We can all agree 2 is the best Silent Hill, right?
We can all agree 2 is the best Silent Hill, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Silent Hill is a shit franchise, because I've never played it, and as I don't own the hardware to play it, I never will.
Shoulda made the HD collection good and released it on PC :)
It's been on PC for ages.
Nigger I've played all 3 on my shitty PC, what the fuck are you doing
unless your name is Tom, then yes, it is
1 and 3 are both better. 2 is still an 11/10 game though.
>expecting a furfag, out of all people to know anything about videogames
Sure, if your preference is for boring, padded games where the only redeeming factor is ending.
Obviously. Like a league above the others.
best overrated game? yes, but best game of all SH? no
SH3 is the best.
SH1 > all the rest.
-Largest, most interesting and varied town sections.
-Best pacing out of the whole series; the slow beginning and Apartments in SH2 really grind people's gears.
-Great, varied major locations (School, hospital, sewers...)
-Better enemy and boss variation, all of 'em are fairly dangerous
-Nicely balanced difficulty, both action & puzzles.
-Scary as fuck, full of mindfuck parts as well
-Great visual design, full of small details.
-Awesome soundtrack and audiowork in general.
Here nigger, you can play all four games on PC right this instant:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
You can now see some decent emulator settings for SH1 as well in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Also give the new PGXP emulator a shot for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.
personally i like sh1 and 3 more, but this is still what peak videogame kino is like
>he hasn't heard about the PC ports
man these furfags are getting dumber every year
>Apartments in SH2
What's wrong about it? I just played it and didn't really feel anything bad
I know a lot about games, I'm currently funding the patreons for Kemo Coliseum, Blackgate, and Corruption of Champions
it's quite a slog and boring environment you spend a bit too long time in. It really becomes more apparent on later playthroughs, but I've also seen numerous first-timers' posts indicating even rookies getting bored of SH2 before ever leaving the apartments.
Which is all just one more reason to start and play SH1 first; it gives you a bit more context, more things to "look forward to" in SH2, as you expect things to go south sooner or later, big time.
I liked the apartments, but that's just me, it seems.
The one thing I'll always remember from SH1 is the beginning sequence. That part was scary as shit and I remember I just stopped playing SH1 for a month after that.
yeah, the first few minutes of SH1 really capsule well what kind of sick ride you're signing up for.
It's one reason I always make sure to get first-timers to start with SH1; no matter how much they may whine or joke about "bad graphix or controls", they usually quiet down the moment the sirens kick in.
Which is usually followed by panic, WTF -faces, and signs of getting hooked.
SH3 is the best of the bunch
>Best MC
>best monsters
>best areas
>best combat
>best villain
>best areas
they're all around quite forgettable to be honest.
Is there video for retarded people on how to install these games?
>best zones
Silent Hill is just Twin Peaks for weebs.
And how retard do you have to be to not be able to READ? Shit's practically as easy as inserting a disc, installing the game, and unpacking a zip-file.
And SH1 you don't "install" at all, as you emulate it with PS1 emulator.
>No Figma or Nendoroid of Heather.
I've download both the torrent and DDL of Silent Hill 2 and both times the ISO for disc 1 was corrupt.
you sure about that? It has worked fine for me.
How did you mount it?
Best Silent Hill coming through. Fuck outta the way, plebs.
I've recently installed SH2 through the mega link provided in the copy/pasta and it worked fine. So it must be something on your end.
I always preferred Silent Hill's more melancholic musical tunes to its more horror oriented tunes.
Just normally through Windows 10...
Dude there's only one way (really) to download Mega links. How the fuck is it on my end
Walter, you're tearing me apart.
>How the fuck is it on my end
It has to be, you're the first person I've seen complain about the files being corrupted and I've been following these threads for over a year.
>Just normally through Windows 10...
>Windows 10
There's that devil again.
Every time someone has problems with installing or playing these games, they run W10.
For the sixth time: DO NOT use the W10's built-in ISO mounting feature! It is literally an anti-pirate measure of its own.
Grab a copy of Daemon Tools lite (any old version like 4.0 from years ago), and use that.
>For the sixth time: DO NOT use the W10's built-in ISO mounting feature! It is literally an anti-pirate measure of its own.
You don't have that on the image, or in the post. That's your fault faggot.
>Daemon Tools
ew, dont use that disgusting malware ridden bullshit.
