Reminder that if you make, participate in, or encourage console wars/console war threads on Sup Forums, then you are absolute cancer that is ruining this board and should just kys yourself.
Knuckles in a hotdog suit
Why is he in a hotdog suit?
Why is he in a hotdog suit?
Meta threads are not so much better.
SNES > Mega Drive
bc cartoon shows are le wacky
Why is he in a hotdog suit?
I don't know who this "Knuckles" character is, but he looks like a pretty big weenie!
Thanks Knuckles what would we do without you
Shit thread OP
How frank of you.
I encourage waifu wars instead.
Sorry if your preferred platform makes you feel inferior to my preferred platform :)
whoa there bugs.. easy on the balloons
>kys yourself
>kill yourself yourself
kill you're self
He's a big echidna
E-celeb threads should be purged. Fuck OneyPlays, more like OnaholeGays. Console wars are the 2nd biggest concern, but threads about Game Grumps drama should not be exceeding 200+ posts.
Knuckles. The fact you're a meathead is exactly why you're also a feminist.
this has nothing to do with anything.
you are now more obnoxious than the people you hate, congratulations.
Thanks for the advice, Knuckles in a hotdog suit
That's because Knuckles has enough meat to please the ladies. Fuck off Crash, you are a cuck. You lost your waifu to a lanklet rat.
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian (Barneyfag)
> 2017
> not being a BGTOW
Tawna is a whore who found her pimp.
I was worried you had finally killed yourself or been institutionalized, there's an MLP image that's over an hour old in the TW3 thread up right now that didn't have your autistic screeching reaction.
>not wanting to be Chad "Knuckles" Thundercock
Is being alpha a bad thing now?
"Feminist" and "alpha male" are mutually exclusive.
Pretty sure this is a bot, otherwise who would take the time browsing pony forums all day just to harass people who crosspost pictures?
Why is he in a hotdog suit?
>no crash bandicoot and knuckles game
>no Tails Gets Trolled and that Crash Retold crossover game
>kys yourself
you you first