Literally can't wait to kill nazis

literally can't wait to kill nazis


Sweet, just stay away from my income


This games sales are going to be more than they would've been because of Charlottesville. I wonder how the developers feel about that.

post yfw they bring back multiplayer and it's exactly like Return to Castle Wolfenstein's


Good to know you're an insane extremist just like them.

What happened in Charlottesville?

what's stopping you?
Nazis are probably top 3 most represented bad guy in video games

who really died that day

Thanks for letting us know cuck.

Someone got run over by a republican

And? Is that it?

>alt-right protest against removal of a Confederate statue
>antifa comes in to counter-protest
>counter protesters get run over by an alt-righter

Nazis sure but the average soldier I don't want to kill t b h

Burgers are subhumans, they are driving over each other and shooting each other all the fucking time.

Sounds like they deserved it in my opinion.

>another game about killing natzees
how original. what's next? a game about killing zombies? no way!

Yes. It was during a right-wing rally and a bunch of autistic skinheads were there so they called it "nazi violence" because the guy in the car is a registered republican

it was full on skirmishes but the car of peace was the lynchpin that all moral outrage hangs on

Someone was ran over by a Nazi, dipshit

Where were these people when the Muslim truck of peace ran over and killed half a dozen people in Germany?

Same. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

>tfw hoping they'll go the "fuck yea America, muh freedom and liberty" route rather than the commie route
>they won't

Real nazis, yeah

Why weren't they upset about the Muslim car of peace?

Some antifa shitheads counter-protesting without a license to be there got btfo by a car.

>implying there's a difference
Spotted the trumptard

t. loser

Americans can't be considered white, they all behave like niggers, and the entire nation is Israel's most useful tool, so nobody will miss it.

>My pathetic ideology where I hand over my nation and toss my gender and race under the bus because some dipshit told me to is so indefensible I need to compare anyone to the right of me to genocidal germans so I can justify anything I do to get rid of them
You can tell none of the so-called "nazis" today are actual nazis because if they were all these fucking fruity dipshits would've been lined up against a wall and used for target practice already. If Bethesda tries using the current political climate to market this game the're even more disgusting than I thought.....remember when comparing someone to Hitler meant you were losing the argument?


check my 5

I'm getting pretty tired of it too.

>This thread

because not all muslims

fuck off frogposter


You can't have nazis in your game and pretend there's no political slant to it, even if the nazis have robot dogs and zombies.

It's just trendy to be an extremist right now. In a decade it'll probably be really uncool to care about politics.

I know this thread is already devolving into Sup Forums shitposting, but I'd like to get your guy's honest opinions on what happened in Charlottesville.

Are you taking any sides, or are you condemning both sides as being retarded? How do you feel about Trump's response (or lack thereof) to the event? Do you think this is going to blow up into something huge, or will it slowly die down and people will forget about it in a few months?

But, regardless of how you feel, we can all agree that this country is becoming more divided each day. A person died in Charlottesville, and whether or not you believe they were innocent or deserved to die, we can all agree that violence only leads to more violence.

You were a fool. The frog exists to cause as much chaos as possible. There was never any other reason.

They don't care about the weekly Muslim terrorist attacks nearly as much because this time it was a white guy. It's pretty funny to see the double-standard on full display, but it makes me angry too. I'm just waiting for it to blow over.

Good luck

Underage redditors and the future Sup Forumsacks/stormfags that came with them have been making this impossible for seven years now

People were killing nazis in games before you were born. They're just an acceptable target. You used to shoot nazis and russians in games and no one cared.

Reminder that Greta did nothing wrong.

I'm happy and I hope there's more.
I hope it all ends up in a civil war and USA is burnt into the ground.
This isn't about leftism or the right, it's a fact USA is a fucking cancer.
The only good thing they've ever done was compete with the USSR and drive them into collapse.

Honestly, I don't care about killing Nazis. I care when I'm called Nazi and know that these people are saying it's perfectly reasonable to punch or shoot me.


