Birthright or Conquest?

Birthright or Conquest?

Or is this not the right entry to play if this is my first ever Fire Emblem game?

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The stories of both will be bad. Shadows of Valentia, Awakening, Sacred Stones, or FE7 (just Fire Emblem on the GBA) will be better starts. If it has to be one of those, go with Conquest.

Your second question is correct. Don't start with the 3DS games.

Play FE9 and 10 desu.

>conquest for a beginner
Recommend Thracia while you're at it

Awakening is the best entry level title in the series.

you should start with the one that looks more interesting
conquest gameplay is really good but sometimes annoying reinforcement that assrapes you but the story of conquest is beyond retarded
i actually wanted to start with conquest but i ended up buying hoshido dlc for my 1st run because i couldn't force myself to side with nohr
also birthright has best girls like Setsuna and pic related

Tell me why.

Birthright: Pretty baby easy, dumb story, maps are w/e

Conquest: Tougher, good maps, even dumber story

Revelations: Somehow even more retarded story than both of them, every facet of it is stupid as all get out

I was told to start with 7 but goddamn this game is boring. I don't get why the series is praised so much.

Ultimately comes down to which tandem of nee-sans you want.

>flat /fit/ oneesan
>caring quiet imouto

>absolutely stacked seductive neesama
>flat happy caring imouto

>Or is this not the right entry to play if this is my first ever Fire Emblem game?

Depending on what you find boring about it, the series might not be for you, so what's turning you off?

just pirate the special edition and get all 3

if you have to choose get birthright, conquest will expect you to be a bit more familiar with standard FE tactics.

if you are unsure if you will even like the series torrent and play the USA gba games, they were the starting points for most people but they might feel simple if you have xp with srpgs

Play Conquest on Lunatic. You'll learn everything you need to know how to play FE without it kicking your ass too much.

Fates was fucking awful outside of the music and Conquest's gameplay
>Birthright is a fucking slog and on higher difficulties just feels like a turn based musou as they throw dozens of waves of trash enemies at you.
>Revelations has some of the worst map design in the entire series (what were they thinking with that dumb ice level)
>the writing and characters in general
>Corrin being a terrible protagonist
What pisses me off the most though is how absolutely unbalanced the game can be.
>weak underleveled and low growth characters joining several missions into campaigns that end up being completely unusable unless you sit and grind
Conquest isn't perfect, but it's like they had some interns do gameplay design for the other ones.

play fe7


I just lost on the last turn of the worst paralogue in the game because I forgot to check the boss skills.

Because it was designed for new players.
Just dont pick the casual mode were characters can't die, because it romoves all the stakes of combat because you can just use characters as suicide barriers to the two failstate characters.

FE7 is the ideal baby's first FE, and one of the better FE games in general.
Awakening is decent but has lots of casual shit like infinite reclasses and OP pair up.
Birthright is like Awakening but with better gameplay and even worse story.

Something that really made me laugh was seeing the grind DLC. The map is so bad that I'm convinced it's the most unsubtle scam ever.

>weak underleveled and low growth characters joining several missions into campaigns that end up being completely unusable unless you sit and grind
Literally never happens in Conquest aside from Odin and Gunter.

Ignore both and go for Awakening.

If you don't mind going back a few years try Blazing Blade (FE7), but Awakening is imo the better entry game to the series. Sup Forums will tell you it's bad but it really isn't.

I don't think Fates is a good starting place. The story is pretty awful in all 3 routes and the only saving graces are Conquest's gameplay/difficulty and the Nohrian family.

I actually hate Ike's marry sueness way more then Corrin's.

I disagree. Awakening is literally press start to win: the game. It's basically just grinding and does away with a lot of series conventions. Go for FE7 or FE8 instead.

>Revelations has some of the worst map design in the entire series

Gaiden and SoV says "hi".

I don't mean in Conquest. Revelations certainly has that issue. Rinkah joins in chapter 9 at level 4.

Can Corrin be called a mary sue? They're a dumb asshole who can't even fight well storywise,where Xander has to straight up let them win.

If you're a storyfag don't play fates. If you like good gameplay and don't care for story fates is great

You serious right now bro?

My number 1 gripe (amongst many) with Fates is how blatantly they advertise the other route in the game.

