>if you're too sick to go to school you are too sick to play videogames
If you're too sick to go to school you are too sick to play videogames
>tfw my mum never said this
>if you're too good for video games then you're too good for school
Your mom didn't want you to get the idea that every time you're sick you can just stay home and play vidya because then you might as well start lying about being sick and get away from responsibilities for selfish pleasures.
my stepfather said this once, when he picked me up by my throat and threw me into my room down the steps and busted my head on the bed railing that hold the mattress.
also told me countless times id never amount to anything gaming all the time, completed 11 yrs military and 3 college degrees in 3 years.
>not replying with "choke me daddy" to weird him out
this. And she was right to do so. In Middle school I must have missed like 25% of school from being "sick", on the other hand I was severely bullied and beat up several times for the sake of it. I fucking hated middle school and If I was half as jaded as I am now I probably would have smashed a rock over someone's head. , so it's really for the best tee bee aych
at least one of us grew up to be something.
and where do you think you'd be without the drive to prove him wrong?
>Tfw was bullied at middle school too and one day snapped and put my bully into a coma for 2 weeks.
I'm still not proud of this.
>tfw my parents worked like normal people and I was responsible enough to be left home alone
t. user's shitty dad
I still get mad at all the shit I went through but looking up old bullies on normiebook makes me realize that they're just people like me and I would have regretted hurting them for as long as I live. A lot of them went through more than I did.
>day after report cards
>some kids step dad comes into class
>sits down next to kid and proceeds to slap him around and tell him to get his shit together
>entire class watches in silence for like 20 minutes until class ends
I was just poor and fat, man. I couldn't handle some shit like that.
I mean if you are actually sick you'll most likely stay in bed sleeping because playing with high fever, a headache and congestion is ass
>Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?
>I don't know, can you?
Did you went back to beat your stepdad after this? I would.
>3 college degrees in 3 years.
inb4 military science
Is this normal in your country? If that happened in my school police/social services would probably have been promptly alerted
The drive he provided was me just getting the hell out of the house which I joined the army until my medical discharge for overworking mixed with unstable weight, my leadership always wondered how my work was done ahead of time or I knew what I knew when they always saw me playing a game when I wasn't supposed to. Most of my games are also geared to mentally challenging me such as sims/rts/ and eve online mmorpg
>tfw my mom left me alone from the time I was 9 or 10 until I was 15 because she was taking depression meds for her recently surfaced repressed memories about being raped when she was a child that had her either sleeping or zombie'ing around and that I got bullied so much that I asked to quit school in the beginning of 6th grade and she said okay and that we'd do homeschooling but it never happened so I just played videogames from the time I was 10 to 15 and tried going to highschool because I missed having friends but I couldn't keep up having not learned anything in 5 years and dropped out and continued to do nothing but stay inside like the NEET that I am to this very day at 25 years old and am just waiting for my mom to finally die because she's getting up there in years and I don't want to kill myself before she goes because when I was young she said the only reason she hasn't killed herself was to take care of me but I often wished she'd die before I turned 18 so someone would take care of me but after I turned 18 I realized once she dies I'll be alone in the world with 0 experience in anything and no means to take care of myself so I'd just end up on the street
But I sure do love videogames
>Not just saying "yes" and then standing up to go like everyone else did
>"Oh, sorry, haha, teacher MAY I go to the bathroom"
>No user, not right now.
Never before had I felt such raw rage in my childhood.
I live in america and it's the only time I've ever seen it. I should mention that I was a black kid in a ghetto neighborhood. If it was literally any other school someone would have been alerted. I got my mom in trouble with social security because I told the teacher I was living in a community shelter on a day when everyone explained what their house was like. I'm so fucking glad I was just a dumb kid with ADHD and didn't read into any of the serious shit that happened in my childhood.
>taking no for an answer
nobody has any right to stop you from going to the bathroom
just go
Well what I did was much more extreme. I've told this story before but I'll tell it again
>Have this bully named Tyler
>He was basically the stereotype bully you see in cartoons and shit
>Would punch, kick me, and at one point threw my lunch away.
