This is Solid Snake

This is Solid Snake
Say something nice about him

is that todd howard

Something nice?

I pirated Skyrim and all its DLC

Solid Snake?

at least you weren't as disappointing as sizable supervisor

Kept you waiting for that premium-price DLC, huh?

Kojima's next Metal Gear was actually going to reveal that Solid Snake never fought either Big Boss or Venom Snake, it was a whole other Snake that looked like him, this is why Solid Snake is always saying he isn't a hero, because its the truth.

He deserved better.

He's handsome

He's better than Big Boss

This is Solid Snake, huh

The REAL Solid Snake looks like a very nervous Sylvester Stallone.

YOU'RE the famous Solid Snake?

Tell me, why is he called Solid Snake?

Because everyone in Foxhound is named after animals.

He kinda looks like Japanese Manga Peter Parker

What do you make of Quiet/Joost


Yes, as opposed to vegetables or minerals.

what happened to masculinity in anime?

Metal Gear remake when?

Too much effort/underpaid salaries for long work hours and unpaid overtime/moe-fag otaku becoming artists/incorrectly assume audiences won't notice laziness (i.e. why you see a shit load of bone-tool tweens in anime nowadays)

They all line up together, really.

>tfw you will never have a landmine fist-fight in HD

>ywn see Big Boss vs Solid Snake in HD
Truly the darkest timeline

MG1 was Venom not Big Boss.


But Venom is Big Boss. And so am I.
Damn Kojima did it again. Depth like no other game.

everyone already knows that, he was talking about MG2. the landmine fistfight was also MG2

But Solid Snake died in that tanker incident two years ago... this can't possibly be him!