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Greatest fuck-ups in gaming journalism
Gaming journalism in general.
I've been thinking and I feel like we need to make it compulsory for "professional" reviewers to provide the full video of their review gameplay alongside their opinions.
It wouldn't help but at least people could point out how terrible these people are at playing the games they trash/love.
To be fair that was pretty crazy back in 2000.
Tropical Dong getting a 6/10 from I think Gamespot because it was too hard
>Fans of console first-person shooters or the Alien film series will probably be better off waiting for Fox's recently announced Aliens: Colonial Marines for the PlayStation 2. While no concrete details have been announced for the game yet, this is one instance where the unknown is preferable to the devil you know.
Exactly like this but the entire playthrough should be attached to any review for the sake of transparency.
I'm watching professional journalists play XCOM right now and it's making my brain hurt.
some guy put out a mod a while back that "fixed" that game, the story is still dogshit but its a functional playable vidya
Fuck man where is the passion? Why isn't he going sanic speed and hopping around? Game journalists really do hate video games.
>doesnt think tropical freeze is anything but trash
>uses the dong meme unironically
these threads always get me.
Hey there Reddit
Bioshock Infinite reviews from almost all sites (even the more cynic ones) were a complete disgrace.
how can a "game journalist" be this bad at games?
The one which shouldn't be hard to play.
polygon is just shit in general but dear god they should take the controller away from whoever they have playing FPS
Look at the date you fucking mongoloid. FPS on a console weren't that common back then.
The journalist defence force that came to the resque of mass effect 3's ending ended up igniting gamergate.
It must be the biggest fuck up out there.
Why? The point of that game was to pretend it was a a normal sequel and then say "Nah sorry, we aren't making any more Bioshocks."
>"the Dark Souls of X"
God Hand. Only because IGN ended up putting it in their top ps2 games.
Because it was garbage, even worse it was pretentious garbage.
How is this website still online ?
>Sonic was never good (don't even disagree, but IGN were such stuck up cunts about it)
>Far Cry 3 is like Skyrim with guns
>critics saying Vanilla DaS2 was better than 1, and then giving SotFS harsher scores once people started bandwaggoning on the hate train
>literally every positive Sonic 4 review
That's not even mentioning all the shit RLM made fun of IGN for, but it's not really Sup Forums related
??? was it Rich Evans and Aids Moby? RLM isn't that great for vidya content
Does Mario Wii have a Spread Gun? Cause that fucking breaks the game in Contra.
I was talking about this,
They were making fun of IGN and other shitty websites, but it has nothing to do with video games
It's funny because the man who made that gamer entitlement video recently made a "sexist and racist" tweet and all his journo friends viciously turned on him and got him fired and now he's out of the industry.
Good argument kid
>it's bad because it bad
>complains about the lack of waggle in an srpg
>blames game for underpowered console
What the fuck does the 0.7 even mean
"Oh, this game is great, but it's three tenths off being perfect" Suck my dick IGN
ah, I felt that was more targeted at shit like the screen junkies than IGN
persona doesnt even deserve a 7
It means it's Persona so it can't get a 10/10, unlike Zelda which has to get a 10/10. MGSV got a 10/10 despite that being literally an unfinished product.
Fired over saying " peace and quiet"
Sounds like a feminist utopia.
>that GameSpot SS review where the reviewer complains about the controls and shows off how bad they are
>he has absolutely no idea how to use a fucking Wiimote
I go by the good old 5 point scale.
>Oct 2000
gee, I wonder what came out a little over a year later with the same control scheme?
There are countless of threads about how bioshock infinite was garbage from gameplay design (having to carry only 2 guns and then have to run around like a chicken searching for ammo for it because the game couldn't properly synergy the ammo drop rate with the weapon upgrade system) to basically story shit (wrong interpretation of multiple universes, elizabeth being basically a useless NPC that was shoehorned into the gameplay and despite that the AI will completely ignore her) etc etc.
If you actually think BI was good, then you are fucking retarded.
What did he think would happen when he got in bed with people who think customers aren't entitled to quality products?
is the remaster of silent hill bashed the same way with witcher3 and pugb?
meaning angry Sup Forumsirgins hating fun or is it actually a terrible game?
What? Yes they were. Doom and Quake both had a ton of console ports.
Doesn't matter. Halo CE had the exact same control scheme and went on to become the console standard of FPS controls.
game journalists are mostly just journalists who failed to get into any other field of journalism
doesn't change the fact that he criticized them for innovating what would later become the standard console FPS control scheme
[insert BoTW """reviews"""]
BotW doesn't deserve such a high score purely on the grounds of rapid weapon degradation and whoever approved that decision should be shot. Unfortunately it was a perfect storm of Zelda and open world fad going hand-in-hand to amaze the casuals.
