Is FFXIV the new WoW? FFXIV continues to grow while WoW continues to decline...

Is FFXIV the new WoW? FFXIV continues to grow while WoW continues to decline. Reviewers and users on metacrtic also agree that the latest FFXIV expansion is better than the latest WoW expansion.

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FFXIV is way better than WoW these days. Blizzard just can't compete with making good content on a consistent schedule. Blizzard also entirely gave up on the midcore crowd which also happens to be the most active player crowd.

Heavensward > Stormblood

Also means it attracts all the shitters. Lately newcomers network is filled with people who want to know the BEST ROLE and refuse to try a DAMAGE HEALER. Also asking where they can get their gazillion mods which they can't seem to play a game without.

Pls keep them in their containment game.

No and will never be, no one even talks about the game in the /vg/ general

Is this the FFXI/v/ thread?

WoW has way too much content that is completely obsolete (anything below the present minimum expansion level that isn't dungeons) which is a shame considering how exploration and travelling was a big part of old WoW.
FF XIV's content is necessary and everyone is up to date on the story unless you're too hardcore for that and end up paying to skip the story. And while the exploration aspect is not as good as old WoW, you still travel a lot and see the map.

FF14 is a better game, but WoWfags already killed the genre so it's meaningless.

Stormblood is NOT a 90.

The XIV general is more active than the WoW general. Compare the unique posters counters.


I really liked ARR and HW, but Alexander, more specifically gordias and half of midas killed my interest of the game for about 6 months.

I'm playing midcore now without worrying about gear or lockouts and I'm enjoying SB a lot more, but the story sucks compared to HW still.

100% truth Stormblood cant compete with Heavensward

I can't imagine being dumb enough to play WoW in 2017. How do these people continue to breathe?

Moon Guard and Goldshire are notorious for a reason, user.

All rise for the National Anthem

Well its just a game the devs care about more

HW > Most of ARR > SB > First 35 levels > Fetch quests after finishing 2.0

Not when these are the people that play it

Gordias and Diadem was fucking awful in Heavensward and we're still on the launch patch of Stormblood.

Objectively wrong.

>Spend all your time in Enochian instead of a girl

>we will never be allowed to ditch that Hydaelyn bitch and Scions and join the Garleans

>everyone on xiv is a fat erp'er

I saw a lot more ERPing on WoW the one month I played than I've ever seen on FF14. It seems like it's the only reason people still play WoW.

FFXIV is definitely stealing the ERP crowd away from WoW. The only people that still take WoW seriously are panda furries and poopsock world first raiders.

Wrong. Its way to early to make that assumption HW was objectively terrible at launch.

What if I'm one of those weird people who plays a panda but isn't a furry?

Heavensward launch was perfect. Stormblood launch was a clusterfuck with the days of server lag and disconnects.

Please post cute FFXIV pictures for me, Sup Forums.

I thought the HW launch was alright. The story was pretty great.

It was the enormous vacation content drought after that ruined it for a lot of people.

Balmung has way more roleplayers than moonguard on WoW. WoW is fucking dead in North America.

I'm new to MMOs but I feel like FFXIV is more new player friendly than WoW. Last time I played wow there was nobody in the starting zones and chat was absolutely quiet. Meanwhile the starter places in FFXIV were full of people and I got invited to novice network which had over 100 people talking in the chat room.

while wow content might be bad at times they consistently put out content
the main problem with ffxiv is the lack of content since there's not a big enough want for it
and it's really sad since ffxiv does raiding extremely well and the content is usually great


>wow consistently puts out content
Lmao fuck no. They are so fucking slow adding new stuff and when they do add stuff it's only for the top end players it's never for low levels. FFXIV balances both.

I agree with this but it's unfair to compare both expansions until at least a few major patches in

How many subscribers does WoW have now?

>got that minion of day 1 of expac
>still haven't gotten the testicle raccoon


>not using ghido 24/7

So I'm just now getting started on Stormblood, and I gotta be honest, Sup Forums, I think STORM OF BLOOOOOODBORN FROM BLOOOOOODOFFFF OUR FALLEN BRRRROTHEEERRRRRRRRRRRSSS

I think it's around 6 million

Just wait until the last trial user, you're gonna shit.

wow puts out alot more content than ffxiv and they have alot more midcore content even if it is rehashing content
the quality of the content is questionable though

It's the new Golden child now for some reason, getting away with shit that blizzard would be skewered for.

They gate their new content behind a lengthy, monotonous story chain and then charge people to skip it. If blizzard did that people would have a conniption


>wow puts out alot more content than ffxiv
they put out more raid content but it takes a lot longer because they have to make 3 different difficulty levels for it. but really only people care about is mythic.

It's a Final Fantasy game. A long-ass mediocre story is to be expected.


>start getting hype during SB story
>Lyse starts talking about shit and hype fades
Why did YoshiP do this?

Too bad the only decent Legatus got punked out by those light sucking hippie fucks.


>FFXIV still isn't even close to surpassing a game that's been dead for 5+ years

Endgame has such little content I can't stay interested for long. Farming gear off the same 4 fights for 3 fucking months? What were they thinking?

