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Video Games #3873
Video Games
Which series has better music?
Resident Evil
This saves the XCOM
Post your "dream game" ideas
Would you pay a girl to play video games with you?
When the FUCK will we get a Borderlands 3
What went SO right, making this unironically one of the best games ever made, Sup Forums?
Whats the best and most realistic sexual intercouse simulator?
How hard is it to remake a game?
Why aren't more games programmed in C?
ITT: Games women will never understand
Im playing enemy within on an ipad
Movie games are cancerous
Alright how the fuck do you get blood splatters like this from a broken wrist and a single stab wound?
The great debate
The rage towards the combat mechanics of Morrowind is super exaggerated and constantly used by casuals who fail at...
Blizzard to launch 'global diversity and inclusion initiative'
ITT: Games that have sadly fallen into licensing Hell for whatever reason
How the FUCK can western games be saved?
Dragon's Dogma
ITT: Useless party members
The experimentation era in video games is long gone
Feel like buying the new 2DS
This is Solid Snake
How do we fix Mercy mains?
Kingdom Hearts 3
Big budget tv show now completely rip off video games
Download failed
What's your favorite Xenoblade area and why?
Just beat this and I want to talk about it
Post games you want ported to PS4/Xbone/PC
How is your commieblock doing?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Crackdown delayed again
What went SO right, making this unironically one of the best games ever made, Sup Forums?
This game and it's sequel was the best SRPG to be released in years
Who else here learned to love pixels from growing up with them?
Quake Champions
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (J)
What went wrong?
Sup Forums will defend this
Official Sonic Mania Thread
There are girls who like Akechi just because he's handsome and cute
What went wrong?
I'm pretty shit at factorio
If you could pick one 10+ year old game to be remade with state-of-the-art graphics, what would it be?
Why don't more people play healer? I'm constantly being forced to go healer, and you obviously go with Mercy...
How do we stop Uncharted winning GOTY two years in a row?
This kill the Mass Effect
You must gather your party before venturing forth
I refuse to acknowledge 3D sonic games as real sonic games. To me, the entire series consists of 1, 2, 3&K, CD...
Hello, I'm the worst Sonic Mania player ever. Ask me anything
Switch appreciation thread
CONTINUED >>387379901
What's your weird vidya headcanon?
Jonathan Monsarrat, the glorious founder of Turbine and self-proclaimed inventor of the MMORPG...
Quick, post a list of the game(s) you've played in the last 7 days and others will rate your taste
Adding blue means the super gates are wide open
2007 Sup Forums
Cant believe I wasted my money on this piece of shit with no games...
Is Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines an actual good game or just a meme game?
How do I enjoy vidya again?
LiS: Before the Storm
You guys hate this game because you're young and stupid and don't understand the story...
Industry veterens with $2,000,000 kickstarter campaign
Game thanks you for playing
Nice balance Rare
What the fuck were they thinking?
Why do people hate to play support characters?
StarCraft: Remastered
Evangelion + Saturn
Why did Jon Snow want to destroy Earth?
Is it even possible to play it on PC? Sure...
Gamer fuel thread
Holy shit this game is so fucking good. This is GOAT tier in terms of artistry and gameplay
How jaded do you have to be to not enjoy Nier Automata?
Fix a game Franchise
Post overrated characters
Hey Sup Forums
I just want to talk about Wolfenstein 2
Why did they make him say "yosh" in the English version?
Honest opinion on Lord Moldybutt?
What are some games that threw a boss at you that made you think, "wait, am I actually supposed to fight this?"
What are some games with gigantic enemies?
October 27th is my birthday. Which one should I pickup first?
Will this god among men ever get another game?
I have 15$ in my steam account what the fuck do I buy
Gunz thread
If you could change/remove one thing about DoTA 2, what would it be?
Have games been declining in quality in recent years? If so, when did this start happening and why is it happening?
Are any of the modern wrestling games any good...
Post gaming related walls
Doomguy replaces the final boss of the last game you've played
Gearbox to publish We Happy Few. Price instantly doubled
Why are Quarian girls so much hotter than both Asari and Human girls?
How did you react the first time you fought Slave Knight Gael?
JRPG thread
Wolfenstein 2
Overwatch World Cup
Watch this thread get buried with memes, but w/e
Top 10 Pokemon
Death Cargo
Game kills off your strongest party member halfway through
I hate these cunts so fucking much
Poison is a pretty cool dude. Would hang out with
What are some game series that have gone on way too long and just aren't fun anymore?
