I'm lonely and I need real life friends to talk about vidya with

I'm lonely and I need real life friends to talk about vidya with.

My normie friends only talk about western AAA trash and in the most boring way too.

>I'm lonely
>has normie friends

you're not lonely, fuck off

1st world weeb problems.
Was civilization a mistake?

Yes he is. Being surrounded by boring people that you don't connect with is lonely.

What's it like being in the middle?

sauce my man

Ask your mother, loser.

Try reddit. Or other online communities. Its easy to find gaming communities if you just search around. Ask some faggots (literally) on Sup Forums to join this game or that game with you and just have a chat. Use game battles or whatever.

Hit up your local hobby shop or arcade if you have one, or look up local communities on facebook for games.

Just try a little harder you stupid bitch

But I have you, just tell me.

Being lonely among others is worse than being alone, user.

What have you been playing, OP?