64 minute dota match

>64 minute dota match
>neither team has has any towers left
>final teamfight
>most of both teams are dead
>they yolo our ancient
>get it down to 15% of hp
>kill the remainder of their team
>start last yolo push
>some of them buyback
>too late to stop now
>focus ancient
>get reported
>low priority for "communication abuse"

your priority was made to match your iq


>playing dota
>playing assfaggots
>posting about it on Sup Forums

nu-Sup Forums is real

>if it wasn't EZ and you say it was EZ you're reported

Sounds like the community is fucking retarded.


We don't use nigger words here, redditor.

> admittedly close game
> Damn near lose


kill yourself


sweet fucking blogpost dude