Why do Japanese artists love Riesz?
Do you have a folder of vidya art? what's in it?
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
Holy shit I love this game now
What is the best bug or glitch you've ever encountered in a game?
*blocks your path*
Far Cry 5
What's the first game to have an expansion pack? And by that I mean an expansion pack that required the base game...
Junko appreciation thread
Have you pre-ordered Cordelia's game yet, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums meta thread
Who else hyped to kill some nazis?
I have never played a worse game in my entire life
Should I kill the WAU? It's trying its best to keep humanity alive, even if it sucks at it
Was pic related bad game design or are gamers today just that stupid?
Name 5 (five) good JRPGs released in the past five years
Uncanny Valley
That game you bought on a whim or as part of a bundle, which ended up taking you completely by surprise
What video games did you play today?
Classic vidya videos
How would you make a sequel that doesn't feel like a blatant rehash?
What is your favorite Science Adventure game?
Hey user, what's your gamertag!?
Sonic Forces = BOOSTSHIT
Sonic Mania
Is 2017 the best year for gaming in years?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Game has an overpowered cheese mechanic/ability
Sup Forumsidya DrawThread
Smash needs better taunts. It's not fair that some characters are so taunt-challenged
How can 3D Sonic work?
GBA was a fucking amazing handheld
Could Sup Forums survive the Dead Space thread?
ITT post the biggest cunts that the video game industry has seen over the years
Shadowrun series
Give it to me straight/v/; will stealth games ever make a comeback?
Holy FUCK this thing is a little device of magic
Literally can't wait to kill nazis
When was the last time an anime game was actually good?
This is a tenga
Getting all golds unlocks jack shit
VNs are not videogames
Top seller number 28 worldwide. Did you do your part and buy Moero Chronicle, senpai?
ITT: Sequels that are so much better than the original game
Six more days until GOTY
Why would someone wear shoes like this? What is the purpose when they just cut off half way?
Is Star Fox Zero worth playing?
Birthright or Conquest?
Would Splatoon be better with more squid milfs?
How do you decide whether the price asked for a game is fair or not?
Giant Bomb thread
How come MS or Sony don't come up with their toys-to-life or similar competition against the amiibos?
I want to get into VNs, which ones should I play?
No Man's Sky
Do you buy vidya merchandise?
Tekken thread
Wasted Potential: The Series
Sonic Team gets dissolved in FIVE MINUTES unless YOU can explain why they shouldn't be
How do you get good at fighting games?
ITT: Post you top 10 on steam and get judged
Alright Sup Forums, why do you hate it?
This is the best controller
How come in 30 years of vidya, there are almost no LOTR RPGs or any games set in the first age?
You didn't ACTUALLY hold it like this, did you?
Why does sonic look so annoyed?
Look up reviews for a game on steam
I finish this game today and I don't regret nothing. It was good
What's a fun game that you can waste hundreds or thousands of hours in that isn't a MMO?
Sup Forumsirgins play chess
Now that it's settled that he can have a great 2D game in the modern era, when are we going to see a great 3D Sonic?
Where can I play as a violent little girl?
What went wrong?
E-sports is a cancer, yes or sure?
What do you want to see in FFXVI?
Was this the best qte game ever made?
Cold Steel
Sup Forums buzzwords that unironically trigger you
How much sleep do you get Sup Forums?
Why did Chiaki have to exist again?
You ever get the feeling that you have to get away from it all? When the life you have just isn't enough? I mean...
I'm excited, bros
What are some good ghetto-ass games, Sup Forums?
This is NOT what a good platformer looks like
What are some games where I can be a celebrity who is so based they end up becoming the leader of their country?
Honest thoughts on Russians in games?
Nobody plays overwatch anymo-
Leaving church after wensday night service
The best GTA is this
This is Sargeras, lord of the Burning Crusade
One of these threads
Why do people hate Kamoshida but not Kawakami when there both guilty of breaking the same law?
That one game for which you postponed your suicide
Sum up a game in one image
Is this the most difficult boss fight in the souls series?
