Leaving church after wensday night service

>leaving church after wensday night service
>as we are driving out someone pulls into the parking lot
>pull up to car to see what they are looking for
>stupid fat cunt in car without any hint of shame says "oh im just catching a pokemon"
>give her such a look of disapproval she looks down and rolls her window up and pulls out

how do these people make it through life?

Who gives a fuck you fat autist? Why would you approach someone who clearly isn't bothering you?

we thought she might be looking for someone from the church

>approaching random strangers at night
Might be lucky you didn't get mugged, autist.

its 8 fucking thirty its still daylight out

>I can't enjoy small things so nobody else should be allowed to!

what the hell kind if a loser plays pokemon go?

>I don't like something so I have to claim everyone that even thinks about it is worse than me somehow!

Keep going, this is gold.

no one plays that shit unless they are a redneck or worse

im not better than them im just better

kys you retarded fuck

Not him, but you have to be a special kind of retard to still be playing Pokemon go.

dont play shitty mobile games

Sup Forums is an 18+ website, underage trash.

You're better than some self-imagined "redneck" who plays mobile games?

Please sit on the couch and tell us what mental diseases you currently have, and if you're actively on medication for them.

i am perfectly medically and mentally healthy

what kind of autist worships some make believe piece of shit?

>shitty mobile games
>follows a shitty religion
have fun burning in hell for being judgemental

Sorry guys. Pokemon GO had potential and it dropped the ball. Seriously, only people with bad taste and/or who are consumer fools can't take the hint that it's time to move on and do something else.

>scared white boi.
I walk around the ghetto ass area I'm in at night all the time and the worst that happens is tweekers trying to sell me random shit. Stop believing everything on the fucking internet.

>Going to church

>Goes to church.
So your irrational reaction to someone playing an ARG makes sense, considering you believe in irrational shit too.

Sure, sure, and you can just call me Pope Anonus XIV.

>Disapproving of muh Satanist pokeman game
Nice job perpetuating a stereotype, mindless Christian.

how else would i socialize? i dont drink so bars ans clubs are out

its not satanic just really cringy

The true autists here are the ones who still play Pokemon Go.

Prove me wrong.

Pretty good bait user, noone goes to church

Based OP getting pokedork fedoras worked into a frenzy

That's cause you're a nigger amigo

>how else would i socialize?
what the fuck
this website if for people who hate people
we don't socialize
extroverts not welcome, please leave

>grown man who believes in sandnigger fairy tales about sky wizards who don't want you touching your pecker
>judges others
o lol

>how do these people make it through life?
Same way as you do. Shitty taste in games doesn't make them a shitty person user.
>noone goes to church
I do. I'm not religious or anything, but I find the services really relaxing.

>how else would i socialize?
what a fucking dweeb jesus christ

Every wednesday my church has been feeding the local needy for years and a week or two ago there have been a massive group of maybe two dozen people that meet in the church parking lot causing problems with people needing to park there for the feeding program and then they just kinda get out of their cars and stumble around the area near the church and play pokemon go. I don't get it, is pokemon just a thing people want to go to churches for? I didn't know people even still played pokemon go.

>I can't enjoy small things so nobody else should be allowed to!

You're both embarassing autismos

Nah not everyone it's an awkward loser like you, you leave

well? if its not church around here its bars or clubs ans if you have ever been the only sober per2sin in a room you know how awful that is

>I do. I'm not religious or anything, but I find the services really relaxing.
So youre not only a fat autist, youre also a cuck. Stand up for what you believe you fucking beta. Even if its fucking stupid.

bait threads have been getting so lazy lately

>So youre not only a fat autist, youre also a cuck
I feel there is a lot of projection in this post, just calm down a bit user.
>Stand up for what you believe you fucking beta. Even if its fucking stupid
Are you assuming I'm Atheist? Even if I was, why are you pushing some kind of us vs them mentality, that's childish and pointless, kind of like complaining about people playing Pokemon GO.

OP is backpedaling now with defensive behavior and struggling for acceptance among an imageboard of anonymous people.

If you want acceptance, you're gonna have to fuck off and stop begging for attention.

>how else would i socialize? i dont drink so bars ans clubs are out

Wow, that is awful. In my experience, Church is the worst place to go, Christians are fucking awful.

Go befriend some Buddhists, they are chill as fuck.

i dont want to have to go bald

No, I'm assuming youre a Christian and cucking out to random people on Sup Forums. "Its like like I'm religious or anything lol :^)

If youre a Christian fucking own it, if youre not then fucking own that too. But whichever case leave people the fuck alone if theyre not bothering you. I can tell youre young so maybe you'll just grow out of it like normal people but jesus christ, chill a bit, youre not better than everyone because you dont like something they like.

>going to church
How do these people make it through life?

>acting like a rude cunt to someone playing a game
That's not very christian of you OP. I'm telling Jesus.

>going to church on a wednesday
>going to church at all

>going to autist lectures

I think you are confusing me with OP just like I confused you with him. Follow the chain of replies and notice how I have consistently called him out for complaining about people still playing Pokemon GO.

>how else would i socialize? i dont drink so bars ans clubs are out

this whole thread reeks of bait

Dangerous crossfire in the meme war.

>17 years into the 3rd millennium
>Going to Church

>bait because i dont drink

im not against it its just not something i do normally

>Nyahaha I was an edgy cunt to some random person playing video games today guys!
>OP gets told hes an autist that needs to fuck off
>F-f-fucking neo-Sup Forums! Am I right fellow oldfags?

the bible says don't judge thy neighbor u judgemental fucker. you aint god, i aint god,only tom cruise is god. Either go tell him or fuck off.

This 6 says everyone ITT gets to go to Hell and be my slaves while I wear a necklace of their severed penises around my neck.

Nice try, but my 0 will show that God is dead.

2 for op going to hell and god real but chill as fuck and don't give a fuck long as u gud