>are you condemning both sides as being retarded?
I'm doing this. Neither side should resort to violence and they should both be fucking ashamed of themselves. But I know they're not, and this is going to keep going until it gets fucking worse because people in general are stupid and violent.

My favorite weapon to kill the German National Socialist party in the last game was that laser rifle. I like to imagine right when the beam hits them in the face, their leftist brains flash fry in their skulls instantly vaporizing all their idiotic leftist extreme mantras about being better than other races.

Killing National Socialists in games has ALWAYS been fun.

Cut it out Sup Forums, even the Antifa people had a license.

The US destroyed my country. They spread there cancerous progressivism and neoliberalism. They spread their shitty feminizism and homosexuality to the world. The US must be stopped through any means necessary, even if that means them devolving into civil war and killing each other. The American mence must die

If you're advocating the death of people they're going to want to hurt you. I don't know your personal politics but people tell me I deserve to die all the time for being mixed, but if I tell them they deserve to die suddenly that's going too far.

It'll snowball into a full blown civil war. And I can't wait to be honest. I'll be able to show off my sick Katana skill. Deflecting bullets and dodging with my superior speed. They won't know what's coming.

Stop it! We can't know what that young man's motives were.

This x100. I understand why some people would think it's just a kneejerk Sup Forums response, but things are different now.

ow the edge

>the statue was getting moved to a museum
alt-righters will bitch about literally anything

nazis marching down the streets and killing people isn't the fault of the shit president but the direct results of lefty identity politics and blaming everything on the le oppresive white people

As long as the socialists are pushing these shitty identity politics then this is going to continue

Well then if the shoe fits, don;t wear it

Are you not a Nazi? Good. Then you shouldn't be offended about this game which has been about killing nazis for almost thirty years.

As for the faggots calling anyone who disagrees with them nazis? Do what I've done for all my life: don;t even give them the time of day. The only reason they're so big now is all the attention they've been given

You have to actually prove someone is advocating for your death before you pull out the bikelocks and acid, sorry. We've reached a point where saying "I don't want illegal immigrants or terrorists in my country" is now equal to genocide and you get threatened with death for it. Antifags got a taste of their own shitty medicine and I hope it teaches them that when you run around pretending to be hardcore because of brainwashing on the internet, you'd best be prepared for the consequences.

I'm not advocating for the death of anybody. I never did. I just said it's in the interest of the US economy to have tighter immigrant policy, and that I think trannys are mentally ill and should have real help instead of them spending thousands of dollars on what is ultimately cosmetic surgery that destroys their genitals. I don't feel like I'm a nazi for those.

Sick joke, bro. I'm LMFAO right now.

I second this. I don't care if they get into shouting matches with dickheads carrying swastika flags, but when they say everyone who doesn't agree with the left 100% is a nazi and it's ok to beat everyone else up, that's when I draw the line.

It'll last maybe 5~ hours? I enjoyed the one before it but eh I'm not too excited.

But that's the thing. You don't even need to hold nationalist view or anything. Literally anybody could be classified as a "Nazi" now.

You guys had a good run. It's time to go and become obedient slaves of Israel and China. Just don't nuke Japan again before you do it

I'm afraid this game is for members of Antifa only, so show me your Antifa membership cards. Please.

I feel sorry that it had to come to this. I feel like it was a peaceful rally until antifa unlawfully showed up and started throwing rocks and their usual nonsense, and the police stepped away and let them do it after they had been following the original protesters closely. I think the guy in the car was crazy and did what he did on his own. I feel like Trump's response was decent, but people would give him shit no matter what he said. I feel like there's a clear double standard when it comes to these things, no one gives a fuck about the weekly incidents of Muslim extremists doing the same thing but worse, no one cares about Black Lives Matter killing police, No one cares about Antifa violence, but as soon as a white person does something it's the next holocaust. I do agree that this country is more divided, and I don't like it. I think it's Antifa's fault for bringing violence into this well before Charlottesville. These days I'm trying to just block all this political bullshit out, but I keep getting roped back into it one way or another.