Spend 5 Seasons stuck in Gold playing Tank and DPS. Decide fuck it, and decide to play Mercy
So what controllers make the best vibrators for this game? 360 pads don't really stay in place very easily
ITT: Vidya characters you didn't like at first
Reminder that men are not objectified in video games, they are idealized
ITT: Trigger Sup Forums
I'm lonely and I need real life friends to talk about vidya with
Who's the best vidya detective?
You should be able to solve this
Which console had the worst launch in terms of games
Tell me Sup Forums, who was your First?
Will there ever be a better DBZ game Sup Forums?
This is Pearl from Off the Hook. She's way better than any of these Overwatch girls
Objectively the finest games ever crafted
Is this actually good?
Nintendo Direct next week
ITT: the best games of their respective series
So is it any good?
Best couples in game
Are Nintendo scared of their own fans now?
Is FFXIV the new WoW? FFXIV continues to grow while WoW continues to decline...
ITT: Autistic shit you do in vidya
If Sega came back into the hardware industry would you support them, Sup Forums?
Is there a richer villain in video game fiction?
Dies off screen and is mentioned only once at the start of the game and never again for the rest of the series
This is Zelda. Say something nice about her!
What exactly is wrong with having sexy women in video games...
The grand exchange was the single biggest factor in ruining runescape
3x3 thread
*blocks your Path*
Whats your dream game?
Horizon Zero Dawn
Exausted system so you cannot use the same soldiers over and over
Webm thread I guess
Remember that one time Sonic fucking died and then a human kissed him and he came back to life?
/ourguy/ hates new XCOM expansion
So now that Xbox has essentially committed suicide and relegated itself permanently to being the lesser home gaming...
Is this emergent gameplay?
These are the best video game soundtracks of all time according to
Ashley :3
ITT: Games with great story but terrible gameplay
Post your vidya OC
What are your predictions for how this will turn out, especially with the backlash toward it?
Who /Final Fantasy Brave Exvius/ here?
Total War: Warhammer 2
Number one rule of level design is to not design levels that are trial and error based
Kirby thread
Since PlayStation All-Stars 2 is getting a sequel with characters like
PS4 Game thread
We can all agree 2 is the best Silent Hill, right?
Name ONE good ice level
Will we ever get good licensed anime games again? What series would you like see get a game?
So class
What am I missing?
How bad is your computer/internet addiction?
Mass Effect 1
What is the Fallout New Vegas faction you would ACTUALLY support?
It's time for Gottfried Ruins Gaming. You leave a gaming quote in the thread and I read it
This is Poison. Say something nice about Poison
Denuvo v5 got cracked - Hunting.Simulator-CPY
Nintendo Switch Bending Problems Are Still A Thing
If this is the final release date roster how likely are you to skip the game till it goes on sale for like 20$ and its...
Why don't you own a Switch?
Weekly EZA Thread
Smash Bros thread?
This, im in a profesional team and im bored, im gonna answer things about my job
Are you guys fucking hyped? This hot baby is finally slamming your PS4 in 6 days
Are tsundere/yandere game characters good in your opinion?
ITT : 10/10 voice acting performances
The King is dead
How do you go from this
What are some games that let you use your intellect to win?
Why didn't they just let you choose to die with him Sup Forums? It hurts without him
Do you think Tales will die within these next few years? We already saw the death of Star Ocean
What are the best games you've played this year Sup Forums?
Decide to wait for 3 games I want to come out for the Switch before I buy
I demand a Morrowind thread
Why do people pre-order games?
How do we fix the MMO trinity?
ITT: childhood PTSD
What is the Berserk of vidya? Not Dark Souls, that just has designs based on Berserk
Whats with Nintendo and making really detailed Mario characters?
Name a more perfect woman in video games. Go on, lads. Give it a whirl. I guarantee that you will fail
Anyone else tired of these fucking annoying pedo bait characters that japanese devs keep shoving in their games...
Destiny 2 game
Was it Takeda Hiromitsu reference?
I spent $40 on this pile of garbage come laugh at me ITT
Why do game developers think adding an asshole option is ever a good idea?
It's time to discuss the deepest lore of all time
Who was in the wrong here?
So a healer revenant is shit, then...
Gaming confessions thread
Japanese game
Best game of all time general
Far from home
What are the most obviously marketed games on Sup Forums?
How can one girl be so perfect?