>In the bathroom one day taking a piss
>See Tyler from the corner of my eye, already know this is gonna go bad
>Shoves me into the wall making some of my piss get onto my shirt and shorts
>Absolutely snap
>Grab Tyler's head and bash it against the sink in there for almost 5 minutes before I was pulled off him.
>He goes into a coma for 2 weeks because of the head trauma
>My family constantly gets calls from his family for the next month basically yelling at my parents for what I did
>When Tyler gets back to school 2 or 3 days after he woke up from his coma I try my best to apologize to him
>He simply spits at my shoes and says fuck you
>He never did anything to me again.
Still though, yeah I made it stop, but I'm not proud of it.
actually in HS I tool Military science for 4 years. college was Avionics, electronics, and mechanics. a lot of work I ended up doing in the army was around 15 jobs outside of my school trained job to include tactical operations and military intelligence, I was also the unit go to for numerous problems that needed to be fixed. if only I hadn't needed 798 of 800 points to be promoted.
>spat at you
>didn't apologise
what a fucking clown, he acted like a prick and got what was coming his way
the experience should've humbled him, but i guess some people have thick skulls
Wait do bullies actually exist? I thought it was a meme.
I can't say I blame him. I probably gave the guy PTSD.
I did, whenever that happened, but this was also elementary school and they tried to get me in trouble for doing so because "disobeying teachers"
Well at least your weren't bullied as a kid
>Bashed his head against the sink for almost five minutes
As immature as it may be, that gave me a bit of a justice boner right there. Definitely understandable why you'd feel guilt over it though, thankfully he came through the coma okay, I'd imagine you gave him one hell of a life lesson that hopefully stuck with him, at least.
I'm not sure I can actually trust this thread. According to it, most people here would have been passive victims that did barely anything of it.
You did good user.
Human life isn't so valuable that we need to feel bad for some loser who couldn't even defend himself against a kid covered in piss.
>Hardly bullied much as a kid
>The one time it actually did happen, three kids were trying to rough me up on the recess hour that was literally just fucking about in an empty field
>pin me down and start trying to drag me off / take my pants off for some reason
>Bit the leader kid in the leg hard enough he immediately falls over screaming
>"What the FUCK, you cant just BITE SOMEONE!!!"
>Never bullied again.
>straight As in school
>so far ahead that i was finishing homework before class even ended
>decide to play vidya
>get punished
had several teachers tell me to just "lay your head down and rest until class is over"
dont think ive cared about grades since outside of important uni courses but i think there were other factors involved
pisskids are the most dangerous theyve got nothing to lose
>Grab Tyler's head and bash it against the sink in there for almost 5 minutes before I was pulled off him.
Not that I don't believe you, but how could you do that? I'm assuming Tyler wasn't stupid enough to pick on someone who was actually stronger than him, because I don't see how someone could receive such a long beatdown unless they were surpassed in the strenght department.
Of course, maybe Tyler was just a fucking dumbass, and he does sound like it.
>tfw pee the chair
then teach your kid to be honest and actually fucking trust him when he says his shit.
Kids who lie are 100% of the time like that because their parents never believe them if they say the truth anyway.
>bullied by a chad in freshman year HS
>idolizes his senior year older brother that plays football
>constantly calling people gay/faggot/queer
>learn from my friend who is also senior on the team that his brother is gay
>2 months of planning revenge for constant assholery
>fuck his older brother and take pics
Not even gay, I just hated that prick.
How did you complete 11 military years in 3 years desu
How is this line so ubiquitous? Did so many of you really have a stay-at-home mum? On my sick days, I was alone at home because both my mum and dad went to work.
and then you got arrested right
was it worth it
>not having a portable game to play under the covers until she walks in
Sick kids must be having a blast with the Switch today.
>eve online
>mentally challenging
arrested for what?
