Other urls found in this thread:

>acting as if stream-sniping is some new thing

I had mentioned on the Twitch thing that I like hobbies that have a lot of custom language, that is to say Jargon; most hobbies are like this, but some are more dense than others. Someone bellowing from the depths of Twitor, The Truncated Realm, suggested that my hobby is actually learning new words, and the particular genuflections of these hobbies are essentially just the rind.

I can’t imagine why I would argue with that.

Gaming has tons and tons of words. It used to have even more, if you were playing during the MS-DOS era, and these terms weren’t flourishes - they weren’t simply monastic reiterations of normal concepts, made shadowed and distant from common use. They were the equivalent of elf-words, and knowledge of them let you use the most powerful calculation engines ever devised to fuck around after school. You could fix broken things and improve whole things. It was pretty good times. Gabe never went through that phase, he started with Windows on a 486, so when something is fucked up all he can do is curse the Gods. He does not know the offerings.

Most of the new language these days has to do with the roiling kettle that is online social interactions. Stream-sniping is, when compared to the whole of human history, a relatively recent phenomenon and requires several precursor events to even constitute a recognized dealio. In some ways, it’s an example of why we can’t have nice things. On other ways, and I don’t mean to be callous, but, uh… wow. That we consider this a problem may be a kind of indictment of our problems.

I like to joke when Keek and I are playing Battlegrounds that we’re being stream-sniped, but (as I’m almost certain I’ve suggested previously) the way I play normally is so filthy-nasty, my failures so naked, that it’s as though I’m playing against an omniscient opponent.

(CW)TB out.

>asks if sniping is a sexual act, not murder

Does anyone actually confess their sins to priests?

What an incredibly convoluted way of saying "kids these days".

40% of the world's population is Catholic, so yes

>He doesn't humble himself to the Lord and bare his soul to a tempered Shepherd of God
>He thinks he alone can redeem himself
By the Cross, the heresy!

Forgive me father

You should at least look up the statistics before posting them.

how will they ever recover?

>religious social control is a bad thing
do these people not understand how societies work?


i know this is by the same person who made the fucking armless rayman girl with big tits but i need more

What if the answer is "Yes, there is a god?" Checkmate atheist cartoon thing.

Religious social control has never been a positive

It's a safe bet he hears a lot more weird sex confessions than murder confessions.


Monks living in corners of Ireland and England after the fall of Rome preserved the writing system you're using today

nice argument faggot

Okay Jimmy, time travel back to Rome and let Attila the Hun sodomize you.
Anarchy for life right?

Reading any of his blog posts you can see that is his philosophy of good writing. It's more important to seem eloquent and unusual than actually write well.

And they hated every fucking minute of it if you go by what they wrote in the margins of books they translated/copied.

Pascal, please.

What if the answer is "Allah is the one true god"? You should start praying five times a day to be on the safe side.


t. christians ruined everything and banished science and art and all of the paintings in chapels appeared out of nowhere and all of the advancements in warfare that led to the end of feudalism were just flukes

Why you think that matters? People used rune writing system before it.

What if you're gay?

And modern farming equipment like the plow.

The Ecclesiarchy would like a word with you

Yeah, and because of that we're stuck writing english with an alphabet that doesn't have letters for all the sounds used in it and we have shit like 'sh' 'ch' and 'th', not to mention multiple pronunciations for every vowel.

because i was curious myself, clicking on that link revealed the other names. Redd is the rayman girl webcomic, Chimneyspeak is the one you asked sauce for. Apparently it's a porn comic. And the artist may have done other porn comics.

Go learn mandarin, faggot.

Snails are fun.
>What if the answer is "Allah is the one true god"?
Then the Christian is fucked (except not really, depending on how they lived) but the atheist is also fucked.

Atheism is a no-win scenario.
Point me to a perfect writing system.

How is atheism a no-win scenario? There might be an atheism god that literally puts atheists in heaven just to spite them.

Mostly brothel, gay and trap porn. Then you have New Kowloon which is just drugs and tentacle porn. Now he just does some visual novel and porn commissions.

>There might be an atheism god that literally puts atheists in heaven just to spite them
You're fucked now you've said that, because you're making your decision based on a belief in a god's potential existence. So you're no longer an atheist.

I mean I'm not saying there is a god but everything we know is limited by human perception and imagination and how many misconceptions have we "proven" to be true at one point and then disproven later when more information has been found? Science isn't a perfectly objective and factual field either. We haven't found proof of any higher power but then again there's an infinite amount of unknown information about our universe and the reality we reside in. This of course doesn't mean subscribing to religious fanaticism though.

But, if the mere fact that I can produce from my thought the idea of something entails that everything that I clearly and distinctly perceive to belong to that thing really does belong to it, is not this a possible basis for another argument to prove the existence of God? Certainly, the idea of God, or a supremely perfect being, is one that I find within me just as surely as the idea of any shape or number. And my understanding that it belongs to his nature that he always exists is no less clear and distinct than is the case when I prove of any shape or number that some property belongs to its nature.


Is Redd or the porn one good? I've been looking for a new comic to read to kill time on low wifi.

Missed the point. The character smugly implies the answer is "no" but it could also be "yes." Has nothing to do with Pascal's wager, just poor writing.



Is it basically a food analogy?

I really hope there's an actual porn version of this

i wonder if the new animal crossing will have epona villager.
they already added a ganon pig to animal crossing.