Capkids on other games:
New Yakuza thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Show me your Souls characters Sup Forums
ITT: Gamer buddy stories
ITT: Characters from your state
It's not politica-
Oh you like Fallout? Have you ever tried S.T.A.L.K.E.R? It's a game whe-
Where were you when cyberpunk kino released today?
What is the room of vidya?
What do you guys think of Tiffany Lockheart?
Webm thread
This is actually fun!
I just finished playing this. What did I think of it Sup Forums?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that lady Purple Heart is the one true Neptunia goddess?
Has a game ever made you hate yourself?
Where the fuck is she?
Artwork titled "Bath 2077" made by official CDPR concept artist
Why the fuck aren't you playing the Polish horror version of Deus Ex right now?
What would an IRA game be like ?
Estimate the number of games you've played in your entire life
Gay men and women appreciation thread...
Thoughts about Mexican Mario?
Witchers are meant to be repulsive, ugly freaks with bulging eyes
Games you remember playing but dont know the name of
Sup Forums, I have terrible news. Specter and the monkeys escaped AGAIN!
Hi Sup Forums, I need your help
Monster Hunter Thread
Game has multiple choicea
Why aren't you playing GOTY right now Sup Forums?
ITT: Games/genres you try hard to like but can't
Sonic Mania
Who can stop him?
ITT people who did literally absolutely nothing wrong
Tell me again why Emulation runs so poorly on the Vita STILL?
The characters are all unlikable and the game is fucking unplayable, why would ANYONE defend this piece of crap?
Push to talk
Why aren't you playing OSU Sup Forums?
What do you think about Princess Zelda?
Brand the Famicom with their name outside Japan
FF game where you play as Gilgamesh
Yo-Kai will never be real
Now that the dust has settled:
Paid online wasnt standard yet
The absolute state of WWE games
When was the last time you experienced buyer's remorse?
So much shilling and its dead already
Super Mario Odyssey
Post the very first thing and the very last thing you do in a game. Sup Forums guesses what game it is
Best character is only in the game for 5-10 minutes tops
This game is actually pretty fun. Why did you guys lie to me and say it was bad?
Moments in video games that only men understand
Wondering about getting RE Revelations
Literally gambling for children
Sonic mania is literally perfe-
Why are videogames incapable of having a story/character arc?
Who wins here, bros?
ITT: only 10/10 games
Pretends to be your friend
Best character in jrpg PERIOD
This is honestly amazing...
Are there any other games out there that make you feel like an absolute badass that can come even remotely close to...
*blocks your tweets*
Is PUBG finished?
Rate this game from 0 to 10 for me
PUBG abandons weekly and monthly patch schedule to maintain 'high standard of quality'
Literal 10/10, only plebs and contrarian disagree
When you really think about it who was wrong here?The Patriots or solidus
Whats the fastest way to lose a friend?
Tfw you'll never get trapped in an MMO
Give me 1 (one) reason to actually defeat a single architect
Wow, apparently...
You have precisely 86 femtoseconds to tell me what map this is or you fall into a pool of lava
Are there any characters you ship?
Comfy agents of mayhem thread
Thoughts on Yo Noid 2?
1990: Hahaha look at that geek nerd on his computer
>Gearbox publishing We happy few
Todd howard will die in your lifetime
I finally finished every Souls game and Bloodborne. I can now understand what the fuck people are talking about
Apologize to Nintendo Switch
What's the best budget graphics card on the market? AMD RX 580?
What in the goddamn FUCK
Det är det enda ni gör på dagarna ni sitter där i Ventrilo och spelar "DotA."
Mods I'm telling you I'm gonna erase all fucking mods...
Dragons Dogma
Tap door twice
Hey Sup Forums
What are some games where it turns out you are the true villain?
Has only one eye
Enemy has 1% chance of dropping an item
Free to play games are tra-
Split screen co op died during your lifetime
Not an easy answer
Moe Chronicles unlocks on Steam in 1 hour. Let's have our thread
Hello, we are the worst confidants in Persona 5
Were LianShi's breast really that big? And, is there any other musou girl that has bigger breasts than her?
Have videogames ever help you smash pussy IRL?
Modding ruins the artistic vision of a ga-
Knuckles in a hotdog suit
What the fuck was this guys problem?
Haha dude I'm an autistic retard haha
Did anyone else play this game?
Which one is the best semen demon?
Controller breaks
Are mobas one of the worst thing that could have happened to the gaming indusrty?