>Bullied by pretty generic chad, leader of the bully group
>Him, one other bully, and my main friend all live in the same apartment complex
>Would sometimes hang out with friend, despite bullying him in school, simply because nobody else lived close enough
>All three of us having a sleepover at friends house one night
>His dad calls him on his phone and starts screaming like mad
>Chad kid just starts BAWLING his eyes out for no reason
>I snuck a few pictures on my shitty old phone and showed them to people when he tried to start shit
>tfw my grandma wouldn't even let me read when I was sick
>could only sleep or eat soup
This post is physically making my heart race because I am living that exact life almost to a T, down to the mother having repressed memories about being raped as a kid.
I spit on a girl once in 4th grade.
>all those guys getting bullied
I thought that was just a thing in 80s movies
Ever since the bladder-finally-being-ripped-from holding-it-for-so-long fiasco at my school back in elementary, teachers can never deny students from going to the bathroom anymore in any situation. Feels good that karma has finally hit them hard.
a senior made me suck his dick in the gym lockers once
So where's the story?
I'm no teacher but I imagine "okay I just have to let them go to the bathroom if they want now" isn't too big a burden on them
But yeah sure man karma has hit them so hard
>mom working
Fucking socialists with no values
>tfw awake at night running scenarios in my head about how long I could stay at my current apartment before having to finally donning the rope if she suddenly died in her sleep right after her monthly SSI benefits came in
At least I know I'm not the only failed human being posting on here.
Get your shit together, you can't keep living like that forever
>chronic depression
>probably diabetic
>no insurance
>recently unemployed because of said depression
>terrible with money so I have none left
>looking for work but I had to cancel my phone to pay bills
>both parents are dead
>sisters and extended family won't talk to me
>probably going to be homeless in 3 weeks
>none of this would be happening if I had insurance and could afford medication
>but at least I beat kil'jaeden on heroic
Why was middle school so fucking rough? I had to switch schools because my dad cheated on my mom and had a kid with another woman which we didn't know was the real reason we were moving at the time, told us it was because he found a better job but in reality it was way worse. Kids at the new school picked on me for my long hair, I dont think there was one kid in the whole School who didn't bully me. Then high school came and I moved again and forced myself to put on a bad boy persona and got in with the wrong crowd and now im a 21 year old college drop out who sits in his moms attic watching anime and snorting pain pills all day.
But hey, pain pills are great
I've taken hours to fall asleep thinking about this every night for the last 12 years, user.
I know.
>dying a slow death on the couch during a sick day
>turn on the tv in desperation, hoping to find some kind of escape from this agony
>had long hair in middle school
>was well-liked and girls would braid it at lunch
I dunno dude.
I went to college after the 11 years of military and did 3 years of uni for 3 degrees
The difference is that you weren't a creepy weirdo
I want normies to leave
Oh yeah I've just walked out of classes before. I'm not waiting a minute for someone to tell me when I can shit. You can ask me if it can wait, but I'll always say no mother fuckers.
Get a fucking job dude, there's plenty of work you could get that can help you
get a job loading shit on a dock or a lumber yard, lots of places like that will help you get certified in forklifts and other heavy machinery that can help with other jobs. Learn a trade, study and attempt to get your GED then go to community college, fuck anything is better than what you're doing now.
>if you're too sick for school you're too sick for cummies
yeah thanks for nothing mom
eve online can be mentally challenging when your doing something more than humping a gate or such, I run ore markets in 2 regions now, operate a near 200man buyback program, run numbers for industry and research, things I enjoy that don't require waiting on someone elses station 30 jumps away incase something comes for 15 fn hours
>I'm no teacher but I imagine "okay I just have to let them go to the bathroom if they want now" isn't too big a burden on them
Well yeah it shouldnt be a hassle to just let them go after they finish explaining whatever the fuck they wanted to teach students but no, those teachers back in my elementary just had to be hard-asses about letting students just fuckin go to the bathroom to the point that it was unreasonable.
They finally got their teeth kicked in because of that fiasco, parents sued the teacher, the school, and every parent who had a child who experience that treatment with the teachers supported them significantly, issue got big and now they can NEVER deny any student who wants to go to the bathroom, whether they say it in our native tongue or if they say CAN i go to the bathroom. If they would deny a student even for a brief moment its enough to get that teacher reprimanded and punished by the board.
Thats justice my friend.
