Gunz thread

Gunz thread

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I wish I still had reaction to play this.

Exteel > Gunz

Are you fags playing or what? I downloaded M2O gunz the other day there was a thread but got in too late.

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who played Exteel.

Sup Forums needs to start hosting their own private servers for shit like GunZ and MS, fuck going to a server that's either dead or just full of people outside of Sup Forums also I like the idea of calling the private server Gun/V/

Would be nice if the game didn't force carpal tunnel on you in the effort to learn a fucking bug in order to be competitive.

No, I also played Exteel.
But it wasn't better than GunZ.

You must bleed to succeed.

>tfw it was the only game that I actually had a semi sucessful guild

All members were all close friends and were pretty decent at the game.
Do people still play the sequel?
Not even asking about the first Gunz cuz I know that shit is dead and buried.

>Do people still play the sequel?

servers were shut down, not sure if removed from steam too

Why not play S4 League? It was basically a more polished GunZ.

GunZ had more depth.
It's too bad both were laggy pieces of crap. Why can't koreans into netcode?

Let's get a game going.

Download here:

Room name will be Sup Forums

This was fun when we played last week

I remember really liking that game but ultimately giving up because there were too many hackers.
Probably ruined the game for everyone else.

we in here

im in

feels u faggot made me install for 10 minutes of gameplay

gg's though

What was that HL2 mod that turned the game into a shitty Matrix knockoff? I remember that being a ton of fun.

I really dont think it uses the HL engine, but yes you can wall run in the game like the matrix

GunZ was released before HL2.
But I never heard of such mod. Maybe NeoTokyo?

Neotokyo is a Ghost in the Shell knockoff, not The Matrix

>nobody played

>Neotokyo is a Ghost in the Shell knockoff, not The Matrix

And the matrix is a ghost in the shell inspired movie


The Specialists?

It was such trash, but yeah. Kinda fun

>tfw getting carpal tunnel from learning the fucking katana butterfly shit
Felt good man.

What if we made a discord group instead of a random thread once a week at night. Then maybe we could get a 16 person room going.

If you want to play, just play with RANDO's my dude.

Why do you have to play with Sup Forums? nobody even talks much in a match anyway

Because everyone is level 60 fully geared my dude.

If you can't beat a level 99 with full gear as a level 1 with k-style alone, you don't deserve to play MY DUDE

Fuck off my dude, I was like level 8 and the fucking shotgun you get has 3 shots and the other weapon has to be the fucking starter revolvers. If I were 30-40 I would be ok.


>it wasn't better than gunz

To level up you have to kill others my man. It's not fun going against fully geared level 60 players my man.
I wonder if you can hack quests. I remember doing that on Ijji to get myself to level 60.

This tbqh. At least during Fall/Winter. Would be so comfy

>I wonder if you can hack quests.

Probably not as they have to be updated for every new patch and nobody cares about making hacks for a private server with 20 players.

Could probably find one for FREESTYLEGUNZ or something though

>that trainer that gave unlimited rapid fire grenades

D-do I install it Sup Forums?

Haven't played in 9 years.

nobody is playing.

There were exactly 0 threads about Gunz here until a couple weeks ago. It is growing stronger.

There's nobody playing in the noob servers. Prepare to get your shit pushed.
Guess I'll have to try in the weekend to see if it gets more populated.

So shills?