Have you ever been entertained from watching a video game stream?

have you ever been entertained from watching a video game stream?

I can't understand why somebody would want to watch other people play video games even if they are the best in the world and not some shit LPer.

Why do you watch streams?

I feel like I'm missing something here.

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Most good streamers tell jokes and talk about interesting stuff. Other mainstream ones are boring and have no soul.

>Why do you watch streams?
I don't. I've even tried watching my friend stream RE7 but I was bored out of my mind after a while. If I wanted to watch a friend play a game, I'd go to his house and watch it there. At least then the communication will be in real time and not this chatbox bullshit. The only times I ever watch a stream is when some highly anticipated game is released early or LPers get a copy and I want to watch the game being played due to a low number of gameplay videos already on-hand.

tl;dr I would rather just play the game myself.

>The only times I ever watch a stream is when some highly anticipated game is released early or LPers get a copy and I want to watch the game being played due to a low number of gameplay videos already on-hand
this exactly

>even if they are the best in the world
Why is this a factor? Who the fuck watches streamers for their skill?

Only when I've already extensively played a game and want to see how others do it. Think of it like an athlete sitting back and watching someone else's game for once.
If it involves them talking rather than pure gameplay then points automatically get docked though.

I watch a single TF2 streamer because he has a nice voice and his videos help me go to sleep. I can't imagine watching a streamer more intently than that.
There are always eceleb threads and people talk about streamers so intimately, as if they know them personally. I could understand better if they were like a high level player who would make big pushes in whatever the game's meta is, but these are people who just sit down and play vidya with a mic on, yet anons are so devoted to people they'll never meet, or interact with at all. It doesn't make any sense.

I don't normally watch streams, but my friend showed me this one guy who'll stream from a GTA V roleplay server. It's something different and can be funny.

Not a stream but this is probably my favorite Star Fox 64 runthrogh ever.


I've been enjoying watching Age of Empires II streams.

I suspect the entertainment I get out of these is the same as the entertainment most people get from sports.

At most, I watch fighting game tournaments and maybe put on GDQs or NASA or something on in the background when they roll around.
I don't watch any streamers in particular, I just tune in to events, I guess.

I don't get it either.
Way to get media involved and cheapen your hobbies kids.

speedruns are cool


No, i only watch to demo the gameplay or occasionally if im working at home and can't play myself i put on someone's video or stream to tide me over. Minimal talking prefered

What this guy said, whenever I need something to watch while I eat I just see who's speedrunning.

For me at least it's a sort of pseudo form of social interaction, even though I never talk in chat and usually play a game with a stream in the background, it's weird I'll admit.

Maybe connection is a better word than interaction.

There are some good ones I occasionally go to for personality but most or trash. The only other times are eSports/speedruns, trophy walkthroughs if I get stuck somewhere, and if a streamer gets an early copy of a game I like.

Well in my case I'm learning more in general by watching as I play and watch fighting games

Got 2 monitors and in lobbies I can watch people who play my char and just learn more overall while reinforcing combos into muscle memory at the same time

I like watching Trump play Hearthstone, but that's mostly because I like seeing the cool decks and combos without actually having to grind or pay money to get the new cards.

And I like watching the NLSS, but it's mostly for the bantz.
Just as long as there's no FUCKING cobaltstreak

Only thing I watch are dunkey videos on YouTube.

Does he stream? Is it funny as his videos?

when my friends link me to a stream of what they're playing, i watch and talk with them about it as they play

i don't see the appeal in watching strangers

I like to watch people play games if:
A) I'm interested in buying it and want to be able to ask questions about it in real time
B) I probably won't ever buy this game but it looks fun so lets see what is going on with it.

I used to really like watching streams and lets plays, but not so much anymore.

I only rarely watch playthroughs of interesting games from people who are entertaining by themselves, and lately I've been watching Tekken 7 videos and streams because that game is always fascinating to watch.

If I watch a stream it's from someone I know and have fun talking with in the chat, or someone who is really fun to watch

Only if they're not uploading to youtube.

Some are funny, and worth watching.
And I mean come on, name me one other gamer that managed to beat Dark Souls 3 ON STREAM! Protip: You can't


i was entertained watching broteam stream batman vr for sure

I'm 27 years old so I'm not one of the kids who grew up watching streamers. I used to think it was retarded as fuck to watch someone else play a game but then I found one channel and it was actually comfy to watch while I was eating or doing something. Sometimes I fall asleep to the guys voice (no homo).