I use WinCDEmu, it's open source so it's better.
In addition I think I pirated Nier Automata with an ISO file and had no issue
that's why I'm pointing towards the ancient versions. I've used this one since something like late-Windows XP days, and it has none of the stupid shillware crap people claim it to have nowadays.
But in the end, it doesn't matter what program you use, as long as it is NOT built-in and made by MS.
>Walk out of my room, head to the end of the hall when I hear a strange sound
>It's the sharp cowl of a cat, where's it coming from?
>Hear the sound grow louder as I near the kitchen
>The fridge is open... and there's blood on the floor... Oh God.
I prefer 3 and 1 but 2 is better than 4
It's a pity team Silent will never reform
Remember that it ain't the company, but the people that made these game fantastic.
But it was the company that broke TS.
I used to think that until recently, but I've changed my mind to 3. 3and 2 were otherworldly amazing, but 3 is just super special.
Are you choosing the correct file? There are two files and daemon detects one, but it's the other one. The DDS file I think?
I would have saved Lisa and given her all of the love she wanted.
2 is its own sort of experience from 1 & 3, but an equally good one. SH2 is like freezing to death in the woods. SH 1 & 3 is like being stabbed. You still die in the end, but the experience is different. Ones more subtle, and the other is more blunt.
But for real though I like 1-3 equally. They all have their highs and lows. I wouldnt have even minded if all of the silent hill games had their own unique driving plots, but they all just copied SH2. It wasnt unique, it wasnt original, and theyre shitty copies at that.
nah 3 is the best, a horror game should be scary before it has a good story
But you can't do that, bro.
She was already long dead by the time you meet "her".
Which is why SH1 is still THE best game:
It's the scariest, has a good story, and the best town-design. It also BTFO of 3 in terms of replay-value.
Empty Space: The Game
Both 3 and 2 are better
3 is easily scarier than 1
>good story
SH1 has the same cult shit as 3
legit my favorite track from the game. But there are so many good ones. Its only my favorite by a small margin.
>Empty Space: The Game
On the contrary. And way better than the "linear corridor + recycled HALF of SH2's map" the 3 was.
>SH1 has the same cult shit as 3
way to nullify the importance of anything you just said.
2 is great but I liked Shattered Memories and Downpour more
Downpour was aesthetic as fuck, and those frantic otherworld sequences were trippy and excellent, should have been a staple of the whole series. I also liked this train ride
Shattered Memories had the best story and delivery, arguably even better than 2. I hated the chase scenes though. Shame no one ever talks about it
Objectively wrong.
SH2 can only be fully enjoyed once, as its main draw is the story. After that, you only play it for the multiple endings.
In SH1, the game has a great art style and environments, and the unlockables are actually good. The Otherworld is also better than SH2's Darkworld, and all the positive points of SH1 apply to SH3. There's also the fact that SH3 has Vincent and Claudia
>Downpour was aesthetic as fuck
you need to seek medical help
I like Downpour too, but it's weaker than 1-4.
>aesthetic as fuck
It really isn't, the game is on a shit engine, looks like ass, and the first 4 games had superior art design, and the music was better
>those frantic otherworld sequences were trippy and excellent
They were the worst part of the game. Just run straight, reminded me of SHSM, my personaly worst game of the series for being a straight line with terrible running sequences.
>Shattered Memories had the best story and delivery
It just took the ending for incompotent players and made a game out of it. It's a dull story with no original ideas. It doesn't make an insane cult story like 1 and 3, doesn't make you sympathize with murders like in SH2, and it doesn't have the trippiness of SH4.
>when the dab kicks in
I agree with all except your SM shit.
It's a brilliant, very personal experience, and a lovely distraction from the old formulas.
it's easily the best non-Team Silent SH game.
I don't respect your opinions but I respect you, my dud
Please, if a game like SH1 were made today you nostalgia fags would just call it a walking simulator or stupid LP clickbait.
The SH1 game was good and horror well done, but you didn't have any clue as to what was going on until near the end of the game almost like Outlast 2.
>It's a brilliant, very personal experience, and a lovely distraction from the old formulas.
It's a walking simulator that ruins Silent Hill 1, and at the same time takes the multiple ending system from SH2 and makes it the gimmick.
>it's easily the best non-Team Silent SH game
I'd put Origins and Downpour above it. I don't even like Origins, but it did the exact same thing as SM except it had combat and some good looking levels
I loved Shattered Memories.
