>game thanks you for playing
Game thanks you for playing
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and? What's wrong with this? Especially if it's an indie developer, they're grateful that people gave their game a chance
>you thank the game for letting you play it
>Finish game
>Thoroughly enjoyed it
>Most fun I've had in months
>Thanks for supporting us/playing message at the end
>tfw pirated it
Someday I'll stop being a poorfag
>game berates you for not playing
No the picture is meant to express sadness as its bitter sweet to finish a game
ah, that makes sense
yeah, I get that feeling as well, depending on how good the game was, and if it gave me feels
Why are there so many edits of this fucking dog picture.
I have like 3 of them saved already.
Because you already saved like 3 of them.
>game ends by telling you about DLC