What happened to tactical shooters?
Guys should I buy it or not? final 30min of the sale
He can't keep getting away with this
Is he right?
Be honest, Sup Forums
Game brings up the multiverse theory
What are your
Why would you make a game that you can finish in 60 minutes, and then expect me not to refund it?
How do we get rid of girls who only play Mercy?
Yous gonna buy tems game?
Persona 5 Thread
How are you not making money off playing video games if this idiot can do it?
Holy shit
What mobile games do you like?
This is Betilla. Say something nice about her
Is it September yet?
What are the GREAT sonic games, besides the genesis games? I want quality Sonic but not dated stuff
Is it good?
I don't want her smelly maid feet on my pillow
When are you going to realize that most videogame/movie soundtracks are fucking awful and just serve to pander to loser...
Aerith or Tifa?
Why did Sup Forums like him?
Are there any games with satanic imagery?
What differs a noob from a pro, in your opinion, Sup Forums?
You are now hearing it
Splatoon 2
No additional collosi will be added
Dude, this game has swearing, blood, gore, and tits
Left is better
How does Ubisoft keep fucking up?
Do Sup Forums like tanks? I wish there were more tank games that isn't simulator
Post your reaction when.......Oil Ocean Zone
3&K > Mania > 2 > 1
No no no no NOOOOOOOO!
Why on earth aren't you playing it?
There are people on Sup Forums who shit on best girl because too many people agree that she is best girl
Mfw Switch and PS4 are selling pretty well
Dorgans Dagmar on PS4
YFW you didn't fall for the VR meme
Why do diablo-like action RPG's have quests...
How long will it take for people to understand MGSV?
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
Are you hella ready for the prequel, Sup Forums?
Remember when video games were just fun?
FP1 Surpassed Sonic 4 if not most modern 2d action platformers
The analog stick of this piece of shit just stopped working properly, I CAN'T FUCKING DRAW A CIRCLE, DIAGONALS ARE OFF
This is the main protagonist from an upcoming japanese indie game, say something nice about her
Why the fuck didnt they just make Generations 2 instead of this shit?
Mission started: "with friends like these..."
Dude turn your mic on
Greatest fuck-ups in gaming journalism
Have the people playing this game not played any of the previous games in the series?
I just threw my controller against the wall and broke it cause I couldn't get past the first level of dmc3 on dante...
What do you guys think about the Switch?
I'm not impressed by Sonic Mania, it's a low 7 at best
ITT: Vidya confessions
So now that we've all played it, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
So I just finished this game...
Nioh Thread?
Sonic finally gets a good game
On August 16, the price for the game will become US$50.99
ITT: Essential Gothic Vidya
So is it worth $12 on Switch?
Whatever happened to Ulillillia?
Give me one good reason why you're not playing this years GOTY, Sup Forums
Serious question: is it worth getting a PS4 at this point even if I have to get a slim?
An evil white child murders the misunderstood antagonist of the game, a goat prince named Israel
What is the last shmup you played?
Social Justice: The Game
Help NPC with quest in RPG
Reminder that the Japanese have better genre names than we do
What video character do you want to see in real life?
What made Levine design Elizabeth to be so sexy in Burial at Sea?
This has got to be the holy trinity of overrated fucking games. They're boring and control like shit...
Roll 'em and weep, boys
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
This is Morrigan Aensland, S-class demon and future ruler of the Makai realm. Say something nice about her
Do yous guys use ethernet or wi fi for online gaming?
Get called out and insulted by teammate over mic for sucking
Did you ever cheat in online games?
Media Create 8/7-8/13
Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)
Think of a solo game. Got it ? Now describe how you'd add multiplayer to it
What does Sup Forums think of the new Hearthstone expansion so far?
Conan Exiles
Did you pre-order it yet?
Catgirl 2b
He plays female characters when given the choice
Games are waste of time
In which state do you prefer playing a video game Sup Forums? High or drunk?
How do you feel about Boobie Emblem?
Looking back, wouldn't this be like calling Zelda 2, "Zelda Sidescroller" or Kirby Superstar "Kirby Minigames"?
Check trophies/achievements
Games with good human shield mechanics?i only know mgs and the last of us
He didnt buy Korean B.B.Q. plate
Can Westerners ape the anime style in a tactful way?
