>only hobby is playing video games
>bad at every single video game
Only hobby is playing video games
Hey me too
>Weebs are shit at vidya, sky is blue, more at 11
No fucking shit. Why else do you think you retards praise VNs and JRPGs? Literally one button games devoid of any challenges, substance, or ability to provoke thought.
>girl pic so OP must play VN and JRPG
Sorry, I forgot time investment mobile cancer and 100% luck based card games.
>play Dota for 2000 hours
>peaked around 1000, actually got worse after that point and never recovered or improved
>shit at fighting games
>still play 'em
>most of the time by myself because I can't afford em and just pirate
>be attractive enough for girls to talk to me
>used to have a new hobby every year
>only hobbies now are vidya and watching shit
>don't want to be with me when they find out
I have not spoken face to face with another person my age in 3 years
I have never held a girl's hand
>close friend that talked about vidya the most
>guy that would trash talk watching other people play
>find out same friend is actually really bad at vidya
>someone's mom playing-tier in fps
>button mashing baby in fighting
>gets lost in other vidya or completely misses shit
Why. I don't understand how you'd spend so much time playing vidya and not have a grasp of what the fuck to do.
I am too
It's because I never stick to one thing.
>watching someone being bad at video games
>watching same person die to the same shit and not learning to dodge easy attacks
>watching person skipping importent dialog and then wondering what to do
>watching person being bad at midmaxing and CAPATALISM HO!
>"huh, must be a bug"
What level of bad are we talking about?
I'm retard-tier bad at FPS's and MOBAs and casual-tier bad at fightan because I really don't like playing them, thus I see no point at improving in them.
>ywn be as good as progamers even if you waste more time playing than them
>counting vidyagames as a hobby
Seriously, don't do this. If you tell this to anybody they will see you as a turbonerd who needs to be avoided like the plague.
if I don't, then I have to say I have 0 hobbies
i know this fucking feel my dude
been hovering between 1.8k and 2.2k for the last 1000 of those hours
It's not too terrible if thrown at the tail end of a good list of hobbies or interests. It's so common for people to play these days it doesn't carry much of a stigma. If all you say is 'video games' then yeah, that's pretty bad.
Get a damn hobby. Anything counts.
Jogging, reading, cooking
What makes vidya worse than any of these things?
>eating food is now a hobby
Because video games are just nerd child shit user. you gotta like adult things like sports, cars, netflix shows and parties.
You could play a 1000 games and have nothing to show for.
If you are good at cooking you can easily make a dish and impress people.
Reading furthers your horizons and makes you a better conversation partner (generally)
Jogging is an exercise that can be interactive, shows that you care for your body. You can win light marathons if you are good.
It is. Just look how many different culinary schools there are.
>eating food is a hobby
>educating yourself is a hobby
>keeping your body in shape is a hobby
what other life skills don't count as "hobbies"?
Living the dream!
Collecting coins, vintage paper money, stamps, mountain climbing, travelling, diving
Cooking is eating?
You throw the food you make in the trash?
Define hobby. If your definition of hobby somehow doesn't include video games, your doing something wrong.
Just leave him be. He obviously doesn't interact with the world and doesn't know there are more options to eat than Mcdonalds and instant noodles.
>tfw I do more than half of these things and my other big hobby is gardening
I'm not even old.
>hobbies are only hobbies if they impress other people
Gee it sure smells like insecure around here.
gardening is the most redpill hobby there is. I am with you on this user
Sadly I don't have room for a garden.
He never said it's not a hobby, just vidya is worse as a hobby since you don't have anything to show for it.
The only thing I am saying is that telling other people that television and vidya games are your hobbies will result in a very negative presentation of yourself. Do as you wish, but I am trying to help you, stubborn user.
You're just bad a vidya, but you still enjoy it and that's fine. It's better than being mediocre or moderately good at some and fucking terrible at others. That means you have the potential but you're too big of a piece of shit to commit.
Yoy don't have to be good at something to enjoy doing it.
if you like gardening but don't have space you can grow bonsai. there were threads on /an/ but they died
>Weebs are shit at vidya
>when western games are the ones made for casuals
it's massively frustrating to be bad and not improve
Not everyone here lives in the US of Cuck, you know.
tfw Stacie and Chad make fun of my manlet tree
>be slightly above average when trying any game for the first time
>skill level plummets once i start learning the mechanics
>slowly make my way back up to high elo/mmr/rank
I've been looking for other hobbies but i'm going through them pretty quick. Instruments get pretty boring after you learn some video game songs, then it's just practice by playing lon lon ranch every day.
its a loli tree not a manlet tree
>limited space
>have pic related
>have insomnia also
>get to watch two flowers bloom this summer at night
It's neat.