Pretty on the fence with Downpour. I think its heart was in the right place trying a new idea with the open explorable town, but a lot of the best moments were kind of disjointed and spread thin as a result.
They're the same fucking thing moron,why're you calling them differently?
>Please, if a game like SH1 were made today you nostalgia fags would just call it a walking simulator or stupid LP clickbait.
It's not. It's a brand new game, utilizing some initial elements of SH1 in order to break players' own expectations and memories, creating a trippy, atmospheric experience.
>The SH1 game was good and horror well done, but you didn't have any clue as to what was going on until near the end
same with SM, unless you go around internet spoiling yourself.
>almost like Outlast 2
and you expect anyone to take you seriously after listing out THAT awful walking-sim ""horror" trash in the same sentence with the pinnacle of the survival-horror genre?
>I'd put Origins and Downpour above it. I don't even like Origins, but it did the exact same thing as SM except it had combat and some good looking levels
I wouldn't. Those two are THE shitty rock-bottom stains of the whole series. Ugly as fuck, clunky as hell, total lore-rapes, and overall beyond salvation. I will never ever play either one of them again.
SH1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > SM > > > dog shit > the rest.
>if a game like SH1 were made today you nostalgia fags would just call it a walking simulator or stupid LP clickbait.
Depends. If it did what REVII did and just ripped the level layout from the first game and put it in first person, that would be accurate, but if it told another story about the Cult with the same tank controls, gameplay, camera angles, art style, etc., it'd be great, so long as it was handled by a competent team.
>but you didn't have any clue as to what was going on until near the end of the game almost like Outlast 2
You could piece together what was going on if you got the Good+ ending on your first try and read everything. The drugs in the safe, the Lisa tape, Kaufman's motorcycle, and everything Dahlia says allow you to piece it together, but yes, you don't really understand everything until a second playthrough.
>It's a walking simulator that ruins Silent Hill 1
How? It's a brand new game. It has nothing to do with the original Silent Hill, or the OG trilogy to that matter.
>and at the same time takes the multiple ending system from SH2 and makes it the gimmick.
If you really want to act like SH2 invented that stuff, then SM took its "gimmick", and expanded it 100 folds, making one of the most fascinating, super replayable game.
>I'd put Origins and Downpour above it.
>I don't even like Origins, but it did the exact same thing as SM
Sorry, I thought I was talking with a sane, mature person here.
My mistake.
Learn to read moron. I said you barely had a clue of the plot until the end of the game just like Outlast 2. That wasn't praise.
Also, who the hell was talking about SM? My favorite is 3 closely followed by 2. Currently going through 4 right now.
Inb4 young fag. Born in 92
>Please, if a game like SH1 were made today you nostalgia fags would just call it a walking simulator or stupid LP clickbait.
Either you've never played SH1 or you have no idea what a walking simulator is.
>Inb4 young fag. Born in 92
Yeah, you're an eternal youngfag to me.
Fucking boring intersparsed with moments of fun that are too far apart, before is fine and after is great but apartments are horrible. Silent Hill 2 was the first game I played and the apartments wouldve made me stop if Pyramid head wasnt interesting
Because they have distinct differences in art style and reasons for manifesting.
The Otherworld in SH1 and 3 was brought about by the God's Will and has an orange tint as well as the metal grates, blood, fans, and the bodies hanging around.
The Darkworld in SH2 is brought about by the inner demon's of the people within the town, and is represented in different ways. For James, the world is shrouded in fog and has odd building structures all over the place. Eddie's is represented by hanging sacks of meat and football merch, and we don't know much else, and Angela is represented by fleshy walls and constant fires. And all of them have unique monsters.
As I said, distinct differences.
Fun Fact: Walter's Will is a Dreamworld which all the characters enter through dreaming.
The apartments in SH2 represent what, 30 minutes of gameplay? How short is your attention span
>Ugly as fuck, clunky as hell, total lore-rapes, and overall beyond salvation
So, every Western SH game? SHSM was ugly, clunky and changed the lore.
and western SH games don't even deserve to be on the same list as the first 4 they're that bad
>SHSM was ugly, clunky and changed the lore.
It did none of that. It looks great, especially for a Wii game, and way better than goddamn Downpoor to that matter.
It didn't "change lore", it was its very own, closed thing.
