Hi, we were given a blank cheque by Microsoft Corporation to destroy video games. Did we do a good job?

Hi, we were given a blank cheque by Microsoft Corporation to destroy video games. Did we do a good job?

Microsoft is complete, utter and total cancer to video gaming. First Microsoft doesn't understand gaming, they still think there is a ''tv living room'' market which gaming consoles are supposed to fill? They are so out of touch and stupid.

Secondly they only had early 360 titles because they literally bought all the launch games off PS3, as a company they are extremely hostile and cancerous. Once the 360 gained the slightest bit of tracktion they completely dropped their ''games'' focus and decided to invest all their money into kinect shovelware because they thought that was the easiest and quicker way to make money without buying launch games off other consoles and developing a real portfolio of games and building their first party studios.

Microsoft is all about short term profit gain, their recent focus on shovelware multiplayer ''games as a service'' model is even more proof of that. Who will remember garbage like Sea Of Thieves in 5 years when the multiplayer is long dead? Nobody, but if MS can rip off their customers with a $60 barbone skinnerbox game with microtransactions they're there day one.

Microsoft is a cancerous company inside and out, because of them we have paid online subscriptions, they popularized micro transactions and dlc, they invented artificial exclusivity, they invented no used games and console surveillance, they literally tried to turn console gaming into a paid TV service. No other company in the history of this industry has brought more cancer and damaged gaming more than Microsoft has and at this point it just brings me physical relief now that they're loosing but that they're not on top killing video games even more.

Fuck off and die Microsoft you cancerous pieces of shit, really.


Sorry MS, Sony beat you to the punch by about 7 years.

Meanwhile at Sony

there is a tv living room market in america where people can afford televisions and living rooms.

ah yeah, sony is such a good generous company though. i love buying remaster after remaster instead of them just implementing BC, i love how they increased the price of ps+ to be more than live, i love how you can't refund your digital purchases like on xbox, i love how you can't change your username, such a consumer friendly company

Kek I still remember that 4d graphics shit.

Coming to a PS4 near you

>The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC.
How the fuck has Sony stayed in business this long?

>Take quotes out of context
>Is still right till this day
How assblasted are Sup Forumsirgins over Sony?
I get that you hate Sony but credit where its due.

Give me (You)s

Are the PSN servers down again or something? Same posts have been showing up all day.

So this is either a sand nigger or Jamal's Girlfriend's Husband?

anytime a pro-xbox thread is made on this board it's usually followed by 15-20 threads like this

Anti-Xbox fags are the worst.

Imagine a world where Sony had no competition. Remember PS3 at launch?
>$599 US Dollars
>no exclusives
>no working online

Say what you want about Microsoft, but they brought standards to consoles. Standards in operating system, inline infrastructure, UI, controllers, etc. Even with just 4 years, the original Xbox introduces built-in hard drives, online multiplayer comparable to PC, x64 based hardware architecture (which Sony just started using with PS4), etc.

Imagine a world without Xbox. Even now, Sony can't figure out how to let you change your PSN name. The PS4 would've been a horrendous continuation of the PS3 and it's Cell processor.

Like it or not, Nintendo can't compete with Sony. Xbox is a necessary evil. The hero we deserve.

I had forgot how dumb Tretton was

>the fucking wonderbook
I wonder how much it fucking LOST.

>Hi, I'm a console war shitposter. Do me a favor, jump on my hooks and please don't report my posts.


muh dick

wtf I love Splatoon now

Is BC compatibility that upscales to 1080p, increases framerate, changes the game from 4:3 to 16:9 even possible?

since the improvement the remasters offer, makes me not mind so much. I'd much rather play kh1 in 60fps 1080p on my hdtv. Instead of playing it in 480i on my crt. Or even worse on my hdtv with input lag, and a shitty looking 4:3 image on a 16:9 screen.

>they popularized micro transactions and dlc, they invented artificial exclusivity, they invented no used games and console surveillance, they literally tried to turn console gaming into a paid TV service.
nintendo has attempted all of these things long before anyone else and the artificial exclusivity thing still happens.

Xbone does the framerate, and forces Vsync.

>i love buying remaster after remaster instead of them just implementing BC

this is the most retarded argument. how does the lack of BC on the PS4 and the fact that they are making remasters PROHIBITING me from playing my PS3 games ON MY PS3 ?

Oh yes, you go and play PS3 "games". I'll just play them on either the 360 or Xbone.

Nope as everyone bought a 3DS, Ps4, Switch or gaming PC.
Microsoft is almost irrelevant in the gaming industry now.

>Microsoft is almost irrelevant in the gaming industry now.

but muh BC !

>Microsoft is almost irrelevant in the gaming industry now.
>despite the fact that 99% of all "gaming" PCs run Windows, a Microsoft service

you tried/10

inb4 muh Linoox, maybe 1% of the gaming population actually uses that for vidya.

>b-but Sony!

>Paid online normalized
>dudebro shit pushed
>DLC and day one locked on disc content the norm
>Games half finished
Yea you sure did.

>despite the fact that 99% of all "gaming" PCs run Windows, a Microsoft service
that they get almost no money for as 99% of people use Steam and no one pays for windows.

>Sony patented this so that nobody else could actually implement it

The hero we deserve.

They're still using Windows, and thanks to the retrofitted telemetry in 7, 8 and 10, Microsoft no longer needs people to pay for Windows.

When developers stop making games for Windows, then Microsoft will cease to be relevant.


>Microsoft no longer needs people to pay for Windows.

bro you are literally the kid in the picture. you are getting fucked through the ears and you are still making shit up.

xbox is literally the only reason sony got their shit together.

So yeah. They are killing gaming.

By enabling sonybros.

This so much it hurts Sony is one of the most anti consumer companies ever unchecked they would fuck everything into the ground.

If it wasn't true, then why are people still constantly looking for software workarounds to get rid of the telemetry/encouraging blocking updates on older versions of Windows? Surely if the telemetry claims weren't true, there'd be no reason to worry.

Actually the iOS App Store and steam are the cancer killing gaming but hey enjoy your tinfoil hat.