New Denuvo on Agents of Mayhem
What game allows you to employ elaborate traps?
Drakengard 4
SCALEBOUND was always destined for cancellation
Son, if you have any questions about game mechanics, feel free to ask
Why Sup Forums doesn't talk about this game?
Switch Japan
How's LR Goku farming going? Just unlocked all the paths when the gods dropped two Gokus for me
This is the biggest piece of shit company that ever existed
No more weekly and monthly patches
Serious thread
64 minute dota match
What do we think of him?
Playing a Retribution spec Paladin in Vanilla World of Warcraft
What went wrong?
PC fags.... This your future now
Breath of the Wild
How the FUCK do people finish a 100 hour game in 5 days AND achieve platinum? Thats like 20 hours of gaming a day!
How is the sonic chronology?
Crash bandicoot n-sane trilogy well received and good sales
Why aren't there more good stealth games?
Is this game considered to be good and/or representative of the series as a whole?
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Playing Ragnarok Online
Who would win in a 1 on 1 fight?
Lets laugh about the state of the gaming industry
Your thoughts on roguelikes?
Stormblood has been out for 2 months now. What are your impressions of it?
So, Sup Forums, my dog will be euthanized next friday. Recommend me some games I can play to ease the pain...
Space games thread
So, I got my first controller for PC, but everytime I use the pause button in games, it changes windows
This game is floaty and bad t b h
Does anyone even care about this?
Did nothing wrong
10,000+ copies sold
Boy I sure do love "discussing" Yu-Gi-Oh games
ITT: Revolutionary ideas that came from otherwise shit games
Extremely high skill ceiling
Are you going to buy Stoya's game user?
Aesthetic as fuck
So i always wanted to play a martial arts focused rpg and recently learned of the existence of this game...
Tekken 7 sold more units in two months than Street Fighter 5 did in a year
Watch this Sup Forums!
They already confirmed that all the future DLC is cancelled and that there won't be more games...
Just grabbed a wii u
How do you acquire your video games?
Very good Sonic mania very good.................................SHIKASHI
Normie/Casual thread?
What went right?
Did you know that there are ants in Skyrim?
This video game proves that video games can be art!
This is Ibuki. She's training to be a ninja. She's also looking for some cute guys...
What did you think about they're game Sup Forums?
What is your ideal single player RPG?
30 years war
Why aren't you trying to get in to the esport scene?
I made the basis for a pretty fun Roblox game, now I need help adding content!
Friends go on about Overwatch for like a year
The version of Hydrocity Act 2 (the song) in Sonic Mania is so much worse than the Megadrive version...
Who was in the wrong here?
Upcoming games you're looking forward to
Join an mmo guild
Anyone know where I can get this game cheap? The lowest I've seen it at is £25...
Anyone else hyped for this game?
If you're too sick to go to school you are too sick to play videogames
Why are tanks always the broest players?
Just who the hell is going to buy this?
Here's your controller bro
Are these the best pokemon games?
Why aren't you playing Ion Hazzikostas Magnum Opus that is World of Warcraft: Legion? You literally have no excuse
Game has choices in the story
Turn off game
Who is this?
I know the next Splatfest hasn't even been announced yet, but fuck it. Let's celebrate Pearl's Splatfest victory early
Why not talking about this?
Where did things go wrong?
Seemingly everyone who has ever existed praises this game as the best thing since the internet
The boss battles are shit
Why japanese are so bad at rts?
You will never be this comfy again
The Villain only became your enemy to help you become more powerful and evil like them
Hangin in there Sup Forums ?
Who would win?
A bunch of slime starts falling from the sky
No Man's Sky
2018? Maybe..?
Dragon's Dogma
Did Sup Forums find Archdragon Peak and Untended Graves without looking online?
I just lost my first and best captain who sailed in a merchant ship...
Perfect vidya bodies
What are some games I can play as a holy warrior and/or cleanse the lands of infidels?
Post you're idle animation
Enemy eats you
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What the fuck was her problem ?
What went wrong?
Is the xbox one the worst mainstream console of all time?
Strongest character is a female
Only hobby is playing video games
What is this expression meant to convey?
So how do you like remastered graphics so far?
ITT: Games that will never come out
Pirate nier Automata
Have you ever been entertained from watching a video game stream?
What's in the parcel Sup Forums?
This saves the franchise
Late night Maple thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...