How bad is your computer/internet addiction?
How bad is your computer/internet addiction?
I'd rather be a cyborg with internet connection till the stars burn out than go to """Heaven"""
Not really an addiction but I don't have anything else to do really
Not that bad. I can easily go a month without my pc or phone as long as I something entertaining to do. When I'm home Im always on my pc
go without it for a week. that includes using any apps on your phone that require you to go online. only use it for calls and texts.
I have an obsessive personality that's usually short lived and yet I rarely seem to focus it on anything productive.
I spend very little time on the computer if it's focused on something that doesn't involve it.
Are these symptoms of ADHD or autism or something? I never really got checked for anything...
So so. When I'm out I don't really check my phone that often, but when I'm home in my room I'm practically glued to my laptop/phone.
>when my internet goes out for an hour or two after the initial shock I'm doing productive things like reading and cleaning
I probably wouldn't be a deadbeat piece of shit if the internet was never created desu.
My five year relationship ended because I couldn't transport my PC to a different city to live with my girlfriend. I ended up staying at home, which added six months to the long distance relationship. That was enough to kill it off.
I've attempted suicide multiple times as a result. Sometimes, sitting here at three in the morning, I wonder how my life would have been if i'd simply chosen to spend a few months without my computer. The only thing keeping me from another attempt is a promise I made to my father on my hospital bed.
What a horrible idea
On the average weekday I'll wake up, go to work, spend at least eight hours on a PC there, then go home and spend another ten hours on a PC there. Most of the break time inbetween (e.g. on the toilet, eating, etc.) I can make sure to get internet from my phone.
Computer is below average
Internet is above average
So bad that it's the only thing I enjoy in life and I'm slowly getting bored of it. It's also the only thing I want to do so I end up forcing myself to do it even though I'm getting bored of it so I'm permanently bored
Is it an addiction if nothing else in your life can actually satisfy you?
The Internet is the only thing that keeps me from killing my friends
None of my old friends care about me anymore
I haven't seen any of my family in years
All I have is the internet
Yes. It's a good thing you can't inject Internet intravenously yet because I'd be strung out in a corner on it.
>literally all the information, games, videos, etc are available at your fingertips, along with easy communication with everyone on the planet
>surprised people spend most of their time using the internet
As bad as your mom's cock addiction.
Not really. I was kinda addicted but now I go online because I have nothing else to do.
I think I'm more addicted to Sup Forums than the internet in general. Even if I leave the room, I keep coming back just to check for a (You). Every day on the way back from work I think "I'm not going to get on Sup Forums, I'm just going to do something else". BUT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. I'm not even supposed to be here now!
Would recommend. Imo I don't think you can be healthy without trying this.
Since I deleted all my social media. It was a great and kind of embarrassing realization how little I needed any of it, and how artificial that life is from the outside. Kind of started a chain reaction of consuming less media of any kind.
I am procrastinating on Sup Forums so i'm not totally unplugged, but getting there. Feels good.
What else do you even do with your time then?
Just can't stop beating off to all the amazing porn. Probably because im lonely as fuck
Bad. I've realized that I actually like life more when I'm not in the internet, it makes me calmer somehow and definitely more productive, yet I still keep coming back. I wasted this day too on useless shitposting.
Not that bad. I spend a tons of time in internet like everyone here, but if I have interesting stuff to do, I won't miss it for a second.
I think that the point largely is that you will get bored and that you have to come up with new things to do. If you spend every day posting online every day will be the same. I think that we are supposed to get bored every now and then.
Since I'm a NEET it's more or less my life. Though I don't visit a huge number of websites.
And I'm okay with that, I like spending +1 hour just collecting and archiving porn if I want to.
A lot of people say that they've somehow become better after removing themselves from the internet. Then they go on to do absolutely nothing but constantly rant about how superior they are to people who participate in internet communities and how supposedly better they feel for not being connected.
Hey user, I just wanted to give you this (You), since I know how good it feels to get one
How can you get bored of the internet? You could pursue every possible topic you could think of for a hundred years and not even scratch the surface
Well, I'm actively trying to find things I can do instead.
So, I guess it's not that bad.
If I'm not sleeping, eating, or pooping I'm on my computer and/or the internet. Working an at home job has only made the addiction work. Too bad you can't get a check for it like crackheads and meth addicts do.
