Best character is only in the game for 5-10 minutes tops

>best character is only in the game for 5-10 minutes tops

Literally shiho

She had to break her legs in that jump otherwise the party would have no motivation

Letho in Witcher 3

Stop me if you've heard this before:

>The fan favorite characters that everyone loves get very little screentime or attention
>The characters that fans don't care about hog all the spotlight from them
>Bonus points if even japan (infamous for their shit tastes) don't even care that much about said focused characters
especially looking at you Honoka


The reason they're the best character is because they didn't stick around long enough to be ruined by the apparent horrible writing, I.E. they're just another shit character in a story filled with shit characters.

>best character is only in the game for 5-10 minutes tops
>they're only "good" because of quips and one-liners
>devs notice fans like them and use them as a major character in the sequel
>their character is paper-thin and insufferable

Hugues in Full Metal Alchemist.

Tbh everyone from Nier Automata except the two main characters. Even the third playable character got so little play time.


That electric faggot was always a jobber, past or future.

This does make me wonder, is there a game where the "fan favorite" actually gets a respectable amount of attention?


Big Boss/Naked Snake.
And we see what a detriment the focus caused


She deserved better.

cuck gabe deserved to die in first place instead

Lambo is a faggot.

>Best character dies at the end of the introduction/tutorial

He was so based, but alas, reborn had one of the worst endings for a shonen in a while.

Reborn was one of the worst shonens. Period. What did you expect from manga were MC's character's development and powerlevels were blandly reseted after every arc.
Holy motherfucking shit it's Kyouko-chan! What an impossible occurence to meet her on way to school, better have 3 pages of everyone's reaction to MC's sperging.



I fuckin love Lambo.