Have you never wanted to play videos games all day while you work and then you get home and by the time you have cooked, cleaned etc you are just too tired?

So you watch someone else. Iv seen every movie worth watching and the electric jew is mostly terrible.

I usually put on a stream or a let's play on YouTube of a game I like while I cook or clean my flat. It's just some sort of distraction from a menial task. It helps me concentrate and makes whatever I'm doing more fun.

Because I'm bored of what games have to offer now-a--days and I like watching other peoples reactions weather it be new or even old vidya I've played/grew up with.

Only once. They guy was playing Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission at the same time with the inputs being used in both games. it was a good show of multi tasking and coordination.

I like video games so I watch them instead of TV.

Because is the closest thing to having a friend i got.

Too close to home, user.

Let's Drown Out is funny. Too bad it's over.

i only do it so I can ask stupid questions and tell stupid jokes and watch the streamer get mad
>if you have a dollar for every gender what would you spend your 2 dollars on?
>how many germans does it take to make a bar of soap? It depends on if they are Jewish.
>how long have you been streaming and when did you tell your parents you would not be working a real job and instead playing video games for a living?
>why don't you play LoL(if they are streaming dota)/Why aren't you playing dota(if they are streaming LoL)

One doesn't simply watch a stream, you have to interact with the streamer.

A. Because it has a high skill ceiling and I want insight into how to play well
B. The streamer is playing an unreleased/new game and I want to see for myself if it's any good
C. I've already beaten the game and want to experience it again through the context of another person.
D. I know I won't enjoy the game as a whole, but it's relatively short and the story's interesting

I would never watch a full playthrough of any kind of game with story spoilers in it..

Competitive or speedruns.

Whoa OP is so badass and different, he doesn't watch streams. If fact, he's so hardcore he doesn't even understand how such lowly things can entertain us mortals! What a guy!

He beat Dark Souls 3 on stream? This guy is FUCKED

Why not listen to podcasts like a sane person?

i enjoy watching vidya girls

what's it like being a sad fuck who can't enjoy things?

perfect play of Until Dawn
should've really just been a movie

because i have no friends and background noise when playing osrs

I work long overnight shifts with a lot of downtime so yeah.
Some people just have entertaining personalities that make watching them fun.

You put it in your post despite not understanding it

I want to watch the best players and see their thought process for certain actions so I can improve on it as well.

There are honestly games that are better watched than played. Add a streamer that actually watchable there you go.
Take Hearthstone for instance.

>have you ever been entertained from watching a video game stream?
Only a couple of times after I got Super Mario Maker.
I made some relatively tricky levels (not Kaizo shit, just slightly tricky puzzles) and would find unpopular Twitch streamers playing Super Mario Maker who were taking requests and would watch them as they played the level in real time. It was pretty fun.

Other than that one specific use of watching someone playtest user-content in real time without the bias that comes with being friends/family with the person who made it, streamers and their audience can fuck off.

I don't watch actual streams but I'll watch the occasional edited stream highlight video of various fighting game players if there's nothing better on my YouTube feed.

Watching a stream of a horrible mess to make fun of it with a few other anons is always entertaining. We need more mystery of the druids streams

I was absolutely hooked on RoosterTeeth / Let's Play. I would watch every single video and knew the release schedules. It was mostly because I had and still have no friends, so watching a group of close friends play video games together and have fun was something that made me happy. Like I was living vicariously through them maybe. I started watching long before Let's Play became it's own channel and stopped once Ray left. That kinda killed it for me. Not so much that without Ray it was shit, but something idk if I can put a word to.

Not really streams, but speedruns and no damage/challenge runs.
Mainly because I get insight into stuff I never even think about or consider, like an approach to a boss, secrets, AI quirks etc.

I like ProtonJon's streams in moderation
His fortune cookie setup lets me see games I otherwise would've never heard of.
Like the Antz cart racing game or Samurai Jack for GBA, the games that pop up are often obscure, I just find it neat I guess.

The only exception

displays of masterful skill and perseverance

have you ever enjoyed something i dont enjoy?
i cant understand how somebody could enjoy something i dont

I enjoy watching speedrunners

i used to watch a couple streamers because they were pros or former pros in a purely competitive game.

i learned how they build their characters, what characters they think are good and bad, what items are good and bad, and i studied their combos and positioning. it made me a much better player.

why are you against what people do in their free time or during downtime at work?