That's his point, it's good to be bored every once and awhile because it forces you to be creative.
Do you have a computer built in the 50s or something?
Oh yeah baby, that dopamine rush
I don't even own a computer, and I only use the internet for porn and video games
I think that's his point. You are never bored on the internet so you can't really expand your mind as much(I mean, unless you use the internet for learning most of the time).
Like last time I had a power outage I started making my own boardgame just because I had nothing else to do and had a lot of fun doing so and bonded with my brother, I would probably never have thought to do it if I had access to my computer.
>wanting to end your live because you no longer have access to some pussy
I would write KYS but you seem to be ahead of me.
So how can you break an internet addiction? I don't have any sort of social life, so going out with friends or a girlfriend isn't something I can do to occupy my time. If I don't have the internet I'll feel lonely, even if I do solo productive things.
reading isnt productive user(doesnt mean its ba for you though)
I used to play way too much maplestory. It made me lack social skills and set back my education. I used to get a little anxious from being in crowded places etc. I haven't played in a few years and I turned out alright.
I work on my paintings and freelance stuff. I read or go outside or see what my couple actual friends are up. Starting some classes next month. Today I sat around with my dad on a porch drinking some beer and talking about stuff. I dunno. My life is kind of slow and boring most days but it's real.
I'd rephrase the question as what was I doing with my time in front of screens? Looking at sort of but not all that interesting articles, embarrassingly shallow shows and artwork, reading retards who know less than me pontificate about how the world should be run. Look at pictures and comments on social media, push a button and pretend that's an authentic form of social interaction. Look at pictures of a dog instead of getting a dog. Sorry if it sounds edgelord but really was a big deal to consciously see what was happening. Step away, maybe you'll see it too.
I'll miss you user.
Join a club, if you meet people that share your interests you can go from there.
>and I turned out alright.
No you didn't
Not trying to proselytize, just seconding that one guy's advice to go cold turkey a couple weeks.
Lol, nobody misses me anywhere :^)
>tfw alcohol addiction goes hand in hand with internet addiction
this isn't good lads
>nobody misses me anywhere
>go outside
>spiders errywhere
>mosquitoes, flies and other misc bugs fucking everywhere ready to chew your skin up
>major sunburn after a few hours of direct sunlight which causes massive itching a few days after the pain and irritation subside
shoo shoo mosquitoes, I'm not falling for your tricks
Whilst I love the internet and it's hard to be separated from it for a really long period of time, I wouldn't consider it an addiction. It's rather just I have a lot of free time and nothing better to do. I try to be somewhat productive while on the internet.
Pretty bad, I think. When I'm home, all I do is sit on Sup Forums or play vidya. Sometimes, I'll get restless and kinda anxious, which I guess is my subconscious telling me to get off my ass and do something else. I get off my ass, but then I find myself at a total loss of what of to do, then I just drift back to the computer. I'm noticing that having to engage with the real world is way more tiring than I remember it to be, and my attention drifts "inwards" very easily, even when I should be paying attention to what people are saying to me. It feels like I'm getting fucked up actually.
Heh, I know that feel. Internet/computer reinforces all my other bad habits as well, like the use of intoxicating substances, eating junk food, masturbating way too much and being generally useless. When I'm not online I don't even feel like doing those.
I'd turn all of nature into silicon and metal If I could.
There's nothing better for me to do.
I go outside and NOBODY IS OUTSIDE. I'll walk around the neighborhood and out to the park and nobody is there. I don't know where to meet likeminded computer/video game people at all, I assume they're all indoors with their computer as well.
I've done that.
It was dreadful.
Always relevant
You don't find friends in the park unless you are like 5 years old user. You find them in social gatherings like schools, workplaces, friends of friends, parties and hobbies. Nobody apart from alcoholics and the occasional high Jamaican wants to talk to strangers unless it's in social situations.
I have no addiction, but if I didn't have internet access it would make my life a lot harder and a lot more boring.
But I mean, I had to go without any internet for two weeks a few months ago and I wasn't freaking out over it. It was just boring as hell.
Story? This makes no sense.
How to overcome this Sup Forums I dont want to be like you guys
Bad but only because of my crippling porn addiction.
I'm guessing he cant drive so the only form of transportation would be the bus so couldnt get the PC to the other city
What if there's internet in Heaven?
