Leaked July 2017 NPD

NSW: 222K
PS4: 217K (+34.7%)
3DS: 105K (-44.3%)

PS4: 2299K (+52.0%)
NSW: 736K
3DS: 384K (-49.2%)

Splatoon 2 #1 332k


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Is this really the end, of the 3DS?


>Splatoon sells 1,1 bag of dicks and crow monthly

Not bad

2DS just came out. Of course people are going to be buying those for cheaper than the 3ds counterpart.

>Barely outselling a 4 year old console.
>Those software numbers.

The Switch really is a flop with no games.

Is the PS4 finally doomed bros?

you really are assblasted

I wonder why.

This is pretty much what I expected save for the 3DS doing pretty badly.

>only 332k copies of Splatoon 2 sold on it;s launch month

What a fucking flop in the west. Should have been called Spla2n.

This NintenDOOMED shit got really fucking old a long time ago. Like, it's not even funny or amusing at this point, it's just pathetic reaching.
t. idort

It outpaced BOTW in Japan, though.

The way I see it, Nintendo is stuck in this weird place where they're stuck in. They aren't ever gonna be number one, but they aren't really failing either.

If the WiiU didnt kill them nothing will

it came out in June:)
And it sold more than half a million only in Japan

>sales data
>implying it matters to the consumer

Stop caring, just play the vidya. A million apes can buy Donkey Kong, it doesn't change your gaming experience.
>multiplayer & longevity
Doesn't apply to the Switch, since it doesn't even have properly integrated multiplayer. And the most popular multiplayer game for Nintendo is Sm4sh, which isn't out yet for Switch. Reminder that people have been playin Melee for 17 years, and literally not a single other game. Nintendo lotalists are weird.

Just play the vidya and shut up

None of them are going anywhere

Nintendo is here to stay, and so is Playstation and Microsoft. Microsoft is too big to fail, PS is one of Sony's most profitable divisions, and Nintendo has too many amazing 1st party IPs to lose all its customers.

The little kiddies here on Sup Forums are too busy shitposting to understand this. Every adult knows that PC is the masterrace and always will be :)

This can't be happening Chads. What about Sony Domination?

Weren't the preorders like almost a million and vastly more than DQ yet it sold worse? What went wrong

I mean, the 3DS is pretty old right now, I'd say those are good numbers for it's age

VR flopped so yeah...

What are you even talking about? Of course it sold worse than fucking Dragon Quest.

Is that just 3DS or does it include the New 2DS XL? I would've expected more of a boost if so, although it could only have three days to chart in July I guess.

Splatoon has legs, it doesn't matter. People will buy it on holidays too.

>Nintendo is even dominating in Sony land

Will Xbone be above or below 3DS though?

According to these numbers the 3DS sold better than the XBox One. Don't see how those are bad numbers.

Those are the top 3.

switch 2 when

they're pretty good for how old it is, like other anons said, but also there's another Pokemon game on the way

Xbox has been a drain on MS coffers its entire existence. With the massive flop of the XB1 and the coming flop of the scorpio it's only a matter of time before they pull the plug on the whole xbox division.

The reason why Splatoon 2 has sold like shit in North America is because it's still hard to get a Switch, and the NA Switch base isn't really that large.

Sold gangbusters in Japan though, as expected. Worldwide, it's sold just short of 2 million copies, and the game hasn't even been out a month yet. Pretty decent performance.

>VR flopped
>PSVR is the only VR headset to sell 1M

They're literally leading the VR march.


>Splatoon 2 #1 332k
Wow splat just became monster hunter, big in japan.

If this is accurate, it's surprising to see Splatoon 2 not pulling bigger numbers, though. I thought it was a pretty big deal in Japan.

They're half way there given all Xbone games need a PC port to be released now.

>3DS is starting to fade out
Thank fuck

M$ Might be on its way out because Microsoft itself will probably bail, since X-box is leaking money for them. Granted it's a small papercut to them, but its not something they like and they've shown disinterest in it for awhile.

The other 2 are pretty much staying. Nintendo is synonymous with Vidya, and Sony literally cannot leave Vidya.

It's too bad the resolution is ass and there's no good games for it.

At least Oculus has Superhot VR and Robo Recall.

This isn't japan numbers. It's American.

>new console that the msm is pushing so hard can only sell 5k more units in a system seller month than the old console that had nothing new the same month


Considering the amount of Switch consoles sold in the US they're pretty big numbers.

PSVR has Superhot VR though.

These are US numbers
Pay attention to media create threads for Jap numbers

Shit it really is:
>01./00. [NSW] Splatoon 2 # (Nintendo) {2017.07.21} (¥5.980) - 648.085 / NEW
This is one week on japan.

