>no DLC
>no digital delivery
>no microtransaction
Can we all agreed the 6th generation was the best?
>no DLC
>no digital delivery
>no microtransaction
Can we all agreed the 6th generation was the best?
>no DLC
>no digital delivery
>no microtransaction
That applies to all previous gens though
>the first generation I was alive for was the best
There. Now there's no reason to have this thread.
6th gen graphics were pretty damn bad though. Yes, I know we had shenmue on DC and Mario sunshine water, but a lot of games looked like ass
Halo 2 for the Xbox had dlc though. Unless you're saying that map packs don't count as dlc. I'm being played aren't I?
Wrong. GameCube games still look great in 1080p.
The Playstation 2 was by far the best Sony console.
It has more games than the PS3 and 4 combined.
anything can look good when its emulated on a PC, you nonce
>PS2 had a massive library
>Gamecube had great exclusives
>Xbox had those team ninja + SEGA games, good graphics
6th gen is comfy as fuck
N64 and before aren't even worth emulating.
reddit tier opinion
It's not like the suits wouldn't do it if it was feasible.
Only Xbox had the HDD out of the box, PS2 could get one with a NIC but that was a pretty niche thing for FFXI fags mostly.
Also internet was nowhere near that fast and ubiquitous.
False, retard.
Wow, is this the underage meetup thread?
probably the most overrated gen on Sup Forums right now. 6th gen nostalgia is almost at an all time high now.
the 6th generation was the generation that ushered in absolute cancer.
However, it was good up until 2008. That's when everything went bad.
I have to say that most of the console games weren't all that good though. Not that there wasn't some pretty good ones like SSBM.
All became free after like 6 months.
xbox and iirc a few dreamcast games had all of these things in a limited degree, but you're still correct
sixth gen was the perfect storm of tech advancement and general culture in game development. you had AAA games that seriously pushed the envelope compared to any gen before, but development costs weren't high enough that small B tier or indie tier studios couldn't make neat stuff too.
This is also the last gen when there were legitimate merits to each console as well as PC, instead of gens after where PC/sony/microsoft all got the exact same games with the only difference being how well it ran, and then off on the sides there's the nintendo gimmick machine which gets a handful of first party titles that look like last gen games and some shovelware or crappy ports
wow, 4 controllers and not a single good d pad
Not really. It has to do with the quality of the assets being used that helps. Silent Hill 2 and 3 for example look LOVELY running at higher resolutions because of their supreme texture work. Okami looks nice in HD because it has an everlasting art style carrying it. Something like Call of Duty 1 looks positively 6th gen, even at 4K.
>However, it was good up until 2008.
Sixth gen wasn't a thing in 2008, the ps2 got a handful of games still but sixth gen started in 2006/2007
Looking back at the ps2 controller, what was the point of that analog button in the middle. Why would you ever turn your sticks off. I never used it
>but a lot of games looked like ass
Compared to anything that came before even muddy ass second tier ps2 graphics looked fantastic if you were to compare them to equivilent 5th gen or earlier games.
Every gen afterwards has just been sixth gen but a bit sharper or with more details in terms of visuals because of diminishing returns
Every game was casual af basically, so no.
Games might hold your hand more now and be even more casual on average, but it least there are games that will occasionally pound your asshole nowadays, unlike PS2/Bawks/GC/DC where every game is piss baby ez.
it was for ps1 games that had analog support
Probably for some PS1 game compatibility.
>best SMT games
When sony was making the system back in 1999 or whatever they weren't sure if sticks would take over dpads, so they had a toggle.
Also it probably helps if you're playing a game dpad only game and have fat hands
The 3DS has the same button layout as the Dreamcast except for start and select
Yep. Gen 7 was worst gen. Current gen is bouncing back and restoring my faith a lot, but the magical RE4/Soul Calibur 2/Mario Sunshine days are gone.
Some PS1 games didn't have an in-game toggle for analog controls or d-pad, so hitting the button spoofs plugging in a non-analog PS1 pad.
360 is one of the best consoles of all time though
plus a better Dpad, a better stick, a start button that isnt way the fuck down at the bottom center, and isnt painful to hold
The original 3ds XL actually placed the start button on the center bottom under the touch screen, so it's pretty close.
>no patches
>gamebreaking save corrupting bugs in final releases
>3rd gen was good
>4th gen was good
>5th gen was good
>6th gen was good
>sega leaves the console market
>7th gen was shit
>8th gen is currently shit
fuck off toddler
>a bunch of games has little dlc (mostly Xbox)
>NDS and PSP
Yeah no fuck you. Gamecube and Ps2 are infinitely better than Wii and 360 sure, but DS shat all over the GBA.
Until 2009 when it had fuck all for exclusives and most devs had figured out how to develop for the PS3 better.
ok and? the dreamcast died within 2 years and people still call it the best console ever
Your words were "No DLC. You're the one who just twisted my words, toddler.
How? I mean presumably there's one of your favorite games on there, but when it was relevant every 360 game I picked up I could expect the following:
>no bosses
>45 minute single player
>intense focus on boring out of place multiplayer
>Cinematic Experience™
>Either AssCreed or CoD combat
The same was true for PS3 of course. Nothing good was coming out back then.
>Current gen is bouncing back and restoring my faith a lot
I think the 8th is the worst by far
DC in that time had itself a more timeless and varied library of exclusives than the 360 ever did. I don't think the DC is the greatest console ever though.
Depends on what you play. JRPG/Action fans love 8th gen, Platformer/Arcade fans hate it.
god, i yearn for the day when /vr/ includes the rest of 6th gen so you insufferable faggots will leave.
