If you could change/remove one thing about DoTA 2, what would it be?

If you could change/remove one thing about DoTA 2, what would it be?

I would remove all chat unless the game is paused, to avoid shit like pic related.

The jungle. It's the heart of several balance problems and archaic mechanics.

In what way would you change the jungle?
>part time jungler here

Earthshaker, Venomancer, Necrolyte, and Lich.

Make the movement and casting more like hon. (and a next second would be change the colour pallete and art/voices of everything)


No1 even Plays The hero anymore


Techies is so bad now. He went the way of Teemo did, as in, they nerfed his bombs to shit so they are incredibly easy to counter.

He's at the point where it's just a waste of a slot.

Post 2012 Dota
Game was somewhat respectable (still shit), but now it's completely lost its identity.
Too much shilling to supportcucks




>games player base drops to just over 100,000 unique visitors in a month

Hard carry meta.

Stop fucking buffing the absolutely least skilled role in the game. Game goes stale past 30 minutes because it turns into pure stun and right click "gameplay."

4.9k by the way, so I'm just barely trench.


But it's semi-support meta now. Hard support is still absolutely painful to play though

Well you gotta find the hard support thats right for you.

Even if the game is a drag i can still have fun by playing WD for the absurd casks+maledict+ult once in a while. ALso being pretty dominant early game certainly helps.

just fucking remove the game

I would remove the install wizard so no one can play that shit game.

took you long enough

The players.

revert WK to SK

that motherfucker will always be boner king to me

What went wrong?

Base shrines and bounty runes. Make mid 1v1 again.

how is it a hard carry meta?? the current most valuable heroes are shit like earthshaker/veno/ns

spectre's dogshit, naga's dogshit, am is mediocre. what's left? sven/void are not hard carries

classic Sup Forums dotard inflating his mmr by couple thousand

The meta requires you to play outrageously safe and do nothing but smoke gank.

Lose two 5v5s and the game is over.

Bane idk man he just sucks

Everything Bane does apart from damage reduction can be done by Rhasta, pretty much the same for Lion

Spectre has little to no impact pre-radiance

I have no opinion on Techies except fuck that guy

I'd like to see Tiny but constant Wisp bans make it unlikely

>not SK

need to submit information tp basically make it so you can only have one steam account unless you pay an insane amount of money or jump through hoops to get another account if you lost it. Also make it so you get banned for talking shit consistently and just sucking the fun out of the game.

I have 5k fucking hours in dota and I just can't do it anymore. I fucking loved this game but their are just too many children crying hard. Its just hyperbole after rage posting in all caps after another. Oh hery that guy on our steam isn't doing so great? Better ask stupid question or just shit on him in general, surely people respond to that. Like I want to fucking win and if we lose then its not a big fucking deal but if you just shit talk all game and don't bother to help your team mate out then yea nigga we are going to lose for sure because that guy isn't going to correct himself.


>lose 2 5v5s and the game is over
How did VP and Liquid go 103min then?

banes ult is purgeable, and also a channeled ability, therefore useless in pro gameplay.

nightmare is dogshit and easily mitigated by teamplay.

lion is too slow, shadow shaman is a better hero. spectre also slow, has next to no laning presence and takes way too long to come online in this memefight meta

wk is also a relatively non-impact laner, and is ult is irrelevant in pro scene.

tiny is just absolutely dogshit, the only thing he offers is his burst. he's like a really shit sven with no farming reliable farming mechanic (without aghs) not to mention he requires you to have ogre/wisp on your team for him to even be mediocre.

All the people playing it. Basically remove the whole playerbase from existence.

Bane and Lion are shittier Rhasta
Spectre has been shit for the last year and only Hao can play her decently
Tiny and Wraith King are the worst pure damage carry

How is he playing dota with no mouse?

give me back my fucking mid lane

A mute votation system, you can mute a player if 2 other players agree with you.

Bane & Lion are just garbage. They're weak as solo supports. Most teams played support duos like Nightstalker/Clockwerk/Sand King/Magnus + a hard support that can do something alone. If shadow shaman wasn't as strong as he is right now, I'm sure Lion would've been picked couple times.

Spectre takes too much time to get online and WK is fucking awful at split pushing. Tiny hasn't been a hero ever since Icefraud made raindrops a thing. The only way to make Tiny viable is to play with wisp.

Remove Valve. Just go back to the fucking start and try again.

Jungle creeps should be tied to towers so that more towers are destroyed the more wild animals crawl out onto the map.

Would stop retarded level 1 afkers.

And make comeback even more prevalent? Would fuck up NP/Venom/Brood though, which I personally want to see

Not even in Captain's Mode. The Frog's probably given up on him. Even if he was in CM, I kinda doubt he's be used anyways because of how shitty his mines are.
He really didn't need a serious rework, people just needed to git gud, and that includes TI5 CDEC.

