Alright Sup Forums, why do you hate it?
Alright Sup Forums, why do you hate it?
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He's that kid who told you that Sonic is playable in Melee but people take him seriously. Also gets offended over everything in hopes of getting more attention.
She's actually fine, honestly, at least from what I've heard from her on the Jimquisition podcasts. Don't see a problem with her journalism or her former penis.
>Follows Jim Sterling
>Takes a tranny seriously
Kill yourself
No, seriously kill yourself because you're part of the cancer killing vidya.
This thread is shit b8. Somebody hijack it and post some traps.
I care more about vidya opinions than trannies, sue me.
I don't even think about him and I think all the tranny hate is weird because it's better to ignore them than to acknowledge them at all.
you faGGots are just as bad as him
go back to praising kek
>post some traps
OP already did.
I only hate transbians, is she one of them?
Did this guy go to the point of no return of mental degeneracy? Did he cut off his penis like a fucking retard?
yes? I think. You mean a female (male) attracted to females correct?
Let's get to the real question
Are traps gay?
Speaking from personal experience, most of them are leftist as fuck and bitter toward those fucking straight white males.
>anti-moderate maymay posting
Yes, traps will always, and forever shall be, gay.
Spotted the mad alt-right KiA user who can't use his leftypol boogeyman.
Fuck off polddit
Nice tumblr meme.
If they're passable, not really.
>XY chromosomes
>birth certificate says male
gay confirmed
Did she really get offended over the traps are gay comment or was that just Sup Forums blowing stuff out of proportion?
I had no part on GG and I don't post on Sup Forums anymore
Maybe you should go back to
are there any trannies with REAL tits? I hate it when they're just gravity defying sacks of play-doh
I don't, but I don't actively follow anything she puts out. I do find the harassment to be immature and unnecessary though.
That's just polddit being polddit
Yes, they tracked down the guy who made the trap joke and kicked him out.
>I don't post on Sup Forums anymore
>proceed to redirect me to a far left circlejerk
Maybe you should go back?
You're attracted to a person who is a boy but looks like a girl. You are attracted to the fact that they are male and have a penis. Yes, it is gay.
Spotted the retard.
This, she was on an episode of sawbones and doesn't seem to be that bad of a person
Traps imply at least an attempt at passing as a woman.