Compare to Dragon Quest 11:
>01./00. [3DS] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age # (Square Enix) {2017.07.29} (¥5.980) - 1.148.888 / NEW
>02./00. [PS4] Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age # (Square Enix) {2017.07.29} (¥8.980) - 950.315 / NEW

>NSW outselling the PS4

oh boy

the damage control is gonna be fun

It's easier to upset a Sonyqueer than what it is to hurt a a teenager.
So, imagine how easy it will be to get them to kill themselves when they actually hit their teens and mommy stops buying cucksoles for them.

Xbone nowhere to be seen
Enjoy last place Xbro, it's inevitable Xbone X is $500 and expected to sell less than the S

What does NPD account for? Just North America? Or the whole of Europe, and Japan?

Just the USA.

m8 Japan has dominating numbers for both splatoon and the switch. NPD = US numbers

>VR flopped
>Oh it didn't?! Well it still sucks anyway.

Japan has Media Create and Famitsu who release sales data, Europe unfortunately has nothing so unless the companies themselves release regional or worldwide sales data for their games to extrapolate EU from, there's no way to know them.

Japan fucking loves Splatoon for some reason, like they'll wait in 5 hour lines just to get a Switch to play it. I'm pretty sure it was the same thing with Splatoon 1 as well.

In America of all places, kek.

So Nintendo has America and Japan on lockdown.
Will Europe follow suit?

That stage was hilarious.

>a bunch of kids buy kids games on kiddie platforms
>my overwhelmingly shocked face when even a turd like Pokemon Sun/Moon breaks records
>caring about sales data
>my face when I see these sales charts that impact my ability to shitpost on a Korean jpg Dropbox site

who the fuck cares you faggot

Never, they love Fifa too much.

Aren't X's sold at a loss anyway? It's in Microsoft's best interest for more people to buy Slims.

>Sup Forums: lol neogaf is full of shit why would anyone believe them?
>Also Sup Forums: here's some leaked info from neogaf its totally legit!
Make up your mind

>The NX will go the path of the Wii U!
Umm, sonykeks? Care to explain?

Well I mean yeah. It actually has games people are interested in. And you can take those games with you.

Meanwhile, the only worthwhile game to hit PS4 this year is Persona 5, and the mainstream doesn't care about Persona, so it's not exactly a system seller.

It's not surprising at all.

Probably not since yuropoors have terrible taste and their imams forbid playing vidya

I'm honestly not sure about Microsoft staying in the console market.

No one, no one cares about xbox.

>4 year old console has more games than a 5 month console

wow the more you know.

I don't think even Sonybros care about sales data. At best they just shitpost because it's easy to bait Switch owners and the reaction is usually hilarious (mental gymnastics, dillusion, Arms is great, etc)

t. Idort with a heart of gold and a penchant for console war humor

It's not from neogaf they got from the vgchartz forum, same guy that leaked last month.

Nah Nintendo will never take Europe, no shitty sports games like fifa and that's all 99% of euros play.

I care, I love to see Xbox fail

Enjoy your month.

Nice shit taste you got there

>Sup Forums: vgchartz is full of shit why would anyone believe them?
>also Sup Forums: vgchartz is totally legit guys!
Make up your mind

You nintentoddlers are something else.


Why is this so hard to understand?

It sold like double the amount that Splatoon 1 did at launch. I'd say thats pretty respectable given the smaller install base of the Switch.

Those Splatoon numbers are horrible.

>believing this
How's that portable Splatoon lan party treating you
>PS4 no games
I'm like 99% sure even a game like Destiny has sold more on PS4 than every Switch game combined, and it's multiplat. Hell a game like Overwatch probably has more active users online right now than Splatoon

>he's triggered

I wonder why. Switch is a failure and has no games.


332k in a week is "horrible" now?

Sup Forums never said that, neogaf says that because they don't have real numbers on the front page they just estimate and fix the numbers whenever real numbers are released.

Europe is definitely bigger for Sony.

Splatoon 1 was more subdued as it's a new IP and no one really knew what to expect yet. Splatoon 2 just outright exploded.

Pedophiles aren't people user.

>Sup Forums never said vgchartz are unreliable
how are you enjoying your first week on Sup Forums son?

This is just North America right? So why is the PS4 mere inches away from the Switch? Who's buying this many PS4's in 2017? I thought this was a fad four years ago.

But the switch DOES have those games

For Splatoon? Yes, relatively speaking.

>People still pretend the Switch is worthwhile

Hi neogaf nigger, how's the strap on treating you?

nintendo is somehow winning and losing at the same time.

welp spatoon 2 was a massive gargantuan flop.

It's not out until September, but i doubt anyone has a reason to get a Switch and another copy of the same game they've already played before.

Is this the end of Sony as we know it?

>calls me a gaffer even though i call neogaf shit
how hard did your mom dropped you when you were a baby?

Oculus also had Reddit and Memey. Your point?

I must say now that I earn money and will buy myself a current gen console the switch just isn't enough at this point. If I get the PS4 I will have like 10 good singleplayer games to play and we already know about a lot of good stuff that is announced for it. With the Switch it's literally just Zelda and by the end of the year we will have Mario but that's it.