Way too much of a liability until mid game, even counting the Vanguard build. Having to babysit your carry is suicide in this meta. Even Anti Mage doesn't need to be utterly pampered like Spectre does. She can't even seriously contribute to a gank until super late game.

>Lion and Bane
Kinda surprised on this one. I'm guessing it's more of a "Why pick Lion/Bane when you pick Shaman?" kinda deal.

Same issues Spectre has, even if he's a better ganker. Not to mention constant pushing > Late game super push.

Diffusal is everywhere and more sensible to pick up than ever.

You didnt watch the TI7, right?

Fucking this

I can abide a lot of bullshit, but I cannot accept WK

Everyone have to choose which role they're going to play as when they queue (Carry/Support/Initiator etc.), the system will then put an even number of players according to their roles in one party before the game starts (so no more games with 4 carry and 1 support teams). Once they're in the game, if they choose a hero with a different role then what they queue with their teammates can report them.

you know you can just manually text and voice mute someone, right?

This is what LoL did and it fucking killed the ladder dead because everyone queued as Carries.

doesnt lel of lelgends do this?
also, lots of heroes can be played both as pos 1-2 and 3-4

I hope they actually listen to leddit and not remove chat wheel sounds

Honestly the concept of International items going away at all is just dumb. I still have River Vials from TI6 set to expire in a month.

heres what would happen,
>queue as carry
>get into game
>pick necro
>entire team flames you because they cant fathom necro being anything but pos 5
>low prio for 40 games

I've been playing SMITE for a year and a half, would I enjoy dota2? One of the things that really turned me off was the RTS game style camera

It's just Dota now
It hasn't been DotA or Defense of the Ancients since Volvo bought the rights

Also, pretty sure DoTA was never right

Dump the matchmaking
If there's going to be a competitive scene it needs to created by the community, not forced down everyone's throats

If he put his icon down for mid first he should have it. No wonder he's angry, people who don't know how to pick are terrible. Worse than those who dont yet have the mechanical skills to play the game right.

You have to be more specific, what did you like about smite, because unlike smite, dota has a very steep learning curve

No one enjoys dota

But yes, now is a great time to start playing. Bring friends

I really enjoy that, for example, basic attacks (or AA's, whatever) are something you have to manually aim, meaning the difference between a good carry and a bad one can be quite the skill gap. I also really enjoy playing Sylvanus, being a character that can seriously lock down a single target, as well as provide healing and protections to teammates. I also love the mythology aspect, that was a big drawing point for me, the Gods

I would add a fucking actual language filter so you get matched with people who speak your language instead of retarded Peruvians who spend the whole game saying 'mrd' and 'jaja xD'

Like I mean a test that asks you to properly respond to things in the language you want to play in.

I havent played since 2015, but that used to be the worst thing about dota.

nerf high ground defense

>seriously lock down a single target
>that feel when remember Doom before 6.82


That patch singlehandlely made everyone of my dota friends and me to play.

Sounds like it was pretty good


ban SEA, eastern europe, and south america from playing the game

I don't know what you mean, but the recent addition of Artio and Ganesha have been amazing supports in smite who can seriously counter certain carries and that's a blast. On the flip side, something I don't like about SMITE is that there are a plethora of offensive items, percentage penetration and percentage health reduction but there's a pretty significant lack of good defensive items to counter the considerable amount of penetration and anti heal. If you haven't played smite recentlu, practically every role but carries are building anti heal, which is very frustrating to deal with since there is no counter to anti heal

>I would remove all chat unless the game is paused, to avoid shit like pic related.

Shit idea OP. People would just pause to shit-talk.

Doom has an ult that shuts down one target. He was picked or banned a lot in TI4 because of how good his ult was in teamfights so naturally they took away the Break (disabling passives) part of it and made that the effect of his Agh's (item that enhances abilities, usually ults). He's been niche at best ever since.

Smite (when I played) had the problem that every ult was extremely similar in cooldown meaning that you rarely had to think if you could combo.


not even remove necessarily, just give me an option to not see them on the map and on other people

boom, suddenly I'm playing again

Wait doom doesnt have break?

Jesus christ im glad I stopped playing.

They've mixed up the timing on ults a lot, global ults have a significantly longer cooldown than simply damage or utility, meaning gods like Terra (Global movement speed and heal) has to seriously decide when is the best time go use them because of its significant cooldown. On the note about defenses, my biggest gripe is that there are good defense items that should be built on essentially every guardian (support) and warrior, and then there's just a massive dumpster fire if useless defense items that have little to no niche

>AM what the fuck are you doing defend that Tier 2
>nah bro just let it fall i need more camps

I just want to play roaming techies again.

They put Break on an item now. Also the upcoming hero has a skill that cause Break