Who can stop him?

Who can stop him?



What was his fucking problem?

He's probably the religious type that doesn't believe in modern medicine


who's the best waifu?



I don't know this game but who is this man who looks like he's trying to hide that he shat himself and why can nobody stop him?

No one can stop his doctoring, no matter what he's going to be knocked unconscious and medicate people.

he's the greatest physician of his time

Calradian universities treat the teachings of the ancient doctor Galerian as holy. Jeremus thinks most of what he said is bullshit and got kicked out of university. Artimenner apparently knows enough of medicine to also jump on the Galerian bandwagon because he bitches about Jeremus not using the "correct" treatment on one of the soldiers and gets pissed off when Jeremus tells him to stop being a traditionalist faggot.

>My lord *winks*

what mods ?

>basically a runaway teenager with no practical skills
>turn her into a one woman murder machine in full plate and greatsword
I got half a boner from doing that to her

he talks softly but carries a big stick


Why can't you marry her?

>you can't marry her

>playing with dickplomacy and custom troop tree mod
>kit out the final teir of my troops to be absolute monsters
>plate armor, winged helm, great sword, kite shield, plated charger, great lance, heavy broadsword, the full monty
>grind for fucking ever in early game to get a 175 man strong army of just my best men
>the weekly cost has exceed the max int limit
Fuck my life.
Still fun as fuck to be able to lay low thousands of troops with just me and my men, all the while rampaging around caldaria as a blood thirsty tyrant

no one, he's the true warrior

artimenner doesn't appreciate jeremus experimenting and trying to find better and more efficient medicinal practices because of what the other user said

>those skills
Do you have another medic or do you enjoy seeing your men die?

>Start my own kingdom
>Give her a title so I can marry her
>Proposes but she wants some time to think
>A few sieges later I ask for a response
>She decided to marry some other Lord

Probably any character someone has bothered to edit with notepad.

>99999 strength
>All that health

I think its weird how religion is completely absent from this game. Is it because the devs were lazy with the world building, or are they afraid they'll be targeted for apostasy for making a fantasy religion?

It's a delicate subject that makes people mad, so it's easier to just ignore it

Pew pew pew shit out of them

that's all I need to know
14 surgeon is better than 10, that's the second thing
I'm not forcing my way of warband on nobody, tho

In Turkey I assume? I'm pretty sure no one in the west gives a shit about fantasy religions.