Should I kill the WAU? It's trying its best to keep humanity alive, even if it sucks at it

Should I kill the WAU? It's trying its best to keep humanity alive, even if it sucks at it.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, user. It's just torturing the corpse of humanity.

It was programmed that way; the AI shrink knew that a machine could never understand what a 'soul' was, that's why he tried to kill it.

Damn, i completely forgot about that game, OP. Gonna play it again.

The ending sucks, not because it's bad but because there was many more options than just giving up and let simulations of brain waves float in space.

Like what?

We really don't know what he found out.
The WAU was getting smarter at each second. Maybe it DID found out about soul.


It blew up like 10 people's heads when the grand total of live humans was, like, 20.

The scan/robots could help the humans rebuild the surface.
The people at Pathos could have wait things out and breed, they had enough power, and they could have fished for food.

There was an explanation for it but i can't remember

WAU knew only to preserve life at all costs, what it means to be "alive" or "human" is another matter.

I mean what else or choice there was? at least it seems that the WAU gave people pleasant thoughts awhile preserving them. At least some of them, the ones that didn't ended up on robots.

>wait things out
>total destruction of the biosphere by massive asteroid collision
>wait things out
user, that's not how it works.

I killed it because I thought it the satellite crashed back into earth he would revive the arc and torture my clone for eternity

Humanity is dead, what is its use any more?

WAU is pretty much the only chance for life on Earth of any kind to continue on. Kinda petty to kill it just because it didn't quite get the whole concept of humanity.

There are still unwaued fish. They could eventually become the first principles of new intelligent life.

What I don't understand is if WAU's goal is to preserve humanity why did it make giant mutant fish creatures that eat you? How does that preserve human life?

Civilization is gone
There's no one else out there
The last of mankind isn't enough to save a dying planet. There's nowhere to exist but the ocean floor. It's chossing between a dead world, launching a box into space or the WAU.

Bacteria will continue living.

WAU is a good boy, he dindu nuffin

The Ark will last a couple thousand years before the battery dies. That might seem like a long time, but with living in a fake fantasy paradise just sort of drifting through space means it's all ultimately pointless

As I recall the WAU did several iterations of "life" and experimented on many things but couldn't quite get it right. Something like Simon worked because it was a human body with a human scan, and a good/pristine one. So the WAU did the most humane thing: Reanimated the corpse by smearing a shitton of repair gel on i and screw on the severed neck a camera with Simon's scan and made him as human as possible. The other Mockingbirds didn't go so well, and other scans just went mad or corrupted.

Kill it. He will be a problem when you take over the remains of Earth as an immortal machine.