There are girls who like Akechi just because he's handsome and cute

>there are girls who like Akechi just because he's handsome and cute

Why do women have such a shit taste?

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Women's' first priority is breeding, not love.

because they're women

Rivers in the desert fits Akechi better than Shitdou

Listen to those lyrics.

Like you don't pick your waifus based on aesthetics and then personality.

You forgot to mention the fact that he's easy to ship with Joker

Because women are retarded. See everyone who defends Adachi.

I'm assuming this is just a joke because waifufags are the same way a lot of the time.

Still better taste than Ann or Makotofags.

I actually also love his personality

Because you have shit taste, Haley.

why? his a sick fuck and not the good or fun kind.

Same. Edgy characters are always interesting to me.

Akechi IS handsome and cute, though.
What are you trying to tell us here, OP?

>implying waifufags don't do literally the same thing
If you ever wanted to date/fuck a yandere, then you get akechifags

Not him but I like watching characters slowly lose their mind. Him calling Joker attic trash was based and funny fuck.

It was an autistic fit of rage. If anything, it was pathetic.

He is a pathetic character with pathetic motivations but that won't stop me from liking the guy.

dont know. i get he made himself go into rage mode but all that hate and name Calling made him look like a passive-aggressive little bitch.

but the voice actor really did a great jobb.

The only character that I really like is Joker

why? his your typical self-intresset.

I like Akechi because he was right.

you wanna try typing that again

Yes, virgins with rage defend Adachi.

>guys always like the shitty self-insert
>durr why do you like the hot guys with an actual personality?
>likes the hot girl with a shitty or nonexistent personality 90% of the time because tits or ass or dfc or whatever the fuck fetish they have
>why is shojo popular i hate the self-insert girl!



They love the ones with no personality just as much, user

>Why do women have such a shit taste?

clearly you've never browsed Sup Forums's catalog. Men are far worse about this shit