How do you get good at fighting games?
Getting stomped by people way better than me isn't teaching me anything.
How do you get good at fighting games?
Getting stomped by people way better than me isn't teaching me anything.
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Why even bother? What do fighting games even offer?
Play people around your skill level, then save replays of those matches and go back and look at them. If you're completely new you're not gonna have any idea why someone with 10k+ matches beat the shit out of you other than the fact that he's put more time into the game.
learning from losing isn't as intuitive as high skilled fg players want to make you believe, they often leave out the fact that you have to make a post self-analysis and often going over replays helps and asking yourself "what could have i done in that situation instead"
the way they express it though just makes it sound like osmosis which it is not
Write some combos down and memorize them in practice
A competitive 1v1 game, the Chess of our generation
>Play people around your skill level
They don't exist. My level of skill is "newborn baby". Everyone online is better than me. I can't win a round.
But they heavily value style over substance with their dozens of characters and uneven matchups.
i go to to vs and do fight over and over
lmao you dont have to do this, just don't be fucking braindead as you play. have active thought processes instead of being an input drone.
I don't know. I've been trying for about 7 years now and still suck. The more I practice, the worse I get.
obviously you want to find someone that is as close to you in skill level as possible. losing to someone that's far above you is as valuable as beating someone far below you
I keep getting grabbed over and over. I don't know what I can do. I don't know how you're supposed to be able to react that quickly.
They don't have to be exactly as good as you, you don't need a 50% win rate. They just have to be able to give you closer matches than being perfected every game. I know people who've legitimately gone 100-0 on Ranked in some fighting games, it's not easy, but they've improved over time. I told them to stop playing Ranked though.
And if all else fails, you do have friends, right user?
I have no friends
I'm a rookie in SFV and my winrate is currently 13%
Which game? In some games (BB, Tekken), you are expected to react to the grab attempt. In others (SF), you are supposed to anticipate that the opponent is going to throw you and tech the attempt.
practice mode until you can do all of your characters moves flawlessly. Then story mode on the hardest difficulty without losing a match, then try online again.
I also don't understand how you're supposed to fight Ryu/Ken, which makes me feel really stupid since they're the "basic" or whatever. When you jump in they shoryuken you, when you try to move in they just spam fireballs.
lmao shut the fuck up.
assuming he'll get anything out of a back and forth between two people who don't know exactly what the fuck they're doing or why they're doing it
The only way to get better at fighting games is to play with someone who is telling you what you're doing wrong and how to do it right. That's the only way. This "trial by fire" shit that the FGC spouts is bullshit so they can farm easy wins on their smurfs.
>When you jump in they shoryuken you
Stop jumping in on them when they aren't doing anything
>when you try to move in they just spam fireballs.
Jump when they throw fireballs. Or do anything really. Fireballs are awful in SFV and the majority of the cast has ways around them
who do you play
Rainbow Mika
It's hard to choose a character when you're fucking bad because no one feels good or interesting. I have no idea how to get in as her. I feel like she's only good when you have them up against a corner but I can't get them there. My grabs always whiff.
i can't believe people have the nerve to ask for a rematch when they're 2 ranks above me and they 2-0 me. rude as shit.
kek you actually picked the one character that doesn't have a reliable way to get around fireballs
Well, let's see.
I myself am a Ryu player. With the way the game is built right now, Ryu is one of the worst characters in the game, and while Ken isn't that bad, he is nowhere near as good as he was in season 1 either.
R. Mika's EX Peach has armor, so that's a good a way to blow through fireballs from within midscreen if you can read it. A fully charged standing HK (her dropkick) I THINK goes over fireballs but I don't remember for sure, but if it doesn't, it's a good way to get in because it gives you frame advantage on block. Her cr. HP also gets you in, but you have to do it from max range, or you'll get punished on block.
Mika was nerfed from S1, but as you say, she's still deadly in the corner. To get people in the corner, you have her Brimstone command grab, which you can get off a blocked fully charged dropkick, so as long as they don't read it. From midscreen, you can fish for her irish whip (f. MP > MP) and throw them into the corner. Her f. HP is a very good crush counter button that helps get people into the corner as well. You can use that to try meaty them on wake up, or after they block your dropkick.
Overall, you need to play Mika a lot smarter in S2, she's not as derp as she was in S1
So just play a good one like Tekken
Thanks for the reply. I think I rely too much on her irish whip. I get panicky and start to mash the same button when I really want it to come out, and when you whiff it she does like a big exaggerated clap which usually leads to me getting fucked up.
A whiffed/blocked irish whip is extremely unsafe, so you only want to do that once you know you hit your opponent. The first clap is a lot safer, so make sure you're only completing the irish whip once you know you're hit confirming it.
Ryu has very little options and one of, if not the most predictable characters in the game, so he's not at all hard to beat once you get past your initial hang ups with learning the game.
Go to locals best way to get good imo
This thread is filled with so much weird advice.
