I'm lonely and I need real life friends to talk about vidya with

I'm lonely and I need real life friends to talk about vidya with.

My normie friends only talk about western AAA trash and in the most boring way too.

>I'm lonely
>has normie friends

you're not lonely, fuck off

1st world weeb problems.
Was civilization a mistake?

Yes he is. Being surrounded by boring people that you don't connect with is lonely.

What's it like being in the middle?

sauce my man

Ask your mother, loser.

Try reddit. Or other online communities. Its easy to find gaming communities if you just search around. Ask some faggots (literally) on Sup Forums to join this game or that game with you and just have a chat. Use game battles or whatever.

Hit up your local hobby shop or arcade if you have one, or look up local communities on facebook for games.

Just try a little harder you stupid bitch

But I have you, just tell me.

Being lonely among others is worse than being alone, user.

What have you been playing, OP?

Most of my best friends had nothing do it me.

Mostly because people who share tastes with me are mostly autistic.

wew lad, ntr a best

why does it have 4 eyes?

lol just ask your sister you freaking moron.

Don't be like that Billy, why won't you tell me?

despite all the hate around here I think you should try out reddit, you might find someone there

If you cannot connect with them they are either not your friends or you just are too autistic to have relationships with other human beings.

I managed to be friends with people who I had barely any connections with, who had divergent interests than mine and even, shocker, different sex than mine and I consider myself to be socially retarded.

git gud

y wud i tel u wenn ur dad cud tel u stopidhed

>try to bring up vidya to normalfag friend
> Total Warhammer looks pretty sweet, also Have you seen that new JRPG?

>yeah user I'll get to that but DUDE HAVE YOU PLAYED GENERIC FOTM FPS YET?

>tfw no real life friends
>tfw no online friends
>tfw no acquaintances
>tfw no human interaction at all

what do

Loneliness is a state of mind.

Join pre-existing online groups like a forum (with names) or even a guild if you are playing a MMO. They make good substitutes and can even lead to actual real world friendships.

>coworker asks what I've been playing
>"I've been playing Breath of the Wild. I played it before, but it's just so good that I wanted to play it again."
>looks at me like I just said 1488 We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children HEIL HITLER

>Nakazato watches Shingo and Godfoot fucking Natsuki

Just say you are cheap. Nothing wrong with being that, especially with an expansive hobbies.


>not buying a new game every day and trading in the finished one at Gamestop™ along with the season pass + tip

The guy you're talking with is just retarded, not a normie.

>extremely lonely
>decide fapping with strangers is a good idea
>end up getting attached to them
>know they slut around and fap with tons of people because most aren't retarded and don't get their feelings mixed in like me
>feel like fucking shit when I see them do stuff with other people
why do I do this

>>decide fapping with strangers is a good idea

What the fuck? So you jerk off with complete strangers? Why would you think this is a good idea?

Just dont. You dont have to. Next time you think of doing it. Just dont!

it feels better than alone

its pretty addicting

You are already a degenerate. Take one for the team next time and take it in the butt like the good slut you are.


Then just like be a faggot or kill yourself Ii dont care go be a whore and get HIV fuck it!

That seems pretty gay, senpai.

This seems pretty fun

Tell me more about it user.

Meant to