I can't wait until the new Wolfenstein comes out.

National Socialists watch out!

No one would miss whites in general. Well, maybe they would, in the same way one would miss a thieving, murdering rapist. Thankfully, whites have small genitals and inferior genes, so they'll be gone before long. Every day more white women come to the "dark" side. Their lust for bbc is insatiable. White nazi drumpfucks are a plague soon to be wiped out.

The extreme right and extreme left seems to be growing. It probably won't turn into an all-out war, but I can definitely see more violence in the future.

If anything, the MSM isn't doing the right thing by bringing attention to neo-Nazis. It'll just make them grow.

Why do you hang out with chickens? Sounds like you're a retard.

That's why I said I don't know your personal politics. I don't really care what someone's politics are until they begin to threaten me directly for nothing other than being born.

If you're not 100% right you're going to get called a cuck and if you're not 100% left you're going to get called a nazi. You just have to stick where you are and not let them push you further to one side. I'm fairly moderate, I've voted for different parties based on the situation and anyone who says "if you're not with us you're against us" can fuck right off.

Here's me and my buds.
*blocks your path*

When the country goes temporarily to the dogs, cats must learn to be circumspect, walk on fences, sleep in trees, and have faith that all this woofing is not the last word. What is the last word, then? Gentleness is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith rules through ordinary things: through cooking and small talk, through storytelling, making love, fishing, tending animals and sweet corn and flowers, through sports, music and books, raising kids — all the places where the gravy soaks in and grace shines through. Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.


>alt-right snowflake admits to being a chicken
I wasn't even trying to bait but thanks for taking it anyway

don't remind me...

No, whites drive the world, the problem is that pic related is the average "white" american.
America is a feminized and borderline communist nation, and for that, it shall die.
So go ahead, when the time comes, grab your M4, stock up on ammo, and kill as many of your fellow Americans as you can.
The entire world will be cheering both sides until none are left.

*keeps going*

Every cunt on Twitter with a blue checkmark is telling you it's OK to brutally attack "Nazis" simply for holding such views. "Nazi" can mean literally anyone now. Put 2 and 2 together for fuck's sake.

>average "white" american
Maybe on twitter.
You should get out more.

>tfw can conceal carry
>tfw would never have to worry about these pussy made faggots

Wow, you btfo a chicken. Nice accomplishment, sweetie~ XD

Is it true that black girls love white dick?

Funny how they tell other people to do it for them. This is why celebrity culture is cancerous as fuck, people take their dumbass opinions seriously.

All this controversy is bullshit, I love to play as the nazis in games like red orcestra and I love to play as the russians and americans.

Just fucking play the game you nerds.

Am I alone in thinking that TNO was better than DOOM? Most of the guns in DOOM dont have any weight to them. I get that Doomguy is super strong or whatever but the guns in Wolf felt like they had some real oomph

Oh true, we have the other kind of american, the 400lb diabetic one, but those are busy killing themselves, so might as well not count them, although they are part of the reason why America is a nation of subhumans.

Absolutely. Tyrone and Jamal are busy being "down low brothas" in prison, so nigresses flock to get COLONIZED.

I keep trying to just block all this bullshit out but it isn't working.

I'm not a racist and I voted for Trump on economic principles. I'm Brazilian and earned my citizenship in 2007. I'm sick and tired of being called a white supremacist and nazi by trash like that faggot and if they ever get that civil war they want, I'd like to personally find this douche, put a pear of heavy work boots on, and stomp his chest in like a fragile eggshell.

People aren't that cut and dry. Lots of people like experimenting with different races and lots of people never will.

What are some good games that let you play as Nazis?

This. Media propaganda like that is only making the situation much, much worse. I'm half convinced they *want* the streets to be a fucking warzone if it means they get more clicks.

I also like how I'm apparently simultaneously a Nazi and a Communist.

Good, and you should target all of them, and the other side should target you.
That war should go on until none are left.

But why do they love it? What is it about white men that they just can't find in the men of their race? How does that make black men feel?