One of these threads


Other urls found in this thread:

>dark souls 2 is shit
>dark souls 2 is underrated
>ad infinite ITT

Can someone seriously sit down and explain to me what about Das 2 is good? The only quality I can think of is PvP

Dark Souls 3 had better bosses, level design, and music than Dark Souls 2.



>that DaS 2 rating

>power stancing and good weapon variety
>The ability to go many different ways off of the bat
>Amazing level design in the 3 dlcs
>magic is fun and viable without being as broken as dks1

thats all I can think of off the top of my head



PC port is better then the first one and it's a lot of people's first Dark Souls game

Those are the only reason

>whole point of imageboard rating system is to use images to express yourself
>some faggot comes in and writes captions
>hurrr thank you god

Why is Sup Forums complete fucking garbage nowadays?


no, no and no

>>No Vesperia

the reaction to dark souls 2 and 3 are backwards

to match the rest of the site as a whole


This is known as the "patrician test". If you don't agree with this rating here, then you're a plebian. 100 percent accuracy.


Those are perfect reactions to Triachnid and Coil.
What's wrong with Basement Collection?


>That shit
>Compared to Gael theme
>Compared to Elfriede and Ariandel's theme
>Compared to Midir's theme
>Compared to Twin Princes theme
>Compared to Soul of Cinder theme

You're just showing how utter garbage DaS II is. The story is shit, levels are shit and the bosses are not even comparable.

Has no reason to exist. It's money grubbing. Personal opinion, though

Before you ask, this was made a couple of days before BOTW came out, might update it later.

True, though to be fair, it is pretty cheap, and less annoying than hunting for all of Edward's work in it.



you can like 3 more than 2 but to say that the bosses are not even comparable is just wrong. IN both games a majority of the bosses are just dudes in armor. Also, story is subjective. In my opinion, both 3 and 2 lack any of the depth or mystery of 1, but at least 2 tries to tell a story instead of just half assing one like 3.

this picture just screams reddit

i want to like dark souls 2, i really really do, but the whole movement scheme feels so weird and clunky to me??? like it feels nothing like dks1 and 3, is my game glitching out? is my controller fucked? it just doesn't feel great

as many times as i try and try to get into dks2 i just can't.


>didnt like bioshock 2
>likes infinite

shit taste

the dead zones in dark souls 2 are worse than 1 and 3. makes everything feel a bit off. There is a webm showing off a mod that fixes the dead zones but I don't care enough to find it.


Dark Souls 3 has the best level design of the series when going level by level even if the overall world is more linear.

thank you for giving me a start to fixing it, i appreciate it man.

>likes bioshock 2



>likes infinite

'Just dudes in armour' is pretty disingenuious when used to describe DS3, In DS2 they were just guys, that walked normal and swung normally, they had some moves sure, but they were generic and uninspired, they actually were nothing but a big dude in armour
DS3's bosses have some modicum of inspiration in the way they fight, the Dragonslay Armour is pretty much the only generic big armour guy boss
Iudex Gundyr is a tutorial
Champion Gundyr is a badass
Vordt acts nothing like a person
The Abyss Watchers is far from a generic knight fight
Pontiff Sully has a fucking stand
Dancer is a little generic but saves it in the second phase
And the Soul of Cinder is fucking sick

Also, the '''story''' DS2 tries to tell is a bullshit convoluted mess with no point or impact

Can i get a template for this?


fuckin based user

What's wrong with the Bioshock sequels?

bioshock 1 is in my top 5 favourite games of all time. bioshock 2 kinda falls short. it made some improvements in gameplay, but it also had some annoying parts, like the whole gathering adam shit.

i really enjoyed bioshock infinite, but it just didn't feel like a bioshock game. as a standalone game, it's really great, but it just doesn't feel like it fully belongs in the series. yeah there are all of the base elements there, but the tone and setting is far less creepy and atmospheric.

Bioshock 2 is more of the same with much retcon with exception of Minerva's Den

Bioshock Infinite becomes a shooting gallery in the early stages is more CoD audience focus

>frigid outskirts

Dark Souls 2 has by far the worst levels in the entire series. I always laugh when they meme about muh das second half when there at least 10 levels that are just as bad if not worse than Lost Izalith.

Notice how I just said dudes in armor and you then listed a bunch of bosses. Clearly, the description is fitting enough that all of those bosses came to mind. My only point was that saying bosses in 2 and 3 are incomparable is wrong when the descriptor of "dudes in armor" describes both games bosses.


You clearly miss the point of why people complain about all the bosses being 'dudes in armour' it's not literally because they're humanoid and wearing armour (although the designs are incredibly boring for most of them) it's because they're uninteresting, they're stale, they are just dudes in armour with big weapons and that's it
The bosses in DS3 may be 'dudes in armour' but there's more too them, there's something that makes them interesting and fun to fight

If you actually thought people were complaining just because they wanted more non-humanoid bosses you're an idiot, yes that's part of it but as DS3 showed you can have lots of humanoid armoured enemies without having it become stagnant and boring, which is why nobody, or at least way less people, complains about the bosses just being 'dudes in armour' for DS3


Sorry about your head injury maybe in time the doctors will be able to fix your shit taste.

>Rising higher than 1, 2 or 3
Take your shitty opinions and fuck off

For once i agree with someone here about bioshock. Good taste.


Those faces are years and years old you newfag.



Is there a Doom wads one?

hey guys I made my own.

whoops, forgot I played a couple more FE games since making this.

good taste user


>this thread


>dark souls 2 is just a corridor with back to back boss fights
>b-but I don't want anything then le epic boss fights

Sup Forums has really become shit ya know?

How do you anons make these memes quickly enough to post?



Too bad Saints Row 2 is shit on PC. Who the fuck maps out accelerate and decelerate in a vehible to the buttons and not the triggers?
N64 Zeldas the first you ever played?

I thought this monstrously shit taste would have shriveled up and died by now

where is into the nexus? Also top tier taste user


forgot to update it.

I guess the same rating as Q4B

>guys did you like my meme? XD

dunkposting so please forgive the low effort

>liked the original more than 64



its hard to explain. Controls just felt tighter, even though drifting was I guess better on 64. And despite what everyone always says about it, I didnt have nearly as much frustration with the AI in SMk then I did with 64

>get a Pikachu
>little shit is mediocre and can't even evolve
>need to increase friendship to get the starters
Fuck that noise

If your reaction images don't communicate a hierarchy, they don't serve their purpose. The middle three you've used all appear to be similar.

Please think about the things you do in the future.

stop being bad at pokemon


Beat DeS for the first time yesterday. It was alright.

>he actually had to farm for blood vials
Git gud

Pikachu is fucking shit, Yellow is only worth playing for its exclusive mons

>Likes Awakening, but hates Conquest

>no mercy
mah nigga

Wtf is the fourth face even supposed to convey? This is the worst meme imho

the same but switch 2 and 3
also i dont think BB is "perfect"
its a good game but it definitely has its flaws

The Jumper games are better than Super Meat Boy.


I hate mario and your opinuon still makes me mad

garbage taste

Clearly a joke

Even though this is troll, if I wanted to play just ONE NSMB game, should it be NSMBU?

Clearly a bait

NSMBU is really good.
I'd say it's like World but with better level design. The downside is the ugly New Super Mario Bros aesthetics though