Why not talking about this?

>its 50hour game (8/10 game)

>meanwhile modern games are 6hours long

>meanwhile Hitman dared release 30 min gameplay each month

For an ubishit game it was decent fun with friends

torrents dont have multiplayer

anyway we dont have friends

>black screen crashes: the game

not even once in my 20+ hours

buyfags lose again looks like

You're that shill who compares Ghost Recon to Hitman even though they're two completely different games with different focus. Kill yourself.

I played through it entirely singleplayer and it was decent fun.

it's on my buy it when its 10 bucks for complete edition list with everything else ubi makes.

>>meanwhile modern games are 6hours long

Are you posting from the year 2009? Open world action games with fuckall but empty padding have been the norm for years now.

Not an argument

battlefield 1 and titanfall 2 were 6-7 hours long

>inb4 multiplayer meme


Linear games are minorities at this point. Compare it to Yakuza, The Witcher, shitloads of JRPGs such as Persona or Neptunia, Mass Effect, Far Cry, Just Cause, Zelda, Horizon Dawn, or whatever next big open world game.

Both of those series started off as multiplayer games

I had fun with it but it gets so fucking repetitive to the point of not wanting to finish the story.

Repetitive as fuck, barebones combat and shitty driving. Helicopters feel especially stiff. Been playing it for a few weeks now but my most prominent thought is that I'm glad I didn't buy it. Coop would add a bit more fun but wouldn't stop this from being so shallow.

you 2 can choose to finish the game after half the missions. u r given that option

its repetitive but it doesnt matter with friends

the movement and shooting is fun

customization is pretty cool

That's neat and all but why would I want to do that? My problem isn't with the length of the game, it's with the shallow gameplay options, mediocre gunplay and shittu driving. I like the length of the game and the map.

Game was extremely entertaining to play with friends and even strangers online. I put about 50 hours into beating every mission and don't regret the purchase

It's fun for around 5-6 hours when you explore the map and shoot some braindead AI then your realise that this is what you will do in the next 50 hours or so.
Playing with friends let's say doubles this time 5 hour of "fun time". You go to X, mark braindead AI up, pick them off or stealth, go to next. This is the whole game. Only that story is non existant.

>shallow gameplay options, mediocre gunplay

gunplay is not mediocre. driving is normal (cars are shit try a rally car ingame) regards missions it's what it is; a military guerilla sim. people got what they wanted when they purchased the game.

i admit that capturing bases would of been cool BUT i understand its impossible due to story missions

It's a ubisoft game.

All ubisoft games get massive sales, then they lose 90%, if not more, of their initial player base in less than a year.

>game is "x" hours long

Great, I'll never play it. If this is what you lead in with I know its all shit. Silent Hill 2 is a great game, you don't lead with ITS PACKED WITH 5 HOURS OF CONTENT. You can unlock everything in Soul Calibur 2 in an afternoon, you don't lead with that.

Contentcucks are the true cancer killing video games. Give me less higher quality content that i want to play over and over again than a fucking Ubisoft copy/paste checklist job.

Fucked up the last sentence but you get it. Less is more more often than not. I'm tired of people just writing off newer games like Doom 2016 or Vanquish over some misguided shitty concept of "value" when nobody fucking pays for games anymore anyway. And 3-10 hours WAS the length for the average game from 5th gen upwards.

>8/10 game

>gunplay is not mediocre
Gunplay is extremely mediocre. It does everything at the bare minimum requirement to be considered a decent shooter. There's no localised damage model (just headshots and everywhere else shots), no manual lean, no gameplay effects in the customisation options (wearing vests with more pouches resulting in more magazines but less mobility or wearing kevlar resulting in armor, for example), no individual or even precise commands for squad mates (fixed if you play coop with friends though). The gunplay merely works just about as well as any other shooter which is the definition of mediocre. It's average as fuck and there's nothing to set it apart from others.

And even WD2 had better driving than this, I don't know how you could possibly consider the driving model in this to be normal. It's not a sim either, it's a casual military shooter with a huge map and coop. It's also 'would've', not 'would of'.

before criticism driving in ghostlands i invite you to drive the lambo in game or the rally suv or the rally truck

ALSO wd2 was good BUT this is better. no need for a complex meme story and shooting in this game is a bit better and more tacticool

i agree that offline co-op is very limited. its just functional

i do however agree that performance is a bit fucked in wildlands coz devs didnt set teh game to use cpu properly

U r a confirmed grammer nazi on a Thai frog baking forum. opinion discarded

I don't understand how someone can have such a wrong opinion about anything.

I've driven the lambo already, they're everywhere and one of the missions going after Yuri and Polito required you to drive it. It's absolute shit. I was talking about how WD2, a game made by the same company, had better DRIVING mechanics you absolute dunce. Not even sure how you could think WD2's story is complex at all, it was so straight forward. The gunplay in it was also better since it at least had localised damage, options to stun enemies by hacking their earpieces, had actual non-lethal options where you can put enemies to sleep (from which they'll wake up), etc. In Wildlands, even taking people as hostage and knocking them out counts as a kill and causes a blood pool to build up. I don't even know what you mean by offline coop or even the bit about the performance. It runs pretty well considering the draw distance and graphics. You can discard whatever you want, doesn't stop Wildlands from being a mediocre game with pretty graphics which is precisely why people don't talk about it. It's forgettable as fuck.

>game runs like shit
>check engine

I wasn't too suprised.

It's gonna be their go-to engine for years to come too. ACO is definitely using it, as is Skull and Bones.

ah ok, your a retarded butthurt christcuck, i get it

Is it just one guy shilling this game recently? It's not 50 hours, the game can be beat in 12. It's also repetitive and boring since the A.I. is dumb as rocks. No real reason to 100%, since the game can be beat after you kill two branches of the cartel, and all you get for killing all 4 is an extra scene I rather watch on YouTube than suffer through more of the game's missions.

>can only meme in response

> ACO is definitely using it
It's confirmed that it's using it. I'm pretty sure that is why they went with a location where there aren't many NPCs in one place or has many buldings like Unity.

>doing the same things over and over again for 50 hours mean it's a good game

I hated it. Couldn't even force myself to complete it.