2018? Maybe..?

2018? Maybe..?

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I still have the smallest amount of hope that something will be announced this October on the 10th anniversary of the Orange Box

I better start preparing for disappointment

I've been looking forward to too many anniversaries of Half-Life releases to get my hopes back up.

My F I N A L bit of hope is saved for the 20th anniversary of Half-Life 1

legitimate question

when did people wanting "half life 2 episode 3" become wanting "half life 3"? Surely it's episode 3 we want as this would conclude the story arc established by HL2 and the episodes. HL3 would indicate a new "chapter" in the half life universe

Valve said they were ditching the episode model sometime after 2007

maybe that was a covert way of saying they were ditching episode 3 ie ditching development of the game

I don't buy that

Half-Life 2 on Switch?

Steam Dev Days are about a month away.

No reason to believe in any specific date. This is how I look at it: as long as GabeN is alive and healthy, there is always the slightest possibility that Half-Life 3 will see the light of day, so I hold out at least a shred of hope as long as he's still kicking, but I don't look forward to anything specific. Once he's dead and there still hasn't been any kind of announcement or release, it's officially never coming out and you can finally give up all hope.

I consider this to be the healthiest mindset when it comes to HL3. Don't waste your time or get your hopes up on anything more than that.

I just wish Valve would come out and say "HALF LIFE 3 IS NOT COMING EVER, IT'S CANCELLED, GO HOME"

I get it maybe ooooone day they could, but damn it, stop being silent about it. Just make it big, fat, and clear. People will respect you more for it.

>almost everyone instrumentally involved in half-life has left valve
>their games only subsist of cashgrab online games they can print perpetual money from
>newest game is a cashgrab card game trying to capitalize off dota and hearthstone
I don't think it's healthy to think it exists anymore.

no, never. NEVER. im sorry but its time to move on.

do we know if the story is written? because if the writers left without finishing it it's not gonna happen. hell they probably wouldn't do it anyway because "its not perfect."
at least we got a fucking card game


Valve lacks the discipline and structure to do a big project anymore. HL3 or any similar game for that matter is impossible.

Is there any holes in this?


At this point it won't be worth the wait anyway, just forget about Half-Life.

I'm pretty sure Marc Laidlaw confirmed that there was a story written for it, could be wrong though, been a long time since I gave a shit.

Never coming.

And this year they said theyre actually announcing/showing things.
desperate men can hope
its probably fucking artifact though

>Literally all key HL developers left valve years ago
>People still meme this shit

>as long as GabeN is alive and healthy, there is always the slightest possibility that Half-Life 3 will see the light of day
It's the exact opposite. Gabe isn't a game developer, he's a businessman. The fact is a new single player game won't make as much money as continual support for TF2, CSGO, and DotA 2. For fuck's sake, their next game is a Hearthstone clone.

we are proud to announce half life VR

Can you people please stop calling everything an xx clone even when it's fucking nothing alike

this is one where i can say never ever and not be joking

True, I just think that he's like the only guy still left at Valve who really has anything to do with the original Half-Life, and IIRC Valve don't really follow his orders. He owns the place but he isn't really the boss. I think that once he's gone that window will really be closed and the rest of Valve will fully move on. I definitely could be wrong though, maybe once he dies Valve will suddenly experience a renaissance.

I'd just like to know how it all ends. At this point I'd be happy to read whatever ideas they had and wouldn't need a game. Surely they had some faint idea of where it was going. A bit of closure would be nice.

lmao thinking that fat fuck Gaben gives a shit about making games anymore.

Agreed. If I could get some closure on the Borealis, G-Man, The Combine, and who wins the war I would be more than satisfied. Even if it's just a couple pages of text.

They could easily make a comic like they did with TF2, but it'd probably take 6 months per comic

I know how pathetic this sounds, but the hope of seeing how half life ends is the only reason I haven't killed myself, along with asoiaf and berserk

Let it go user

No, I believe that's when Artifact is coming out
You might be in the wrong timeline

I unironically know that feel. I'm not quite so bad as to be suicidal without it, but it's pretty much the only reason I fear death. It's the only thing left that I really want/need before I die and if I die before I get that closure I'll be fucking pissed.

This you're just asking for another DNF

I lost faith when Marc Laidlaw retired.

at first i didn't know wtf was that half-life 3 meme
now that i've played the entire story with that disgusting cliffhanger at episode 2, i'm waiting with the others, for an episode 3 of half-life 2

Can't wait for Half Life Card Game: Half Life Full Deck

Don't you mean Full Deck Consequences

Half-Life Team Racing in 2018



3333 more like.

I'd play it.



What would the combine have done with the Borealis, Sup Forums?





Someone remake these in gmod!



>Nihilanth mentions that it's the last of it's kind, yet also knows about G-man. Either Nihilanth is lying(which it wouldn't really have a reason to) or G-man isn't a Nihilanth.
>'-anth' is a common suffix for flowers, not really used to mean 'man'.
>Valve is notorious for re-using voice actors. Ellen Mclain practically voices every female. So sharing a voice actor means fucking nothing here.
Also why would a Xen encourage Freeman to kill more Xen? wouldn't he just use Freeman to kill the combine and that be that?
This theory reeks of rushed.


What even is the Borealis? a teleportation device?

The Combine really want warp technology.
Borealis is hinted to have extremely advanced portal technology on it.
So obviously they would fuck it like in my Asian cartoon-books.

The fact that the last bit of any fucking evidence or official news of Half Life 3 we have ever been given is an easter egg Borealis room in Portal 2 is not a very good sign of things to come.

Valve had said many times in the past Episode 3 has become a full on Half-Life 3. Where have you been for the past 8 or so years?

Half Life 3 will be released with Portal 3

They will be a single crossover game

what was F-STOP?

>have window with VR to release HL3
>its going to be something else an require beefy machine to play just like HL2 did so nobody is going to be disappoint
>decide SteamVR to die and dont release shit

Too ignorant to even bait properly
Portal 2 is set decades,maybe centuries even after the events of HL2
Both of their sequels being released as a single crossover game is almost impossible

-50% discount

the HL and Portal universes have been flirting about and I just want to see them fuck already.

as for plot I'm sure someone can invent time travel n magic shiet

>Portal 2 is set decades after 1
>taking a computer gag as reliable information
For all we know it could take place 20 years after the first one

Valve doesn't have game dev department anymore.

This. It's all over. You don't quit a company like Valve if your talents are being put to use. His clearly weren't.