This. I generally like learning new things and pick up the "basics" very quickly. Happened with playing guitar, riding BMX, snowboarding etc. But then I always get stuck on more advanced stuff. Of course the way to proceed is to just practise practise practise and then some more. But it just gets boring because I see next to no results.
Vidya is kind of different because there is so many different games out there and they are easier to learn and master. It never gets boring because you can just move to the next game.
implying I'm not a turbonerd that needs to be avoided like the plague
>only hobby is playing videogames
>good at every single game I dedicate more than 2 hours to
Those 2 are my moms. I also have one, but left it for her.
I also suck. I play singleplayer for that reason.
>Play dota for over 500 hours
>I'm 1.2k
I'm bad but I enjoy it
and OP is shit at those too
>only hobbies are vidya and art, and jogging sort of
>not actually that good at drawing, but stylized enough that I can take commissions
>recently lost my job
>instead of wasting away in sadness I've decided to use the time to do what I've always wanted to do and make a game
Pirated RPG maker yesterday and have been plugging away at the game since. Gimme another day or two and I'll have something people can really play. This is such a good feel, I'm a little envious of NEETS who have all this time but don't utilize it.
but I am a turbonerd, user. Are you telling me to lie to people?
Since the start of august I've felt like video games are wasting my time.
>play hitman escalation
>make a mistake
>have to do it all over again
>fuck no, exit
Call of duty may have given me some HDTV but the rounds are fast and fun.
>Pirated RPG maker yesterday and have been plugging away at the game since.
you're a fool.
why am I laughing so hard
Even worse
>only hobby is video games
>bad at every video game
>don't even enjoy them all that much and sometimes lterally hate playing them
>still set everything aside just to play vidya
>have less playtime than all your friends
>thought i was hot shit at cs 1.6 back in 2006
>went to biggest LAN party in country and enter 1.6 tournament
>get slaughtered
It's all perspective, user. My bros and i were winning loads of pickup games off quakenet and generally thought we were good enough to at least get to the semi finals. We were out of the entire competition in 2 matches and spent the rest of the lan party playing Riccochet and getting drunk
You're me except I stopped at RPG maker and realized I just wanted to make a comic with my writer-friend instead.
Well I don't socialize, so it's okay.
Me too but I'm an adult now. Have responsibilities and shit. Actually get to do other hobbies now and doesn't mind being shit at vidya anymore like
>guy has self-identified as the hardcore gamer all his life
>still kick his ass in nearly every game we play
>the immeasurable tear flowing rage every time he gets his ass handed to him
Well I can't code so this is my best alternative. RPG maker games can look nice if you spruce it up enough with sprites and hand drawn tilesets, which is what I intend to do.
My dream game is a M&L styled turn based game with hand drawn sprites ala Skullgirls, but that's a long ways away. Start small and dream big!
>friend is cocky as shit
>thinks we're amazing at 3S
>tell him we're big fish small pond stuff
>go to actual 3S tourney
>he gets fucking killed early on, he's fuming, I drown eventually but laugh a lot and complement my opponents
>tfw even though I was garbage I started playing casual games with people on the side for fun
>learning stuff while getting my ass kicked
>actual got some rounds or games on people that beat me in the tourney
Attitude as well I'd say. Tourney mindset is strange though and pressure is real.
The best part is when he starts slinging verbal insults at himself.
>Oh course, of course I'd fucking do that
>Jesus fuck, I'm bad
>Welp, guess I suck as usual!
>same person gets caught jacking off on stream
1.200hours and 1.5K team mmr 1.3k even if you do well you need others with you who dont have too much of an ego to Be a teamslayer, sub 3k usually have that problem.
Fuck, how do I get a HDTV from Cod? Could use an extra in the kitchen.
One of the most important factors of keeping you interested and improving is having someone else request you to do so, no joke. I went on and off with drawing and violin for years until I started fulfilling randoms fan art requests and starting private lessons, the difference between sitting at home trying to convince yourself to do something and having someone else ask you to do something is huge. Sounds obvious, but it's really important. Just some advice to anyone here who wants to actually pursue a new hobby.
Also, for music specifically, having a private teacher helps a lot for improvement, but really all you need to keep playing is have a friend or something give you random sheet music to play. As long as it isn't just you motivating yourself it works
Same with me. It's like reverse autism, no matter how hard I try I can't dedicate myself to one thing properly.