>tfw ilvl 310
How do I break 320 bois? left side is mhigan/some genta, right side is mostly mhigan with a 300 ring (lol)

highly doubt it. north american servers feel like ghost towns and awhile back they had to cross realm merge a ton of servers worldwide.

>what is achievement hunting
>what is mount hunting
>what is leveling other jobs
>what is gearing up other jobs
>wow no content

Lakshmi accessories or Omega normal accessories

scores are even less relevant to MMOs they just play 4 hours then write the review

This Seajew comes up and slaps your coinpurse's strings.
What do?

Wait, how do EX accessories work? Can you just farm the points, or is there a weekly cap?

once you beat the MSQ in Stormblood, you see the credits. that means you're done with the game. post your /playtime and reflect how many hours you sat infront of your television/monitor playing the game.

>3 different difficulty levels
To bad all they so is just increase enemy hp and damage values, so if you've done normal then you've already done mythic
At least FF14 adds new mechanics, phases, and sometimes entirely new models to the raids meaning there's an actual difference between normal and savage and not just grinding away hoping rng gives you enough stats to clear something like WoW

Leveling other classes isnt endgame content chumpy. Gearing up one class per role is more than enough for me. I don't even take your other suggestions seriously as I doubt you do those yourself.

Nigger blizzard does exactly that

You can grind them infinitely.

WoW has a mandatory story?

the modern paradigm of "nothing matters but raids" is fucking retarded and is part of the reason why MMOs are dying.

how many jobs do you have at 70? and how many of those are geared up?

Legion does.

You can farm totems from her to turn in. There us no cap and you might get lucky and just have it drip too. For omega you could potentially get 2 accessories a week, one from v1 and one from v2 normal

I guess you didn't play Legion huh?

One thing for certain is that FFXIV shits all over WoW in the music department.




Ultima Weapon

Good King Moggle Mog








Cloud of Darkness

Nael deus Darnus








Brute Justice


Nidhogg at the Final Steps of Faith

Sophia the Goddess

Cruise Chaser




Neo Exdeath

If Blizzard didn't waste it's time on shit like OW and HotS, maybe WoW wouldn't have such awful fun-killing content draughts.
If they made their updates on a schedule the way XIV does, I'd resub immediately and ditch this cat and lizardgirl-infested cesspool.

Last time I played WoW was during MoP. I guess WoW really is copying FFXIV if they are doing the mandatory story progression thing.

But Regula was killed by a Primal.

TOR infected other MMOs, personal story shit is awful

next time dont make your post so fucking long you fucking inbred

u mad fag?

is FF decent on console? Kind of enjoyed it on PC, can't imagine a control scheme on a console that wouldn't be weird.


The PS4 version is equivalent to a mid range PC and the PS4 Pro can play the game at 4k@30fps or 1080p@60fps.

You can use both a controller or keyboard+mouse.

>tfw you'll never be so rich you can pay people to dig through the heaps of meme master lalas to find one that isn't a complete matress-shitstain-tier retardo and then pay that lala to follow you around and emote at everything you do
Feels pretty weaksauce my pals.

It's built for the controller, and if you absolutely must use your 200 dollar autism mouse just plug it into the ps4

This song though
was excellent.
Blizz sort of ruined it though because now it shows up in every raid and new dungeon, despite it being perfect for it's original use (ghost ship on the stormy seas)

Controller actually works really well for anything but healing I honestly cant imagine healing with a controller.

not really feeling that legion song, but I still consider the vanilla WoW OST to be god tier.

PS4 runs the game at its high pre setting and the game was built with controller in mind instead of a slap dash addition, you can also plug any keyboard and mouse into the playstation and use those, or bluetooth if you want wireless

It's ridiculously easy, just press up and down to select people, only in 24 mans does it become a problem if you need to heal the other parties

if people can solo heal savage and ex primals with a controller, you can do it too.

all these years and ramuh still has the best theme

To me, music-wise WoW and FFXIV seem to be complete opposites. XIV's combat themes are fucking phenomenal; practically every Trial theme, SB's theme, the 3.4 and 3.5 boss themes, Feast's theme, Coerthas' rendition of the outdoor battle music, it's all great. But there are honestly only a few non-combat songs that stick out to me. Meanwhile I have a hard time remembering much fight music from WoW, but Stormwind's theme is iconic, almost every tavern song is fantastic, and shit like Elwynn Forest and Howling Fjord's themes are absolute earworms.

>queue leveling roulette as a level 70
>100% Stormblood dungeons
>queue leveling roulette as a level 60-69

It's a shame that a lot of the old WoW music no longer exists in-game after Cataclysm. Fucking Blizzard.

>mods in charge of deleting stealth /xivg/ threads

why are people against having video game threads on Sup Forums? do we really need to delete this thread to make room for another "what video game lets me be a doujin MILF" thread?

I think it's amazing that FFXIV managed to come back after such a universally panned launch but I wouldn't play any of these shit ass point and click cooldown piles with a ten foot pole.

I liked the music in both games desu. I miss the old inn theme in WoW. So comfy

I still get goosebumps at 4:43