These webms is making me feel somehow good, because it's a proof that I'm not the shittest FPS player in the history of vidia
Fuck, in comparison to them, I'm the fucking high grand fucking super sharpshooter emperor of FPS kingdom
This. Overrated shit and weapon breaking is the most casual system I've ever seen in a fucking game. It's like Dead Rising all over again.
I haven't played the HD versions or the originals but there are pictures that compare both, and the former looks absolutely terrible. It's a blatant cashgrab, and makes the games look worse.
They used unfinished builds of the games, or something, meaning that they literally released unfinished products for full price.
tl;dw Konami lost the original code, they are not even the same games
No, it's like music "remaster"s where they ruin them
>FPS on a console weren't that common back then.
Yes they were. What you meant to say is that dual-analog controls for shooters weren't common.
You are r*ddit. Fuck off.
This is who decides whats GOTY.
>is the remaster of silent hill bashed the same way with witcher3 and pugb?
Nah, HD Collection is technically bad. You're better off playing the PC versions of emulate PS2 originals.
>A year later
No it's a really bad remaster that Konami farted into existence
I found the shooting fun and a lot better than Bioshock 1.
The story isn't supposed to be a crystal clear multiverse story, the point is what it says about Bioshock as a franchise.
It shouldn't make you feel good, because you need to remember, the person playing in that webm gets paid to have opinions about games you love and hate.
And the MGS HD Collection came out at the same exact time and is the only way to play those games nowadays
Bioshock 2 is the only innovative game in the series, Bio 1 was a (well done) soggy rehash
MGS2 is missing some post processing and MGS3 is missing side content, but yeah it's overall a good collection.
The DmC shitfest.
At least they didn't pull anything similar with DR4.
Could this be the Dark Souls of video game articles?
Yeah, Sup Forums just hates having a major character's eye get replaced with teeth in a pivotal scene because they're contrarian
Well, I like PUBG. It's not perfect, but its doing a great job scratching that battle royale itch I've always had. I hope to see it improve. I didn't really like Witcher 1, so i didn't persue the series.
The HD Collection is a horrendous port job. I'm not talking about "Hydro Thunder lags a big on the PS2 version 0/10" I mean it is completely fucked.
People like to pin it down to one problem, and attribute it to fanboy whining. It isn't JUST the fact that the voice acting was redone, its not JUST the fact that comic sans (i actually didn't notice this), it's not JUST the fact that it drops to 5 fps in the sewers for some fuck reason or the fact they elected to retexture certain areas seemingly at random for no reason that clashes with the texture job that remains, it's not JUST the fact they used the soundtrack versions of the songs and not the game versions so they don't synch up, its all of this. And more. The game over sound plays 3 times in Silent Hill 3 for no reason. Enemy sounds were placed on the wrong enemy. It has this weird fucking filter over the entire game that doesn't let you see the """HD""". They put the mouth texture in her fucking EYE.
I am so fucking pissed off why do you do this to me??
Halo came out in 2001. It couldn't have been THAT horrifying, especially since tons of people had played GoldenEye, Perfect Dark etc and should have been able to process that gameplay on a second stick.
Honestly I prefer the originals. I don't think MGS2 made the jump to 1080 well and while MGS3 runs at a smooth 60 or close to it, it looks too clean.
FUCK Dead Rising 4. Capcom need to stop giving Japanese properties to western developers
>The original game had no continues
Help me understand bros.
What would make somebody, a journalist, trying to inform people - intentionally say something they don't actually know with confidence.
And assert it as a fact.
Why do they do that?
Ain't it a kick in the head
It deserves that score on release.
I don't think MGS2 has aged well anyway, and playing MGS3 on an actual PS2 makes everything impossible to see (although I only have the original version with the fucked up camera, maybe the rerelease they based the HD version on fixed that)
But I love the original camera! If only because otherwise the peeking and other mechanics are useless, because the free camera can just see everything you need.
and the shit zelda game deserve that ? come on
Neither of those had conventional dual analog support. You could only get it by plugging in two controllers and dual wielding. It wasn't really an advertised feature.
IGN's God Hand review is the worst of all time.
The guy playing in this webm did not review the game.
Stay mad, denialfag :^)
New xcom is harder than old x-com. But yes, they aren't too bright.
I hate it and could never get used to it after playing the HD version, but it's probably just a personal thing. I'm fine with you liking it.
God Hand isn't a good game.
What are the DR4 devs doing now?
>Dark Souls of Persona Games
This is from that one joke website, right? There is absolutely no way this is real
Sucking chinese cock.