What exactly is wrong with having sexy women in video games? What do the people against think will happen if it continues?
What exactly is wrong with having sexy women in video games...
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It's just fat ugly bitches upset most men prefer non existing girls over them.
stop using that fucking pic
Feminists have decided attractiveness is a social construct cooked up by the partriarchy, as is the whole 'healthy living' thing. As such, they want to tear down the concept of what a good looking woman is, and force men to desire fat ugly landwhales.
As always with third-wave feminists, this idea doesn't go both ways, and they will continue to shun fat neckbeard Sup Forumsirgins and desire only men in the Channing Tatum/Chris Hemsworth spectrum.
stop sucking dick
How else are landwhales supposed to have a chance at life if standards exists?
Only low test beta cucks and fat tumbrl landwhales complain about attractive women in video games.
Stop liking sexy women in general
>exactly is wrong with having sexy women in video games
Theres nothing inherentely wrong with sexy women in videogames.
It has demand and people will buy it.
Where are you getting the idea it's "wrong" OP?