People watch streams purely for the social aspect. They are lonely and streamers subconsciously bring to mind memories of when the viewer was a child and played games with friends. That's it.

I only watch fighting game tournaments. If I was into shooters I'd probably watch those tournaments. That's it though, I don't follow any streamers or anything.

I find streams intolerably boring to watch, but yet I watch a lot of "Best moments" youtube videos for games like Hearthstone and League, and even some games I don't play, like CS:GO.

what about youtube videos? is that a pseudo form of interaction due to the comments? or is it the fact that its in realtime, so like watching a sports game or the news.

i get how people think a ton of people watch streams for the social aspect, but its really just watching a video that happens to be live, and the comments section is like an instant messenger, its just a way for jaded 4channers to feel superior, even though they watch streams or videos of someone playing a video game and talking about it


I love seeing people experience a story for the first time, it brings me back to how I felt playing the game for my first time.

I feel like there's two reasons people watch streamers

>main reason
they're lonely and it's like they're playing video games with a friend or watching a friend play

>secondary reason
the streamer is probably better at the game than they are and they'd rather watch someone who doesn't suck

The vast majority of gamers are failed normies who wish they had friends. That's the harsh reality.

I either watch a stream because a friend is playing something and we can talk about junk while playing a game.

Other times its because the people playing are interesting and they make for good background noise while I play something else.

I watch top players to see what they do differently and where I can improve

not really.. most posts said the watched it for other than the social aspect, or are you calling everyone a liar?

I'm calling everyone a liar, yes.

why do you post on Sup Forums? are you lonely and posting is like chatting with friends online? or is it similar to the other reasons people have been posting?

same here, sometimes watching speedruns of games I haven't played is interesting, but only for a few minutes. Otherwise I just want to see them tear apart my childhood. Or even if they aren't speedrunning as long as it's a game I absolutely love it's somewhat interesting to watch.

Any other form of streaming and I'm out. Much more fun to actually play it myself.

I think the majority of streamers audiences outside of the esports and speedrunning areas are comprised of children who can't afford the game they like, and their conditioning at a young age to rely on youtube and the internet for entertainment.

tl:dr I'm Kyle and Stan who would rather play games than his little brother Ike and his friends who would rather watch other people play them.

for reference: southpark.cc.com/clips/jec8f5/okay-grandpa

I like watching people on youtube playing fighting games... im only sub par at them and its cool to see good people at it

A few reasons.

>I'm a poorfag, so watching decent LPs and Streamers helps to not waste my money

>Streamers of choice have nice voices and help me sleep

>Me and friends enjoy watching other people and each other stream because we all miss that feeling of playing games on the couch together, or just watching the one of us who was good at whatever game just blaze through it.

>Niche shit like speedruns, nuzlocke runs, corruptions, hacks, ect. are neat to watch

how is it any different from any other form of entertainment? it's like a live tv show except youre watching the entertainer play a game. some stand up comics have bits similar to this.

but it's hard to find good ones. the popular streamers are all boring sellout fucks who are terrible at all their games and aren't entertaining at all. people like Aris or tyler1 at least provide something entertaining instead of sucking their chat's dicks to get the most amount of donations possible.

Never watch that shit. It's for dumb kids that have no personality and aren't the least bit interesting.

Background noise
Funny/insightful streamer
Learn about new games

I only really watch 3 LPer's, and 1 I'm considering dropping because of how fucking annoying they've gotten. I use to like them but all they fucking do now is bitch and one of them's becoming a tumblrina faggot.

Not the ones I mentioned but would Cowchop even be considered a let's play channel, considering they don't really do let's play's as such and do other non vidya related shit.

I might watch a few minutes of a stream or LP to see what a game is like and if I'd want to play it. I listen to the NLSS stream, with no image, while I rest my eyes because it's relaxing and really it's a few friends having an entertaining conversation about their do nothing lives.


>why do people watch sports, just go play it yourself
>why do people visit trade shows, just buy the tools and do it yourself
>why do people watch documentaries, just go explore yourself
>why do people watch comedians, just go tell jokes yourself
>why do people watch action movies, just go shoot up a bank yourself
>why do people watch political debates, just go into politics yourself

>why do people go to funerals
>when you can fucking kill yourself
