Rate this game from 0 to 10 for me

rate this game from 0 to 10 for me

i've never played any horror games and this caught my attention but im just not sure. how is it ? spoiler free pls

8/10 though its a game you either hate or love.

If you want some deep characters and a coherent story that flows, you will not like this game.

If you just want a typical TPS, but with tons of variety in both enemies and locations, you'll like this. Game goes bonkers with everything.

It's shit, but for some reason has a couple autists here defending it like the second coming. Torrent it and see whether you like it or not.


I played the demo and I didnt like it

then its probably not for me. thanks though

here, have a pic of my weird dog



see its awful. even for a action game its awful.
but for someone who "never played any horror games" it could be dumb enough to work. go for it, but be aware that there are far better horrogames out there.

Go for something acclaimed if it's your first time. I dunno, RE4 or the Suffering if you're more into action horror.

2/10, made me buy and install it but couldn't play for more than half an hour.
Controls were shit and the letter boxing is fuck annoying too.

Love or hate game, I guess.

Its not a very good horror game, its an ok action/gore game. So if you're in the mood for seeing a lot of body horror and salsa on the screen, its not bad.

>Controls were shit and the letter boxing is fuck annoying too.

I love the fact consolefags still can't get rid of those letterboxes, while the PC version has had the option to take them off since its release.

Serves consoleplebs right.

Was this an excuse to post a pic of your dog. Cause if it was, thanks.

8/10 for me. I loved it I would say if you liked RE4 you'll enjoy it. It's harder though than RE4 and you can't rambo shit all the time which strangely people complained about it even when they complain about RE being too easy. There's just no winning.

They released a patch a long time ago to get rid of the letterbox for console releases as well.

i can understand when someone likes this piece shit. but holy hell you are using the scale wrong.

TEW is an action horror through and through, and it's the next evolutionary step from Resident Evil 4 in terms of a wider variety ways to deal with threats and overcome obstacles.
The biggest problem is that the controls can be janky as fuck, but if they polish things a bit more for the sequel it could become one of the greatest games in its genre, easily.


Pros: Incredible atmosphere, pretty challenging, tense combat, actual resource management, lengthy campaign with lots of variety, addictive upgrade system although some of upgrades are a bit ridiculous

Cons: plot is presented horribly, characters are bland and generic, although I liked Seb for some reason, high learning curve will put off some people, some gameplay inconcistencies, almost all bosses have instant deaths.

Overall I really liked it.

it has some great stealth/action sequences in the early midgame

but on a whole it's a slog.

>Incredible atmosphere

jesus christ

8/10 using sometimes infinite ammo helps you deal with some stress.

yes? Chapters 2,3, 9 and 10 especially. Just wish the latter half wasn't a shitty RE4 clone.

Evil within 2 could be the next re4

>shit talks without knowing what he is even talking about

evil within could be the next re6

It's a 6.5 game, decent enough for a playthrough, especially since you can now get it on the cheap side.

2/10, it's a fucking mess, controls are the true nightmare of the game and the story is no better than a bloody turd.

I'm not touching another Evil Within in my life.

Your opinion is shit.

Controls were fine and story wasn't too shabby.

Shove off, it's easily an 8/10 and metacritic can suck a dick.

Absolute garbage. Laughing at the autist in here defending it.

> for some reason has a couple autists here defending it like the second coming
it's more like some autist like to shittalk about it without giving any actual reason why it's bad other than "everything about the game is shit"

Quit same fagging

The Inner Recesses chapter was good down in the hospital. Reminded me if SH2. Rest of the game was 7/10


Some fun to be had.
Sneaking mechanics make it boring but if you play it like RE4 it can be fun.

For me personally it's a 9/10, but objectively I'd say it's 7/10. The gameplay is much like re4 with more traps and a bit more action. The game mixes stealth and action, but you're often railroaded into one or the other.
>mfw getting through chapter 10 on akumu mode today

>Controls were shit
I can't fucking uderstand what's people's problem with them

it's literally just a better version of RE4's controls and people here glorify that game as literal perfection. The only difference is that this game is actually hard, so I guess unlike with RE4, people here got frustrated with the controls.

I don't get it either. The controls are fine and require you to be more careful with your aiming. I don't get how there are people that praise old RE's control scheme but say this game has shit controls. It's just unreal.