersive and open ended when it came to play style. Damn shame about the story tho.

Gravity Rush 2, Nier Automata, Vanquish and Bayonetta PC ports.

this. i do this. it works

Nothing yet. Weirdly the only thing I'm in the mood to try is Fifa, and I've never touched football in my life. I'm going to wait and pick up 18 at the end of september. I've burned out on weebshit.

>game in backlog gets a remaster

MGSV both parts

Metro 2033 is better than the Redux.

buying consoles again after being a masterrace tard and caring more about performance and mods than games


Bait? Honestly not sure anymore cuz of the console flaming bullshit lately before and after the release but I am a PS4 guy that has a broken toaster of a PC, therefore it's the only thing I can game on. What the actual fuck do you like about horizon???? It's the most boring piece of fucking shit I ever tried to force myself to play. Nioh alone is fucking a billion times better in every single way. Maybe I'm biased cuz I love the fuck out of any NG game

get more hobbies

Thanks for letting me know?

How's hellblade? Was thinking of picking up for 30$ I was wondering why it's not full price like what's up with that? I've seen some gameplay footage looks fun but why so cheap? Something has to be wrong right? Like is it really short?

Its not like Im burt out there is nothing to play. I look at my 150 games library and theres like what tf2 and maybe kf2 to play.
Why the fuck all modern games are fucking trash. The last game I enjoyed was nier and that was like in fucking winter. Fuck meeee

its like, 6-8 hours long but its really good. feels fresh as fuck. if you pick it up, play it with headphones. the asmr and the sound design is out of this world. the combat is challenging as well as fun too. definitely one of the instant favorites for me this year

Nothing. All the games I want to play, I can't complete. I haven't beaten a game in 3 years.

nothing rekindles the flame for me.
i usually just end playing the same game for days and days on end tho

You're welcome.

Awesome, you pretty much summed up what I originally though about it. Definitely will get it this weekend, thanks for an actual response

no problems, ive yet to finish it, but im close to the end

the international for dota. happens every single year.

>watch ti
>get hype as fuck and play dota for a couple months
>become increasingly bitter and angry with the meta
>eventually ragequit after a series of bad games
>dont play dota for 6-8 months
>oh hey its time for ti

I like this, gives me motivation to play it

I've been putting a little bit of cash into my 3ds recently, played attack of the friday monsters and the 3d remake of gurumin

>SMT SJ and Radiant historia

Total War Warhammer


Not bait.
I bought a PS4 last month because Horizon (also Bloodborne, Uncharted and The Last of Us).
Consoles are literally crap but their games worth the price. Someday I will pick Nioh and Persona 5.

Nothing; I've been dead inside since the breakup.
10 years now

>Finally get into ps1 emulation
>ps4 starts collecting dust dispite the 100s of games I've still yet to play
>playing my old favoites like SotN, Einhander, R-Type Delta, Rival School, Twisted Metal 2, Tomb Raider, Wipeout 2097, etc.
>tfw when playing gems I never got around to playing before like MML, Spyro, Harmful Park, Pac-Man World, Medievil, etc.

Fucking Future Cop blows me away!

Dark Souls around 3 years ago.
Now I'm desperately searching for something that might have a similar effect.

I want to smell her shorts