Does anyone even care about this?

Does anyone even care about this?

Even as someone who actually enjoys the series, I completely forgot this was coming out next week.

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I hope it crashes hard so that Naughty Dog gets a reality check.

>3 women on the cover

i for one couldnt care less

Two female protagonists, fucking lmao. Burn this shit industry to the ground.

I'm going to pre-order a couple of days before so I can get the free download for Jak.


>it doesn't have to suck just because of 'muh womenz'
but it will, user

I hate UC, so like... this is good I guess? It looks like it might kill this shit series.

I already pre-ordered it actually. There are few game series out there that satisfies my Indiana Jones syndrome.

do you really think this will happen?
everyone has been sucking their cock because they think pretty moviegames are art of the highest order. they're still going to be pumping out this generic garbage for the next century.

nah not me, I don't care about the setting and don't like Nadine. I wanted a playable Chloe in single player but I got monkey paw'ed. Her face looks awful. When ND reused the turrent-on-a-van set piece, I couldn't help but feel it was lazy.

My lord you sure got triggered didn't you, sweetie?
yes which is why you entered this thread to post that message

I know nothing about this game. Does it use the same gameplay (climbing and cover shootan) as the main series or does it try to go in a different direction?

not really, i don't like neither of the characters so the game doesnt really interest me.

A sullivan game in his young age or a game with sully and nates brother would have been much better.

I have never heard of this game, what the hell? What is this?

It won't suck because ot has women. It'll suck because it's Uncharted.

Chloe was cool in Uncharted 2 but I seriously doubt her personality in this game is going to resemble that in the slightest. This looks super serious

Still climban and shootan, but instead of ultralinear levels it is now semi open hubworlds.

That sounds even worse than regular Uncharted.

no, but i care about the jak ports to PS4

This looks like Uncharted 4 but with even less quips, jokes and general banter, and even then uc4 had nowhere near as much banter as the first 3. If I hadn't have preordered U4 and got this for free I wouldn't have bothered with it

>no nathan or sully
even if they get cameos it's not enough for me to care

naughty dog sucks, fuck'em

Yeaaaaaah another game design altered to cater audiences who DONT EVEN FUCKING PLAY GAMES.

That includes the people who play this overrated bullshit.

Well maybe not that overrated ok, amazing visuals, ill give you that bit the gameplay its so so so fucking bland to me. I cannot for the life of me try a game which only mechanics its to cover and shoot crappy unoriginal weapons without even having gore. Whats the satisfaction? Wheres the wonder of cool items or habilities or nice weapons? Its just a thing where I put a crosshair over a guy, I shoot, and he drops.

When the gameplay its exactly the same at the beggining and at the end, yaaaawn.

Do you think we will get some good feet shots like we did in Uncharted 4?

Wait is this dlc or a full game?

>Uncharted: The Lost Levels

Chloe and Cutter would have been better

This, who the FUCK asked for Nadine in this game? Who even liked Nadine in the first place?
Also, Chloe looks fucking ugly as shit in this game. Just look at the thumbnail from . Jesus.

2 woman and a nigger