That's because I hid my fucking powerlevel by joining the anime club and only mentioning entry-level shit. If I was a normie I wouldn't be here.
girls like long hair provided you're not ugly and you take showers
would you say you are mentally challenged?
It's not as hard as it feels to survive on your own at least. I did it for a year before I had to move back to help take care of my own mom getting even sicker.
Any random minimum-wage job is enough to afford a place with some roomates. I did so without a car, or any highschool education because of the exact same situation as you (Just lie on resumes, nobody checks for basic shit like highschool. or GED's.)
The problem being you have to sacrifice basically all free time you have, and be exhausted constantly. For a lot of people it's not worth living at that point, I almost killed myself thrice in the few months I did it.
>Drank 2~ glasses full of straight vodka every night after work because was only happy / not exhausted when drunk
>Tfw now that it's over and I'm back to neet life I've suffered physical brain damage from it and have become noticeably 'stupider'
I was a really quiet kid, didn't talk much so other kids would get weirded out. Also when I say my hair was long, it was fucking long. I used to hear people talking about me behind my back asking if I was a boy or a girl because they were genuinely confused
>not saying "okay" and grabbing the trash can
>thick skulls
I see what you did there user.
Jesus fucking christ you are hung up about this
>girls always wanted to straighten my hair
Apologies for the late reply, I had a call come up. Anyways, Tyler and myself at the time were the same height and probably around the sane weight. He was 5'5 if I had to guess, I was 5'4, it doesn't help he was a little chubby so that helped me out a bit too. He wasn't fat or anything, just chubby.
>''i can also shit on the desk if you prefer''
My School used school currency that was handed out every quarter to go to the bathroom, one bathroom trip was like 20 school bucks. If you didn't have cash the teachers would pretty much deny you the right to piss or shit, I still dont understand how teachers get away with that shit.
That's certainly true. I think I had a babyface charm thing in middle school. At least that's what the pictures tell me.
Aah I see. I was pretty fucking in your face upbeat. Mine was about halfway down my back, was yours waist-length? I've been confused for female classmates before from behind.
>mfw going to a birthday party when mostly girls
That was a fucking mistake
So he was a dumbass, but at least man enough to pick on someone his own size. That's rare on a bully.
user be careful he'll put you in a fucking coma too
>Have sex with another man
>Not Gay
I've got bad news for you....
>you will never be able to go back in time with all the knowledge you have now and live your life the way it could have been if you only knew
>That was a fucking mistake
Story time
>Aah I see. I was pretty fucking in your face upbeat. Mine was about halfway down my back, was yours waist-length? I've been confused for female classmates before from behind.
That reminds of of a classmate I once had I was completely sure was a girl. I got called a faggot when I asked "her" out.
>I look at spreadsheets all day
sorry not autistic
fucking hell why do they feel that need
>i'm gonna get the straightener tomorrow and fix your hair user
>no please
>she does
This. I want details.
All the people who hung out with loads of girls in highschool are now charming as fuck
So shut the hell up you normie
You're fucking right i am, after they keep fucking denying me that simple permission and every kid for years back then. It was unreasonable, it physically hurt, because there were multiple times where each teacher just denied us going to the bathroom that we held it in for hours.
We dont go to another classroom every time a lesson finished, we just stayed in one and waited for another teacher after a subject is finished, so if the teacher denied you first, then so did the next one, and then the next then you'd be holding it for an hour or so. Imagine that pain they're unnecessarily inflicting to students just because they're trying to be important and shit.
I knew that kind of treatment would bite them back and it did, with the expense of an innocent kid.
It did not bite them back though
>school gets sued
>only effect the teachers feel is "ok you have to allow it now"
Wow what a justice
Whenever I needed to ask permission I just went to the bathroom while the teacher was gone and we were waiting for the next one.
Doesn't it feel good when people mess with your hair? It must just be a girl thing.
>tfw ended up pissing myself in kindergarten/first grade a few times because the teacher at the computer lab was a bitch
i never even wet the bed, but that cunt wouldn't let me pee
I dunno but this was during the scene phase and my hair looked good straightened so girls loved it.
>not peeing in her butt