There isnt. Sorry bud

How new are you? There's tons of porn for isabella.

>Playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds with some friends
>Doing ok, driving a car to pick up some friends
>Honk the horn at a building they're in to tell them to come out
>Suddenly hear "Oh shit friends, someone is trying to troll us"
>Heart sinks, it's a streamer
>Immediately leave match, change IPs, buy a new router
>Next day wake up to the email
>"You have been banned for: Stream Leaving. As you know our popular streamers need other people to play against to stay as entertaining as possible and so leaving when one is near is not only rude but unprofitable for them. You may appeal your ban after 72 hours"

Wasnt the whole deal that a streamer was banned for teamkilling?

I know that, and I've aldready fapped to Isabelle, but I wantwd to know if there's porn of that pink haired villager and Isabelle
god dammit man, there has to be, they cant blueball me like this

that doesn't stop him from hoping for a peanut butter eating Isabelle licking female villager comic

It doesn't stop me either.

I thought there was a big outrage for a stream snipe ban.

Peanut Butter was INVENTED by Aztecs and PATENTED by a White Canadian. Only think black people invented was theft.

made me chuckle

Two separate events. You have one where this guy was playing 4 man squads with 2 friends so they had a random player. They had 3 person bike so as a """joke""" the streamer killed the rando. That got him banned for tk.

Then you have one guy who kept leaving and joining games just to kill a streamer. He got banned for stream sniping.

Now people are memeing that they're going to get banned for harassment for using the new horn feature on the cars in the face of streamers because one guy got banned for stream sniping.


Was there? Didn't hear about that. Just heard some popular streamer got stream sniped and killed his team or something because he was mad. Then he got banned for setting a bad example. Didn't follow it so not sure

Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying

I'd fuck a girl with no arms.

I want to fuck that heathen.

If you're dumb enough to stream your location in online matches then you deserve to get sniped

There'd be a lot less resistance.


I do I think it's good for you

Epona IS a villager in New Leaf. Get her by scanning Zelda amiibo.

my 3ds melted.
at least i will die knowing she is one.


Could you kindly explain this comic to me like I've never physically played Animal Crossing before?

I feel like the author of this one just wanted to show of an argument he read online. He doesn't even set it up right. The little boy in HIS OWN COMIC is implying God could be the answer, not that there is no answer.

I'm an atheist myself, but people who actively try to belittle religions to make themselves feel superior are almost always cringier than the ones they're trying to insult. It's something you do as an awkward teenager who just discovered atheism, not when you're a fucking adult.

When I was still Catholic I did. All except masturbation because sexual stuff was so taboo it just was too embarassing to talk about.
It is extremely cleansing. Makes you feel completely clean and renewed. I would recommend it if you are a believer.


All the faggots who play animal crossing want to have sex with the dog mayor assistant so they pretend the dog loves the mayor even though she's in love with that one faggot translator. Mario hurt the mayor so she's going to hurt mario.

It's a Mario Kart comic, and everyone waifu's the dog girl.

so blacks have done nothing for society since that one time in 1895?


I'm just waiting for him to finish The Miskatonic Game, then see if he does anything with his Isekai idea he's posted a bit about.

Isabelle is cheering for and helping the mayor out while racing in Mario cart. Mario throws a shell and it hits the mayor. Isabelle then prepares to throw a beehive( a item from animal crossing) at Mario. Her soul dies a little more inside as she does so because she knows this is not her first hit, nor will it be her last.

and it's fucking garbage, I wish they hadn't. Arabs managed to save all the good shit anyways, someone else would have gotten it from them eventually.

What's the Isekai idea? I've only seen his commission posts.

Why did letters like ð and þ die out?

>You can't make theological arguments unless you also perform my strange childlike rituals.
He's right you know

Tonight we will be reading the long Dream

Middle aged plumber with a wife and kid wakes up in the future where all industry has been automated and no one really gives a fuck.
There's a bit more to it than that, but it's Idiocracy meets the idea of Universal Basic Income, and he's in the body of a big tittied brown girl, and being led around by a young naked boy with handprints all over his body because it's some form of art.

>Point me to a perfect writing system.
Fits its language like a glove.


because floopedydoopedyboowoplineballahadbutt is so much better

>constantine declares toleration of christianity
>things go to shit

390BC was an inside job.

Pretty much.

The only reason I show up to lol threads

Somehow discovering Ito slowly and bite sized in the wild is so tantalizing



I didn't say arabic was good retard, I said they saved the greco-roman material that everyone else had lost. Some other culture would have picked it up off of them eventually, and that was the only thing worth saving to begin with.

Oh fuck yes

Does that mean that furry wearing diapers are real? Such supreme perversions do not exist in anything but thought, so it must be rooted in the fabric of the universe.

Genuinely curious, and I don't speak Korean. Redpill me on Hangul. What's good about it exactly?

You are much less intelligent than you think you are.

I dont think there is another reason for this type of thread

I fucking hate this company.

Get a load of this pussy.

"The uniforms of the Imperial Guard are camouflaged in order to protect their wearers by hiding them from sight.

The principle is that what the enemy cannot see he cannot kill. This is not the way of the Adeptus Astartes. A Space Marine’s armour is bright with heraldry that proclaims his devotion to his Chapter and the beloved Emperor of Mankind. Our principle is that what the enemy can see, he will soon learn to fear."