Trial by error and learning by getting bodied is definitely viable. I learned that way and I'm diamond in SFV (not my first fighting game, mind you). You need the right mindset, though: just going and expecting you'll suddenly git gud if you don't try to understand why you're losing so badly.
As for other advice, don't try to overcomplicate things at first. You can get to silver (gold, arguably) by simply understanding concepts like blocking correctly, frame data and punishing accordingly. You don't need to do fancy combos to win at beginner level, just learn the game: how to move, block, punish, what spacing is, what +/- on block means and so on.
Earlier in the thread you mentioned when you panic you start mashing the same button, so try using a safe button instead, like a jab or a light kick (you can try mediums as they're mostly safe, but they have slower startup and you might not understand at first why you're getting bopped before the move comes out). Best scenario, you get a little damage, worst scenario, you can go back to blocking. Then move up from there.
This is some generic advice I can give without actually watching the matches. If you don't know some of the terminology I'll expand.
Thats not bad. You are winning. Look at what youre doing vs what a professional is doing. Watch replays. Watch people doing breakdown videos for the top ranking CPT events recently. Sajam has a whole series on this. Think about why you lost. Think about what was hitting you. And go into the training room and figure it out
pffffftt hahahahahaha
Nigga, don't even try racing games if you can't get that shit right.
just started SFV, got to super bronze in less than 50 games.
I have only practised for 30 mins with ken.
learn how to defend as you go along.
Only 1 or 2 people actually beat me by a large margin
>goes back to playing street fighter v and has mvci on preorder ready for the hundreds of dollars of DLC
What. Mika has like 3 ways thru fireballs.
drop kick goes thru. ex peach absorbs it. and slide goes under.
SFM When? All of the best girls are out. Also why did Netherrelam nerf everyone's tits in this fucking game?
Non fight fag here. Can somebody explain the idea behind cross ups to me? Can't the other player easily tell whether or not an attack is going to cross based on its trajectory?
this user.
Dont jump in when they are free to counter, get the right spacing so if they throw a fireball you can jump in and punish.
this type of stuff comes with practice. I prefer practicing by actually playing.
Look at the players playstyle and try to adapt. Fighting games are a mind game.
Yes, most of the time it's pretty obvious which side they're gonna land on. A few ones can be pretty ambigous, which is why you don't want to let it happen if possible.
Some moves you do in midair alter your hitbox and can decide which side you land on. A prime example is zangiefs double knees. Each member of Street fighter has a different frame count on their jumps. So teach one lands just a bit differently and floaty ones like ibuki and m bison get people mixed up a lot.
when people are new to fighting games you're making this big mistake that they're grasping all this wall of text you're feeding them
i'm not saying to talk to them like they're idiots but drop the fg speak and speak fucking english
SFM When
when it comes to pc and wonder womans boobs are big too
Which is why I said I was willing to explain further (though I should've probably done it in the first post, admittedly).
i think it's like the same way you get good at anything, it's called like practice or something like that
>The only way to get better at fighting games is to play with someone who is telling you what you're doing wrong and how to do it right. That's the only way
when i did teaching (for subjects like medical) i learned many times not to introduce so much terminology that people shouldn't be expected to already know if they're new to the subject as a whole
this is also something they teach (or should teach) in any speech class, especially college level, or at least the college speech class i took did this
i've taught people things like administering first aid and music by the KISS method
>How do you get good at fighting games?
You get good by:
>Playing it regularly,the more you play the more you learn and the faster you get gud in most cases.
>Playing with friends and other people on your own level. Playing against really good players can probably teach you a lot of stuff too but i find playing with people on the same level much better and rewarding.
>DOn't spread yourself thin with multiple titles,even though some concepts can be used in many Fightans you will probably never progress much if you play multiple fightans at the same time, dedicate yourself enough to each of them.
>Try asking the communities of whatever game you are playing for advice and hopefully they might help you with some specific stuff. I say hopefully because the gg community i was with was little to no help tome in what i wanted to learn.
>Don't be a try harder and play the basic character first before going into harder characters.
That's pretty much it. I also forgot to mention how important having time to these games is because if you only play it a little every day/week you are never getting good.
Learn your fundamentals.
Learn how to play your character. Learn how to use their tools. You're gonna lose a lot regardless, but the whole "learn from your loss" bullshit isn't as involved as people make it out to be.
Seriously. Just practice your fundamentals in training and in matches and you'll do just fine.
Me and some other people on my college play Ultra Street Fighter 4.
We are almost all shit at it except like two or three people who are good
There is... Political meaning behind the matches
How do I beat them?
I've been training Ryu but sometimes it just doesn't work especially when they have long range attacks that allow them to get to my position quickly
>There is... Political meaning behind the matches
you better tell us.
As for Ryu learn some BnBs, learn when it is safe to use fireballs so you can bait them into your shoryuken. Remember to use focus cancel to combo into ultra and to escape your fuckups.