This game is actually pretty fun. Why did you guys lie to me and say it was bad?
This game is actually pretty fun. Why did you guys lie to me and say it was bad?
Because this game is a fucking themepark.
The kind of themepark that is fun for one time, but once you've visited everything once you'll only go to the three place you liked the most, and then that becomes boring too.
Also its a boring grindfest after you reach max level. They should've focused on making it actually like guildwars was.
Better go for the pure grind mmo's amirite?
This site hates GW2 for no other reason than wanting to be edgy. I mean...people glorify PU:BG here, wtf do they know about vidya?
Did they ever make the combat interesting? I stopped before the first addon came out, but PvE was an absolute snoozefest. With most classes and builds your autoattack was literally your DPS rotation.
>Better go for the pure grind mmo's amirite?
Read my argument and then read this.
Then you'll realize what kind retard you are
How many hours have you played?
70 hours /played
the leveling and exploration are fun, the pvp is fun. i dont get what your guys problem is
So tell us: is it a themepark MMO or a grind MMO? Both? What is a good kind of mmo?
70 hours is nothing in an MMO.
The PvP is too simplistic and build-based.
There are a few easter eggs, but in general the maps are just check lists which I wouldn't call fun to explore.
Of course, it still might be a game you like.
how do I play now that Tarnished Coast sucks at WvW and all the fun commanders are dead/gone?
>been told leather farming gives a lot of money
>spend 30'minutes farming
you can go fuck yourselves
1400 hours played, I dropped shortly before HoT released.
It is fun, but the "endgame" was nonexistent at the time, nothing to keep you playing. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Might actually check it out myself again, now that there's plenty of new content.
I enjoy it, but I still go back and play Guild Wars 1 sometimes too. If I play too much Guild Wars 1, I can't bring myself to enjoy GW2 immediately afterwards. I think that's the overwhelming problem with the game.
If they had called it Tyriaquest or some gay shit like that I don't think it would've gotten nearly the flak it does, but it called itself Guild Wars, and it's nothing like Guild Wars, one of the few games I've seen Sup Forums almost all agree was amazing.
Play EVE instead. I would love to help newbies in the low-sec.
More like you'd love to ram newbies in low-sec faggot.
With raids and challenging fractals they've also added good endgame content.
People should give this game a second try if they stopped around GW2 launch. The game has changed and they stepped up their game significantly in the last 1 1/2 year.
Tried, got bored after a minute because the combat is still absolute ass.
Depends, did you come into the game expecting full ARPG or tab targeting WoW like combat? Because expectations can hurt someones opinion on a mechanic and the game went for a strange middle man between the two.
Yeah the leather economy has gone down thankfully, Maybe a month or two ago you could make stupids amount of money just by standing in one spot grinding for leather.
hf wasting thousands of your real life hours into literally nothing
I really like how vertical gw2 is, I didn't expect jump puzzles to be this fun. Haven't seen anything like it in any other mmo.
I had played a full week at launch but never liked the combat. The combat is still a huge turn-off many years later.
Tried the LS3 JPs yet?
Can you do the HoT raids alone yet?
GW1 companions when
The only reason they hate it its because its not gw2. If it had any other name it would be hailed as a masterpiece.
Lore and storytelling a shit, but as mmo, its great.
I'm a faggot. I tried to like this game with all of my heart after sinking 4581 hours in to the original but I just can't.
Why can't gw be great again?
So you played raids and fractals a full week at launch? Weird considering raids were released like 4 years after release
btw if anyone wants to do stuff in gw1 I'm down.
Switch to Dragon brand :^)
I play from EU servers.
You really should. HoT was in retrospective all about end game. I don't know how PoF will shape, but ANet learned a lot with the first expansion and Living Story support. Now if only they could make underwater content relevant.
I can't just transfer to another server without trialing them, especially with what memes are spammed about the win trading between BG & JQ. Impossible situation.
I wish we were T2/T1 again, like the good ol' days 3-4 years ago when I last played.
If you want groups in GW1 you need to play in NA district because that's where everyone apparently is. Just switch to it in-game.
You simply have low standards which is why you enjoy Guild Wars 2, that's not a bad thing but it does mean you have shit taste.
Anyone that played original GW knows what the game should be and GW2 is just another generic, bland mmo,
I'm pretty sure that applies to every MMO ever.
XIV is pretty streamlined and gives you good boy points for every progression but end-game hits you like a fucking truck.
GW2 on the other hand focuses more on exploration and while having a pretty smooth progression and there's so much to do, like any other MMO but ultimately, it's really just a distraction for when you get to end game and you're faced with the same problem in every MMO, it gets boring and grindy until the next content drops.
Because Sup Forums is filled with nitpicky contrarian autists who don't actually like video games unless it's the game they like playing, but if it's popular, they don't actually like it even though they do.
I log in for Tequatl, Triple Trouble, and dailies waiting for PoF.