>listing DP and BoM anywhere near 1-4
Tomm pls
>It has nothing to do with the original Silent Hill, or the OG trilogy to that matter.
Except it uses the characters and town and changes their personalities and reasons for doing things, and the start of the first game from Alessa causing the car crash to Harry acting like a drunk idiot.
>hen SM took its "gimmick", and expanded it 100 folds, making one of the most fascinating, super replayable game.
SH2 did it better by not telling you it was doing it. You didn't know it was grading you on how you treat Maria, how you treat yourself, what you examine and how often you examine the items and what you did.
In SHSM, you try to look at something and the game decides you like fucking every second of your life, and it tells you it will do this.
>Sorry, I thought I was talking with a sane, mature person here.
Origins also looked like shit, ruined SH1, and changed the lore to suit its own needs, but at least it didn't ruin Harry and kept the puzzles and combat.
Not that short honestly, they just felt really bad too me
>Except it uses the characters and town and changes their personalities and reasons for doing things
No, it only takes the names and vague roles of the characters + the starting point of the original game. That's all part of the ruse.
>SH2 did it better by not telling you it was doing it.
SH2 did literally nothing before the very last bossfight as well. Meanwhile, every single detail in SM can change from the get go.
>Origins also looked like shit, ruined SH1, and changed the lore to suit its own needs, but at least it didn't ruin Harry and kept the puzzles and combat.
It did practically all that, and was written like shit to boot.
Trust me, I was SURE I would absolutely loathe Shattered Memories, right until I finally got to play it myself a few years ago. I can now honestly say that I was wrong, as I got hooked, played the game 4 times in a row the following week, and watched 2 friends of mine play it on their own soon after, which let me to see some brand new material.
So tell me what defines a walking simulator. SH1 has you running around the entire damn town collecting items and barely telling you what's going on other than "Where's my Cheryl" and a 5 seconds cutscene every now and then.
This is why I hate you pretentious nostalgia fags that shit on anything that comes out today while romanticizing everything about the past. SH1 was a great horror game with great asthetics. Its execution of its plot was not good at all just like Outlast 2. Both good plots, but gameplay was prioritized over making sense of what was actually happening.
Smh, making me shit on one of my favorite games just because you're a pretentious piece of shit. This is why I hate this board
I like 1 and 3 more, but I can't bring myself to rank 2 or 4 above each other, they're both amazing standalone games.
>it did none of that
It calls itself a reimagining, yet changes the cause for everything and the personalities of all the characters.
>It looks great, especially for a Wii game
Still looks like ass in comparison to the good games, and the art style doesn't save it, unlike SH1
>and way better than goddamn Downpoor to that matter
Downpour doesn't look good, but when it isn't loading in the graphics, it looks better than SHSM.
>It didn't "change lore", it was its very own, closed thing.
It changed characters in the worst way. The Harry of SHSM isn't the Harry of SH1, the Cybil isn't the Cybil I know. Characters are just there so they can say it's a Silent Hill game, rather than be the characters they were in the first game.
>Tomm pls
I ranked them because they're part of the series and I wanted to establish where SHSM stands
>it only takes the names and vague roles of the characters
So, it made caricatures
>the starting point of the original game
No it didn't, Alessa was the direct cause of the car crash. SHSM changes Harry's character to make him a drunk idiot who crashed because he was driving intoxicated.
>SH2 did literally nothing before the very last bossfight as well
Because the game's story stays the same with repeat playthroughs, what makes the difference is things you choose to do
>Meanwhile, every single detail in SM can change from the get go
Oh, somebody wore different clothes, big difference.
>It did practically all that, and was written like shit to boot.
SHSM was also written like shit, but it changed characters from the first game I grew to sorta like.
Also, good for you for playing a game. Don't project yourself onto me, I played SHSM and didn't enjoy it. It wasn't fun, the story was awful, the characters were ruined, and the gameplay was awful Wii gimmick shit
No, absolutely no.
The Otherworld in SH1 was shaped by Alessa's misery and her fear being amplified by the God growing within her. The God didn't make the world that way, at least directly, it was from Alessa that it was feeding off. Same in 3 as Alessa's memories were returning.
The Otherworld in SH2 was damp and depressing because James was depressed. Yadda yadda yadda with Eddie and Angela. It is all the Otherworld. Just because Alessa's/Hannah's was more visceral does no warrant it a different name. You alone think this.
