If you're too sick to go to school you are too sick to play videogames

>if you're too sick to go to school you are too sick to play videogames

>tfw my mum never said this

>if you're too good for video games then you're too good for school

Your mom didn't want you to get the idea that every time you're sick you can just stay home and play vidya because then you might as well start lying about being sick and get away from responsibilities for selfish pleasures.

my stepfather said this once, when he picked me up by my throat and threw me into my room down the steps and busted my head on the bed railing that hold the mattress.

also told me countless times id never amount to anything gaming all the time, completed 11 yrs military and 3 college degrees in 3 years.

>not replying with "choke me daddy" to weird him out

this. And she was right to do so. In Middle school I must have missed like 25% of school from being "sick", on the other hand I was severely bullied and beat up several times for the sake of it. I fucking hated middle school and If I was half as jaded as I am now I probably would have smashed a rock over someone's head. , so it's really for the best tee bee aych

at least one of us grew up to be something.

and where do you think you'd be without the drive to prove him wrong?

>Tfw was bullied at middle school too and one day snapped and put my bully into a coma for 2 weeks.
I'm still not proud of this.

>tfw my parents worked like normal people and I was responsible enough to be left home alone