>"I wonder how different things would be if I joined them instead"
Consider that a 'prime sentence' and recreate different ones that keep the same meaning. It was annoying af.

Also the Birthright family is hot trash. Xander and co. had much more meaningful and genuine interactions with Protag in both Conquest AND Birthright lmao.

We head overwatch crawl in Xcom was popular so HERE YOU GO

They both have lousy stories but Birthright's is a little better.

Birthright's gameplay is shit but is better than Awakenings.

Play Awakening or 7 first.

As far as the 3DS games go, Conquest is all you need. If you like it then skip Birthright (as it's a waste of time) and start going after previous entries while praying the Switch version is more than Birthright 2: The Awakening.

Maybe not. Corrin might be a shit character, but Corrin is also fairly fleshed out with flaws and likes and dislikes.

Ike meanwhile has just as many things handed to him and he has the typical "flaws" that mary sues have that aren't actually flaws.

>Fights are generally against large groups of low level enemies
>I feel like my team members are always overleveled
>Maps don't seem interesting, I don't know how to explain it
>Limited party customization. Equipment and items don't seem important. No job system
>Crits are really fucking annoying. Playing around them seems impractical but sometimes I'll just lose a character at random
>Plot and characters aren't interesting. No one is actually relevant except for Lyn, Hector and Eliwood.

Corrin saying
>Was this a mistake, should I have really joined this side
or something along those lines made me livid.

No. Birthright is a bad game in general and Conquest is one of the harder FE's unless you play on normal. Play FE7 just known as Fire Emblem in the west.

Its shit, don't touch it. If you HAVE to play it, pirate or import the Japanese version, hack your 3DS so that you can use the English patch instead. The localization is literal garbage.



>talks about the plot and maps in Conquest
>neglects to mention the slightly less bad and braindead maps/gamplay in Birthright
Really gets my noggin joggin

What do you mean by limited party customization? How are items and equipment not important? Why does it need to be Final Fantasy tactics with the jobs?

Someone needs to update the chart and add in Echoes.

Awakening on Hard is a pretty stiff challenge for a newcomer, actually. I'd say its harder than FE7.

This is also more of a personal thing but its story is quintessential Fire Emblem. Its not a great story, but it hits all the familiar notes. Its cast is also better, with the support system the way it is. Awakening is the best starting point imo.

conquest came about after the advent of casual and fucking phoenix mode, and its still got an easy mode, it's fine for a beginner

Apotheosis. And how else do you think characters get married? Most people probably get them done ASAP in skirmishes

Is there literally any reason to get revelation other than paying for a happy, complete ending?

One DLC does not make the game all about grinding and the support system has almost always been terrible in FE

Hard until they inevitably start grinding with reeking boxes, which they'll almost always do. Robin and Morgan trivialize the entire game with minimum effort even on hard.

>awakening hard
>more difficult than HHM

Lunatic, maybe, but lmao at bothering with that grindfest

>Fates was fucking awful outside of the music and Conquest's gameplay
>outside of the music

Is echos worth playing?

No Justice is one of the rare occurrences where the map version is better than the battle version, imo.

>Is echos worth playing?
Yes. The OST from the game is alone enough to buy it imo.
>When 2:55 hits on this one

Maybe? Really depends on the stuff you like

I actually did just come off of playing Final Fantasy Tactics, so I guess that doesn't help. It's not that it needs a job system like FFT. More that the characters feel all really similar because I can't customize them. Equipment seems like I'm just stocking up on Iron/steel swords, spears etc. and vulneraries. Unimportant was the wrong word, I just feel like there's no depth or important choices to it and money isn't an issue.

It's one of my favorites released recently. The story somehow got even dumber than the original game's, and it's not particularly difficult, but I loved a lot about it.

>archers can nuke half the map
>mages have crazy blood magic with big range and lots of incredibly spells traditionally on limited use staves that they can spam at will
>skills are fun
>making everyone you possibly can into a death fighter
>combat animations are brief, brutal, and for the most part not at all like super anime ultimate techniques from fates and awakening
>seriously the knight animation for a 1 hit kill is just the knight charging the enemy and shoulder checking them it's great
>genny's fat ass

Add on top of it a great soundtrack, an actually pretty fun post game campaign, and the fact that it's easily the best looking and most aesthetically pleasing game since radiant dawn, and it's worth a purchase for sure.