>It calls itself a reimagining, yet changes the cause for everything
Do you even understand what "Re-imagining" means? It's not a synonym with "remake" or "remaster".
>Still looks like ass in comparison to the good games,
it really doesn't.
>Downpour doesn't look good, but when it isn't loading in the graphics, it looks better than SHSM.
it literally never does look good, and especially does not SOUND good. Or play good to that matter.
>The Harry of SHSM isn't the Harry of SH1, the Cybil isn't the Cybil I know
Exactly. That's why there is no issue.
>Characters are just there so they can say it's a Silent Hill game,
No, it's the other way around. SM would NOT work even half as well without YOUR own memories and expectations related to the fact that 1) You're playing a "SH game", and 2) All these events and people seem familiar.
>I wanted to establish where SHSM stands
which definitely isn't behind the blunders of the century made by a narcissistic madman.
>So, it made caricatures
No, it created new characters.
>Alessa was the direct cause of the car crash
that's a detail, not the main event.
The car crash is. The reason is secondary.
And Harry's not necessary a drunkard at all. I never got him to be one.
>Oh, somebody wore different clothes, big difference.
it shows how little you've actually played the game, if at all.
>SHSM was also written like shit, but it changed characters from the first game I grew to sorta like.
I absolutely ADORE Silent Hill 1. I love it to bits, and it's the best horror game ever created.
Shattered Memories is also a great experience. It however is NOT Silent Hill 1, and any indications of it being one is simply a bait for the player himself.
> It wasn't fun, the story was awful
Too bad. I just replayed the game with a few friends couple weeks ago, one of them a total first-timer to the SM, and we had great time playing and analysing the game later on.
>defending SM
just stop, please
The game had insultingly easy puzzles, horrid gameplay and don't get me started on the laughably bad "player analyzing"
>The Otherworld in SH1 was shaped by Alessa's misery
Pretty sure it was just the God growing within her, Alessa wasn't directly causing it though, she was trying to prevent it.
>Same in 3 as Alessa's memories were returning.
No, that was the will of Claudia being inflicted on the baby God in Heather. Alessa's only involvement in this is being the mother of God, Claudia and Dahlia were the main reasons for the Otherworld, and the God growing within Alessa and Heather made the Otherworld appear, as it was growing in power.
>It is all the Otherworld
I split it up because the Otherworld in 1 and 3 is distinctly different and is caused by the God's growing power, and the Otherworld, or as I call it, the Darkworld, is created by the combination of the Town's power (unleashed by the God in SH1), and people who have committed sins they know were wrong and feel regret or sadness about.
They warrant a different name because their cause is different and their look is distinct.
SH2 is the only SH with good gameplay, the rest are boring
May I save this for later use?
You pretty much should do that without saying, mate!
SH as we know it would be practically dead without its fans nowadays.
Nah, you just get out. SM was great experience of its own. You just gotta accept that it is NOT a "survival horror" game.
You are literally the only person that separates them. They are all the Otherworld,regardless of of how it's being triggered. Differentiate them all you want, doesn't change the fact that they're both the Otherworld. The boundaries of the Otherworld have never fully been defined
>Do you even understand what "Re-imagining" means?
I'll use the example the dev team used, that being Batman and Batman Begins. Both are reimaginings of the original Batman story, which is true, but both have the same starting point, Bruce Wayne's parents being killed causing him to train to become the Batman and protect Gotham.
SH1 and SHSM differences go beyond that. The only thing that remains the same between them is that Harry had a car crash, but it changes the cause, the reason why, why Harry was going to Silent Hill, and what happened on the way there.
Nothing is the same at this point. In Batman and Batman Begins, Bruce's family had went to see a show, and left through an alleyway, and were mugged, resulting in the death of his parents. I can say that, and have it apply to both movies. The same can't be said for SH1 and SHSM.
>It really doesn't
SH1 has good art design to fall back on, despite being early PS1 3D, it still holds up.
SH2 and 3 had amazing graphics for the time and pushed the limits of the system and still hold up in terms of facial animations and sometimes environment design and character models, and especially in art and monster design, as well as animation.
SHSM characters are very robotic most of the time, and rarely have natural movement, and the game barely pushes the limits of the Wii, which I believe was more powerful than the PS2, given the fact that the GCN was more powerful than the PS2. The ice world looks like plastic wrap and doesn't feel cold. In SH3 and 2, you can see the fire, and feel the heat. Not literally, but because the animations make it look real.
