>Accidentally blow up half of Balmora with an AOE touch spell while trying to kill one of these fucks
>It didn't even hit the cliff racer


I spent an embarassing amount of time trying to create a mod that would add a spell type called "Gravitation" that would force all flying enemies to the ground and stop their movement.

Just use a 1pt levitation spell on them

>tfw you shoot them out of the sky with the bound bow


>no stamina


Alright Sup Forums. Never played any TES games.
Which one is the "best" c.q. should I start with?

Start with Arena, it's a smooth introduction to the series.


I wish they did Stamina like in Morrowind for Skyim

I hope you're joking

Diceroll mechanics.

It took them until Oblivion to realize the better system in an actual real-time RPG was varying degrees of hit damage if you actually hit them instead of this "le you rolled a 1d20 so you somehow missed"

One of the few things Oblivion did better.

>I'm a blind nostalgiafag and I like arbitrary impediments to gameplay instead of reasonable barriers and obstacles.

I bet you play DOOM with keyboard-only tank controls too.

How do you kids even find your way out of Sup Forums? This board is so shit these days.

>Cliff Racers are literally the reason why the dragons left Morrowind
>Saint Jiub destroyed them all
Jiub confirmed stronger than dragons
all hail Saint Jiub

What's the difference between 1dmg and 0dmg (miss)? What a silly way to "fix" the problem

Jiub is the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.

the difference is the former doesn't upset braindead children who are incapable of rational thought

>N' word

Then he gets soul trapped lol

>Rolled a 1d20 so you miss

That means you rolled 1 d20, not that you rolled a 1 on a d20. Please play D&D before attempting to discuss CRPGs.
Based St. Jiub

I wonder who's behind this post.

what did you hit then?
>cause im pretty sure you have you had to hit something with a touch spell for it to go off or you just push your hand through the air


the actual thing of morrowind was that building your skillset was part of the game. You know and actual role playing game.
it made you think twice about heading off the beaten path and made the game very challenging until you had levelled up.
Skyrim on the other hand, you are a sword wielding spell throwing expert from the get go, all you learn is how to do more damage.

its crazy how normies cant handle missing attacks in games when its in first person, even if the game is rpg as fuck.

>9 divines ice cream
>there are only 8 divines

This is what pisskins actually believe.

Fuck off Thalmor scum, Talos is the greatest of the nine divines and you're just jealous that it was 3 human men that became a god instead of a filthy elf.

Just started my first playthrough as a Dunmer dickass thief, any tips for beginners? I'm already swimming in loot but I need a place to dumb this shit, any recommendations?

Kill some unimportant NPC and use their house as your own

He deserved better than the soul cairn

Why the hell was Jiub in Kvatch anyway?

dont be a fag, start with daggerfall

I just used to dump all my shit in the barrels in balmora.
or you can just install an unintrusive home mod, like a home n balmora.

Gee I exhausted myself sprinting and jumping over here and didn't rest and catch my breath before trying to fight something gee I wonder why I am having so much trouble hitting it it's almost like that green bar actually serves as important a purpose as the blue and red ones in this game.

you can befriend some cat in pelagiad and she lets you stay at her place. No silt strider or boat there but you can easily almsivi intervention to either balmora or vivec, depending on what side of town you're on, which is pretty convenient

All they would need to do is make the missed hits play a scraping sound effect, not create blood splatter, and call it a glancing blow instead of a miss. People will probably find it easier to understand 'You hit the target but the angle/movement/location wasn't good and the blade slid or bounced off their armour without cutting deep enough to do actual damage' then simply missing attacks when they are visibly passing through the enemy.

He retired there for whatever reason. thought it was pretty neat when in Kvatch rebuilt that some Dunmer show up to see his grave when the city is pretty much finished.

>cast levitation 1p on every enemy
>it completely disables 90% of them
mages are so god damn op

They even did the ashen accents they had too