I just want to talk about Wolfenstein 2.
I think the game will be fun.
I just want to talk about Wolfenstein 2.
I think the game will be fun.
inb4 triggered trumptards
You fight Megatron?
No, you get politics and shitflinging.
Have an awful day.
And the left, coming out swinging first, as usual.
I hadn't really felt the need to play it before because I didn't grow up with the series, so this game is my first real look at the series. It looks super over the top and fun and over the top, but I wonder if I should play previous ones, and which game to enter in at.
nah not really. Theyre all shit.
Play The New Order. The old games are basically Doom style games (although I think the first one came out before Doom)
keep posting
I really hope the black chick isnt shoved in everyone's faces
I can't take anyone with an afro seriously. Hopefully the game is good, though. The new order was breddy gud, though I feel like I dont remember jack shit from it.
I've said this before but I truly believe that TNO>D44M
>Guys we won, there's literally no reason for you to exist
>Aw maaaaan!
>new BJ doesn't look like BJ
>new BJ doesn't sound like BJ
I dont know how to feel, I dont know why they changed his face
Cool, should be pretty cheap by now, bet.
Fucking shit every edit I make goes to hell
I picked up TNO for 6 bucks off G2a, totally worth it
Please get rid of the stealth bits involving the super soldiers that shit was a drag.
I just finished up a replay of TNO and TOB the other night while knocking back some rum.
TNO wasn't as good as I remember, maybe because I was more focused on the gameplay this time around instead of story.
TOB is still fun as fuck though, that bridge part, god damn nigga.
At least on this one you shoot actual nazis.
The call of duty is wimpy as fuck for not putting swastikas on the enemies.
>the hot meme right now is to call people who arent liberal Nazis
>game that glorifies killing Nazis and is coming out soon
Id Software are geniuses
Damn, I'm straight opposite. I heavily preferred New Order over Old Blood although both games are fun.
What? I thought ToB was weak as shit compared to TNO. No fun weapons, boring super soldier stealth mission, dull story.
I found the actual battles in TOB were so much more frantic and involved than TNO.
Seemed to have a higher enemy count and felt harder, as my playstyle is dual wield run and gun.
Once you get past the shitty beginning prison area it is non stop fun.
Of course the story was really lackluster compared to TNO but as I said, since I was replaying them I wasn't in it for the story.
I think its more a lucky coincidence.
Machine Games and Bethesda must be really happy right now.
I can't agree any more. I liked stealth portions, I liked fighting the supersoldiers. mixing them was a mistake. especially in return to the castle.
Those are some strange acronyms.
You'd have to be doing some pretty bad shit if fucking SWAT officers are shooting at you. What's the problem here?
If they have more complex level design and less cutscenes and scripted sequences, it will be an improvement on the last games. Then again I could only tolerate new order and old blood for a couple hours each, maybe they got decent later.
I thought they only removed swastikas in multiplayer?
I just wanna be able to kill mecha hitler again but in HD
Yet it has better enemy placement and combat level design. Its a better game. TNO only had fun weapons like the laser gun to deal with stupid hitscan bullet sponges. TOB has weak points on enemies that take more skill and make great use of the single shot rifle. I'll take one stealth mission, thats skipable after you beat the game, over a game insanely crowded with cinematic bullshit and unskipable long cutscenes or walking sections with no gameplay.
The modern ones actually take a lot from the original Wolfenstein games which were stealth games. Wolfenstein 3D was the first FPS of the series.