>it literally never does look good, and especially does not SOUND good. Or play good to that matter.
Better than SHSM
>That's why there is no issue
If they use the characters, but they aren't the characters why call ti a Silent Hill game? Ditch the names and just call it Shattered Memories
>No, it's the other way around
So, it's a Silent Hill game just so the characters can be there? But they aren't the characters, their personalities and state in the game are completely different, they don't feel familiar, they feel like different people who happen to have their names. Even the town doesn't feel like Silent Hill.
>which definitely isn't behind the blunders of the century made by a narcissistic madman.
I assume you're talking about Tomm Huelett. He worked on Shattered Memories as well.
>it created new characters
Then why did they have the names of already established characters?
>that's a detail, not the main event.
If she hadn't run in front of his car, Harry would've continued driving. Without Alessa, there is no car crash, so they changed Harry's character to have a car crash still happen without Alessa.
>it shows how little you've actually played the game, if at all.
Those were the only major differences I saw. Maybe a few things I didn't care about were changed, but I didn't care about them.
>It however is NOT Silent Hill 1, and any indications of it being one is simply a bait for the player himself.
So, you're saying it's shit on purpose?
>I just replayed the game
Good for you, how are the piss easy puzzles and scripted running segments.
>analysing the game later on
You guy's retarded or something? Not much to analyze in SHSM, but given your spelling of analyzing and the structure of your argument, maybe I'm not too far off
>the batman example
we also have new Batman adaptations that totally change the backstory, keeping only the general appearance and style of the character and the world more or less intact. And ones that totally change the setting AND style too.
But that's off the point. SH:SM does not try to tell a familiar story with a new coat of paint. It wants the players to THINK that is happening, only to funnel them into a totally different kind of game, which mirrors more about the one experiencing it, rather than the characters themselves.
>SHSM characters are very robotic most of the time,
They look better than some more modern games though, but obviously less impressive than SH3-4. Maybe partially because of the more open style of the game, maybe a bit because of not quite as skilled artists. But they still do their job well. The lighting is great, same with texture quality.
Ice looked fine to me. It's the PS2 and PSP versions that have borderline PS1 graphics with all the fancy effects and shading removed.
>Better than SHSM
literally never.
>If they use the characters, but they aren't the characters why call ti a Silent Hill game?
Because it is set in a Silent Hill, and utilizes the player's expectations about the plot and cast.
However, your argument would work way better in case of Downpour, which wasn't a "SH game" even in theory anymore.
>So, it's a Silent Hill game just so the characters can be there?
No, it's a Silent Hill spinoff / re-imagining, which focus is the player rather than the in-game characters and their stories, without sacrificing the latter though.
>they don't feel familiar, they feel like different people who happen to have their names. Even the town doesn't feel like Silent Hill.
that, my friend, is kinda the point.
>I assume you're talking about Tomm Huelett. He worked on Shattered Memories as well.
well aware. "His" least butchered game too.
>Then why did they have the names of already established characters?
Broken record answer. See above.
>they changed Harry's character to have a car crash still happen without Alessa.
Yes, but that does not matter in this game's case. It's not the same story, it just masquerades as one for a while.
>Maybe a few things I didn't care about were changed, but I didn't care about them.
Yes, stressing the "you didn't care" part.
I've seen places, dialogs, characters and puzzles I didn't even know to exist, no matter that I used a guide to get the 3 other endings after my initial playthrough.
>So, you're saying it's shit on purpose?
No. It's just not what you thought it would be, and still haven't understood it like I finally did after playing it.
>Good for you, how are the piss easy puzzles and scripted running segments.
Nothing worth mentioning. Still loved the urban exploration parts and all the attention to details, like calling the phone numbers.
>You guy's retarded or something?
>Not much to analyze in SHSM,
Who's the retard now?
There's tons of things to analyze about SM, like how they did the psycho-analysis system and how tangled it ends up being, how much real psychiatrist stuff it actually uses and how correctly, if it would be even smart to make a game with any more "serious" attempt at the psychology stuff before it becomes dangerous in wrong hands... etc.
As a side note, one of my said friends is a professional psychologist and an old SH fan, so obviously the experience was extra fascinating to her. I obviously enjoyed seeing how differently the game played this time around.