Not even old people can do that anymore. My dad was bored out of his skull and going through withdrawals when the power was out for a couple days at my family's house. Back in the day he could live without streaming services, cell phones, etc, but now we're all so spoiled by the information overload of the net that we can't go without it.
5mbps download speed. I'd cut off my finger if it got me fibre broadband.
When people post speeds like this, do they mean stuff seen through the "test my speed" site, or their download speed for stuff like mega and torrents? The former says I'm around 30 mb/s, while I average 3.5 on the latter
I never see speeds higher than 1mbps when I download through Steam. It takes so damn long so most days I leave my computer on in the morning before I go to work.
Haha, user spends so much time on his PC!
Haha, user? Why aren't you on facebook/why don't you ever post anything?
Worst timeline.
Yikes. My condolences. Where do you live, out in the boonies?
>power goes out during a storm
>feel free, suddenly enjoy life and can do whatever you want
>power comes back on in a day or so
>actually feel disappointed as you turn on your pc and sink back into your desk chair
Trying living with having to limit every download to 200kb/s unless you want your internet to completely shit itself.
I've downloaded 30% of a movie I'm currently "legally" acquiring and I still have 13 hours left to wait.
Glasgow. I can't get fibre because of how I'm connected to the exchange.
Low these days, but I'd be annoyed if somebody took it from me as it's part of my daily work.
>used to live in Merchant City
>got 200 mbps no problem
Move. I bet you live in the East end or some shit.
you know the difference between bits and bytes, right? internet speed is measured in bits on speedtest and advertisements from isps which are 1/8 the size of a byte which files actually use
>set back my education
maplestory helped my education. i didnt speak a word of english when i started playing MS as a little kid but you just had to speak a little bit to trade those damn expensive throwing knives for thieves. thanks maple.
wrong guy, meant to reply to
In case you guys were wondering, it don't have time to game, let alone get addicted. Im famous. If you only knew who I am. I guarantee you have seen me in cable TV in the past 7 days
Horrible addiction. But I dont really know what to do otherwise. Even having a stupid tab open is enough. It is pretty shitty.
are you me?
no one here watches cable faggot, kys on set
I want the early 2000s back when video games and the internet was good and not invaded by the mainstream.
not so bad because i get ddos'd pretty often
>I guarantee you have seen me in cable TV in the past 7 days
wow that ego
>200 millibits per second
That's not even one bit
Not bad now, but slowly getting worse.
Saving my money so I can't go out too often. Only go out to work and usually nothing else.
Even when I do go outside, there's nothing that attracts my interest. I always feel that I should go out, but quickly remember why I don't.
The few people I socialize with have really mundane conversations or spend the whole meet up playing on their phones.
It's actually a lot more entertaining here calling each other faggots and shit while playing vidya and/or watching whatever movie/show I come across.
Is it sad that I spend all day in my room and on my computer? Sure, but it's a lot more enjoyable compared to getting stuck in traffic, paying for gas, and dealing with an endless wave of people getting in your way all the time.
Fucked my life.
>fucked up a relationship with a 10/10 qt loli gf because i was more hyped about finishing building my rig than buying an anniversary gift
Now i pretty much dropped school and im still playing vidya instead of doing anything
I'm honestly surprised to see cable and the radio are still a thing.
user, did you actually date a child?
Radio will not die anytime soon because nothing has really occupied its place, most people still listen to radio instead of podcasts/own music, mostly people traveling on cars.
Eh. The only thing I insist on is falling asleep to a nice documentary type piece of media.
I regularly leave Sup Forums for months.
Me 20, she 16
>1.53 mts
>like 45 kg
Unironically manhandling her tiny body around looking for things to bend her over and fuck her was fun.
Want me to keep blogposting?
>10/10 qt loli gf
For sure user, for sure.
It's very bad, I was going to stay 4 weeks at my parents house during this summer with no games or even internet but I couldn't handle it after 3 weeks and went back home
my life is in ruins i wanna get off but dunno where to go
everything i do neeeds pc so can't get off i have no freinds or have any social skills
where do i go man am broke family thinks i am playing games but am not am using pc
I do literally nothing else but sleep, eat, study, sit at the computer or sometimes spend time with my family. I have not met a friend irl for over a year. Do you think I sound addicted?