If I'm not doing anything in particular I'll end up playing three different games in a few hours.
same except two years
How can dota be fun at low MMR?
Is it possible to be hardcore casual? Because that's me.
>too shitty to win games
>get MAD when I lose consecutively
>Like throwing shit and screaming mad
>Can't keep playing to improve if I have to stop every second loss
>Just never play
Man bullying fucked me real bad
>play vidya all day every day since the age of 7
>still absolutely terrible at every genre and can be easily beaten by any normie
>unironically plays on medium, even then has trouble in single player games
I think your problem is autism user not trauma
Eh if it is the auts I've got a gf and a nice job so at least it only rears it's ugly head when I play competitive games
>another "I'm so shy and wierd" weeb thread
These. I'm the best out of my group of friends, nobody rarely beats me in any game. They think of me as some kind of vidya jesus and won't believe when I say I'm only slightly above average on the games I play the most
you sound like you have an ego problem
Fuck you
lucky me I don't befriend pretentious reteards :^)
You don't need to be good at a hobby. Sure, it is natural that you want to get better at everything to do, that's normal, but with a hobby, the first and only thing you need is to enjoy it.
You say this to be snide but you will legitimately never get laid in your lifetime or really have any sort of meaningful relationship if the only way you spend your time is by playing video games
I'm not trying to insult you or anything, I'm just telling you that if you try something new and acquire additional skills you will be a much more interesting person to talk to and you'll find it a lot easier to talk to other people
It doesn't need to be normie shit like sports or getting HELLA TURNT DUDE, it could be something as simple as cooking, or building plastic models, or drawing (although that has a high barrier of entry in terms of not hating yourself), or even just exercising.
Like I'm sorry for the huge autismo wall of text but it actually pains me to see people actively turning away from a lot that life has to offer just because they feel like they have to dedicate themselves to vidya, or that they've only played vidya for so long that nothing else could possibly give them a sense of enjoyment. I used to be in that place and I super regret it now.
In closing I want to thank you for taking the time to read this gay essay, and remember to report off-topic threads and posts.
>only hobby is playing video games
>bad at every single video game
>also doesn't have a life outside
>basically bad at everything
I actually don't care if I wake up tomorrow or not. Damn it all, tell me Sup Forums. What should I do to at least die in peace? I'm thinking of killing myself and donate all of my internal organs or anything that can help other people live. At least in that way, I managed to do something good in my life although I can see them rejecting it seeing that it comes from a man who is basically nothing.
That isn't entirely untrue
Or you could muster the god damn willpower to work out. People spout the fitness bullshit all the time but it really does pick you out of a slump. If you're a fat, lazy, depressed piece of shit, doing nothing at all will keep you feeling that way. You're stagnating. If you don't try anything new, the feelings boil and bubble over until you off yourself. It's very easily preventable if you have even an iota of self preservation left in you
>draw since 6
>still not selling
10/10, would agree again.
Other than that, you stated the very reason I despise Sup Forums: they hate reading. So I give you a (you), so it will be most likely that others will read it, too. Now I'll also attach an animu woman to my post, so people will more likely check it out and will feel forced to read the post I was responding to fully understand what I'm talking about.
>Reflexes used to be perfectly fine when I was 16ish, scored 190ms average on test websites
>People always told me the ageing affecting reflexes thing was a meme
>25 now, can't even scrape 270ms on the same website
>Constantly get my ass wrecked by kids in online shooters with Godlike reactions
It's not a meme, be warned.
You sound like such a normie
>just work out bro
Honestly just get a job, try to make friends, and if you're not really ugly maybe try to get a girlfriend. Working out only helps super vain normies who post on instagram all day.
Pretty cute. You probably don't know how to market yourself. Also artist saturation is becoming a thing these days.
I'm not really fat and I don't really think having gains can boost my self-esteem. Man, do I feel really empty right now. How about you? Why or to whom to do you live your for? I always try to keep positive and refrain of thinking that I'll never get better but things just don't work out my way. This is so fucking unfair.
If you honestly believe keeping yourself healthy is on the same level of having a girlfriend or social interaction then you're too far gone. If you're a fat ugly piece of shit, you'll be hard pressed to find a gf or friends. If you're a FIT ugly piece of shit, it's a bit easier because you won't suck to look at.
>Working out only helps super vain normies who post on instagram all day
How fucking jaded are you? You work out to not die at 20/30. It's basic body maintenance