Something to note is that Fates has drawbacks on the better weapons and Echoes have weapon skills. Multiple games have equipable skills too so maybe one of those would be up your alley

Sounds a bit more interesting but I don't have a 3ds and my PC is a toaster so I can't play either.

>No job system
The closest the series has ever come to a job system is probably the neo-Archanea games, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, and if you're not enjoying FE7 I can't imagine you'd have all that much fun sitting through Shadow Dragon either.

Most of your complaints are pretty much true series-wide, though.

I guess FE's just not for me then.

>Fights are generally against large groups of low level enemies
This is usually only a problem early-mid game and on the easier difficulties
>I feel like my team members are always overleveled
Yeah, this can be kind of a drag. If you want to keep things fresh, rotate the party members you use, otherwise things don't really get even until late game. And don't abuse the arenas, they make the problem worse.
>Maps don't seem interesting, I don't know how to explain it
If you're coming from FFT I see where this is coming from entirely. Especially with the GBA games the maps are just so featureless. Occasionally you'll get one that's got really interesting, challenging design by its layout alone, but it's not until roughly PoR that the maps start having other interesting features
>Limited party customization. Equipment and items don't seem important.
This is mostly a problem with entries like 7 and 1/3/11/12, which can mostly be cleared with iron weapons and don't give you near enough of the interesting weapons to make using them worthwhile.
>No job system
Certain games do have branching promotion paths, class changing and class abilities. 7 doesn't really have any of that though
>Crits are really fucking annoying. Playing around them seems impractical but sometimes I'll just lose a character at random
That's RNG my dude. If you don't like playing it safe with it and you don't like gambling, this isn't the series for you.
>Plot and characters aren't interesting. No one is actually relevant except for Lyn, Hector and Eliwood.
Other games are much better about this. 7 IMO isn't that interesting of a story. In general, though, side characters are developed primarily by their support conversations (and base conversations in some games); most characters don't get many lines in the main story's script after they're recruited.

I'd say give some of the more fleshed out games a chance, but if you really don't like the core gameplay I doubt that will change much

No "With Mila's Divine Protection"
Fucking end yourself

I'm willing to give the series another try if there are better games, it is something I'd like to get into. Which would you recommend? I think I can emulate any of the games except for the 3ds entries.


Path of Radiance would probably be your best bet if you want something more complex from the series. The GBA ones are pretty simple but the added skills while also keeping the difficulty not insane or requiring a translation patch makes PoR a good starting point. Its sequel Radiant Dawn pretty much just adds to it as well and is my favorite FE game personally.

Give path of radiance a try. It's got more meat to it than 7; if that doesn't get you into the series it just isn't for you.

Be warned it is pretty easy, even on the hard mode, literally because the nips thought we gaijin were stupid babies who couldn't handle the heat, but if the core gameplay hooks you you'll be able to sink your teeth into the sequel which is way more difficult.

If you're fine to play an older game, is a pretty good suggestion too. Be warned that the ROM is in japanese and the last I checked there were still some issues with the translation patch, but it's a very mechanically interesting game. It's also very challenging.

>Recommends Birthright
>Don't play Conquest

Storyfags are the worst thing to happen to Fire Emblem.

They whine about waifufags but at least waifufags can enjoy the gameplay too.

It has nice music and designs, and in general it looks really nice. It has the things the other 3DS games didn't have like worldbuilding and more character interactions.

The story is fucking awful and the gameplay is even worse, but god damn the presentation is top notch. And Celica somehow manages to be a worse protagonist than an Avatar.

Alright I'll try Path of Radiance. Hopefully I'll like it more than 7.

>And Celica somehow manages to be a worse protagonist than an Avatar

This pisses me off the most because in the original she literally had no choice, if she didn't do what the clearly evil guy said Alm would get slowly worn down and killed by endless waves of necrodragons, but for whatever reason they decided to axe that in the remake and make her a complete retard who gets totally tricked by obvious lies.

And I liked the gameplay. And other than that the story wasn't even that bad, pretty standard FE faire

7 or Awakening is the best to start on.
7 has unskippable tutorials for the first ~9 chapters
Awakening is pretty easy so it'd be weird to go to it after beating something else.

That said QoL differences between a 3DS title and anything else is huge because of how convenient it is to have the two screens.