Sure Mister Autism
>He thinks /vr/ coining 6th gen will make Sup Forums stop talking about it.
/vr/ is an isolated community, we can still have magnavox and atari threads here if we want to and you cant do shit about it.
I still have mine I bought back in 2003 and it works perfectly fine, so it's pretty much a non issue having to buy one of these as long you're not a poorfag who goes for cheap third party shit
I'm not a 6th gen apologist and I want /vr/ to keep 6th gen out, fuck you.
Wew, lad
>tfw you arent a nostaligfag and you still enjoy some modern games
Can you name 3 games?
Actually devs payed more attention because if they shipped half done buggy messes like they do now they'd lose a lot of cash.
4th gen is the best retro gen, 6th gen was the best modern gen
SNES/Genesis/Lynx all revolutionized tons of arcade classics for home market and defined 32 bit gaming as a whole.
>Super Mario world
>Link to the past
>Contra III
>Sonic 3K
>Gunstar heroes
>Metal Slug
Gamecube/DC/PS2/Xbox each defined and fine tuned specific elements of each genre as well as revolutionizing the shooter genre.
>Deus Ex
>Ratchet and Clank
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Phantasy Star
Technically not DLC because it wasn't "downloadable" content.
So, third generation was the best? That sounds about right
Except that all memory cards were notorious for becoming corrupted, but yeah you can go ahead and keep on the projection.
This is correct. Incidentally, these are the generations in which 2D and 3D games were starting to look good.
>but it least there are games that will occasionally pound your asshole nowaday
In before Dark Souls
and most of them are ass
Soul Calibur 3
Not him but I got mine around the same time and had no problems.
Look up what "projection" means and kill yourself.
i feel sorry for you people, i really do. how does it make you feel that i can still enjoy modern games as well as retro games? how does it make you feel that im not clinging to the past like some depressed faggot? kek you guys are pathetic. please seek help, get some therapy or some shit. i mean it.
6th gen will never be retro. Fuck off kiddo.
500/3400 PS2 games are good
30/1640 GCN games are good
If you're seriously quantifying a library by its shovelware, you need to stop. because that game can be played with any library to date.
Yeah, it was. I remember because I downloaded it. This disc didn't release until all the packs had been released.
Is this loss
I think you just want (You)s. I don't know why you replied to even half of these posts. I too enjoy games from a range of 30 years.
>i feel sorry for you people, i really do. how does it make you feel that i can still enjoy modern games as well as retro games? how does it make you feel that im not clinging to the past like some depressed faggot?
What? My post was FOR modern/retro ya mook. I love everything as far back as Gen 2.
soul calibur 3
xbox version of true crime ny
xbox version path of neo
Generations 1 through 5 didn't have DLC, digital delivery, or microtransactions either.
Gamecube didn't have over 1600 games. At least know about the console you're trying to trash.
>500/3400 PS2 games are good
name all 500
I think OP means that 6th gen had most of the benefits of modern gaming without those particular negatives. You go any further back and you lose one benefit after another. You go forward and you get more and more shit added on.
oh boy its another 6th gen thread where we pretend the ps2 wasnt the only console worth owning
I like new and retro games too, but you have to admit the rampant micro-transactions and such is just bullshit. I don't know how any person who enjoys video games can defend this kind of crap.
>Generations 1-5
>DOOM expansion packs
>WoW expansion packs
>DnD Episode packs
>Lock on Carts such as Sonic and knuckles
Get the fuck out of here. Physical DLC existed long before digital.
Memory cards were seriously the plague of the fucking industry, and I fucking despise Sony for starting them.
>physical downloadable content
saturn had it first....
Get out of here you poorfag.
>Spend 30 minutes of your time creating an arbitrary list of games you believe are worth playing so you can shoot them down with a one word response
I'll pass.
gamecube had lots of good games.
the best thing was PC at the time because the modding scene was still alive.
>he cant
thats what i thought
5th generation was the best imo
>physical Downloadable Content
Retard. Also, DLC is often (for good reason) associated with low effort content that has been skimmed off what should have been the full game you paid for that is now 90% of a game. Expansion packs are fine.
Sony popularized it and made them mandatory. Lots of games on N64 that were multiplats with PS1 had mandatory memory cards.
Jesus christ console warriors fuck off.
Gamecube was good for Nintendo first party.
PS2 was good for Sony first party and multiplats
Dreamcast was good for Sega IPs and Fighters
Xbox was good for FPS and Sega games held hostage by Microsoft
Each one had its merits now fuck off.
No one is going to list 500 worthwhile games because no library possessed that many. Unlesd you have absolute garbage taste and will list virtually anything.
Why didn't Nintendo ever release a disc-drive add-on for the GameCube? It would have allowed games which required multiple discs to just keep playing, and it would have allowed larger games (like Grand Theft Auto) to actually be ported to the system, either on multiple discs or on higher capacity discs.
Discs can't save data, are you saying the ps1 should have had a hard drive?
>>held hostage by Microsoft
Fuck off retard.
>downloadable content
You're an idiot.
If you're going to equate expansion packs to DLC, then generation 6 had them as well. Hell, generation 6 had games cut up into multiple pieces and forcing you to buy those multiple pieces to get the complete game by way of Xenosaga and .Hack.
More like I won't give you the satisfaction. Sorry sweetie, go bait someone else who has time to feed your autism.
>the second weakest 6th gen console was good for multiplats
Retard alert! That was Xbox's strength.
Every single 6th gen console is worth owning. It's probably the best generation of vidya.
Do you have a single fact to back up Microsoft paying to keep JRSF, GunValkeyrie and PD Orta exclusive?