>start game
>think Celica is actually a pretty good protagonist
>motivations make sense
>qt design
>good in combat
>mfw everything after you cross into Rigel
What a fast fucking turnaround for such a promising character.

That's a thing I'm going to really miss is being able to simultaneously see both the map and unit details in FE Switch. I do hope they do implement a system like that. Also the 3DS ones had a much better unit display than the older FE games, by being just one screen instead of multiple ones.

I always think it's overblown about her choices.
They're, for the most part, rational for someone who thinks dragon-gods are needed for the world to exist. She's not like Alm, who has the gusto to say fuck whatever happens, we'll deal with that later. She's extremely concerned about both land's citizens and would give up her life for them.

Trusting Jedah is pants on head retarded though.

I'd say so; I think the main qualification of a Mary Sue besides being extremely competent is also being the complete center of attention. Everyone loves them to an unrealistic degree. I mean you have Xander and Ryoma saying they greatly admire Corrin and placing him as the leader.

Its actually worse that way, because if Corrin was an extremely competent badass, it'd be less terrible then it is now. At least there's a credible reason why everyone loves him. As is, there is no reason for him to be praised the way he is, yet he is anyway.

>mfw Jedah was probably a big dick alpha that fucked the most beautiful woman on the continent

Just look at his three daughters. He probably sacrificed his alpha male status to Duma for power so he could serve Duma better.

God, I had hoped so badly that the DLC third route wouldn't be a golden route, but of course, it was.

nice new interview about echoes. I really love IS's interviews; they feel like they're the most genuine and in-depth interviews from any developer.

Corrin has Sue elements like how he is a part of everyone's life and is always the center of attention. But he gets shit on a ton as well, especially by MUH BESTDAD DINDU NUFFIN NOHR WUZ GOOD BOIS Xander.

In hindsight I get her motivations, but it was more the rushed, sudden change in how she acted the moment she put the crown on.
Her being a complete mongoloid about Jedah only made it worse.

It's also the "canon" route. The OTHER DLC reveals that Conquest and Birthright timelines were destroyed by a butthurt AU version of the third game's final boss, except of course for the third game's instances.
Multiverse stuff was a mistake.

I almost deleted it in Hoshido's route with Leon's magic teleport. No other game has made me that upset. I dare say it's worse than the entirety of bullshit in Conquest put together.
>I actually loved you all along Corrin, I'm sorry for being a jealous siscon. I didn't mean it when I said traitors deserve death.
>How'd Xander get so strong
>Xander got strong by seeing the rainbow sage
>Shit, that's all the way back in Hoshido
>Oh, you want to go to the rainbow sage? It just so happens that I have a two-way ticket that can send you and your ENTIRE ARMY there and then back again after you finish up. Toodle oo.

>Q: Mr. Kusakihara, it was proposed to have “kissy faces” at the time of Awakening and Fates’ development, which was said to be a “series breaker” by some

>Kusakihara: That’s right.

>Q: But was Gaiden different due to being a faithful remake?

>Kusakihara: No, actually, if anything, Echoes is the one “breaking” the series now, isn’t it? After all everyone looks at the previous two games as their basis for FE now, saying “This is FE.” Echoes is the one breaking the series.

user its a beginner guide. you dont send a beginner into the fox forest or the ninja rape cave

>caring about the story in a story driven game is bad
And don't try to say this series isn't story driven.

>fire emblem games
>story driven

Explains why Echoes sold less than 1-2 switch then.

Have you never played a Nintendo game before?

Doesn't make it not story driven.
If a game has constant dialogue before and after every single fight telling you why you should care, then it's story driven.

So is Conquest honest to god objectively the best FE or not?

I see Higuchi still has sense.

Well no, there isn't an "objective" best FE no matter what Sup Forums says. It's too flawed in many aspects for me personally to consider it the best though.

That would go to Thracia. Conquest is still one of my favourites though.

Yes, for two big reasons.



Stop this. Stop trying to post waifus where they don't belong. You know what you're doing? You're rapidly decaying people's tolerance towards this shit. I say this as a diehard Camillafag. There is a time and a place. All you accomplish here is setting the status quo that everyone who plays a game post-13 is a raging faggot who only cares about ass and titties.
You and all the fucking /feg/ tripfags.

I didn't mean to trigger a special snowflake like you with my post.