What's your favorite Xenoblade area and why?

What's your favorite Xenoblade area and why?

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Gaur plains and the reason is the ost, it's so god damn catchy.

Mechonis Field, the area felt so unique to what the rest of the game had so far, it really felt like you walked onto another world.

The soundtrack helped with the atmosphere, just like the rest of the areas in the game, but this place really just felt foreign as fuck.



My jaw audibly hit the floor when I first reached Sylvalum at night.

Mostly because they managed to make a good looking Wii U game. But also because of the fuckin music and the concept of the area was fresh to me (stereotypical snow area is actually covered with pollen and ash instead of ice)

the fact that sylvalum could impress so much even after all the locales in XC gets my dick rock hard because Takahashi said XC2 has an even bigger importance on exploration than XCX

I really hope so

Exploring was done so right in X. I had 60 hours in before I got the mech, which ruined it somewhat


Mechonis arm - it was something between both giants, some grassy area, some mechanical parts. Climbing finger was pretty fun, cause I have high anxiety.

First time going thinking man this place is amazing then realizing I should come back later cause alot things were kicking my ass. White Phosphor Lake pretty cool too.

you posted it
also Sylvalum, Oblivia and Noctilium

i love deserts in vidya and everything about that desert just is perfect from that giant ring to the canyon i just love it all

Mechonis field, Slyvalum, fallen arm, Noctilium (divine roast). Frontier village, Alcomoth and valak mountain can't pick between them.
Oh and Colony 9 is very notable so very comfy the night and day theme are fantastic i like that you are surrounded by mountains with the clear blue sky it has a sense of home as well as a sense of a big adventure

I'd like the sea a lot more if I didn't associate it with that awful teleporting ""puzzle""

>Monolith could have made it so you fly from titan to titan in an airship in Blade 2 but they decided not to because it would be "boring"
Deeply disappointed, hope we get to at least fly around the area surrounding each titan.
Actually having a classic airship in an open world RPG would have been fucking amazing.

how the fuck is that disappointing? I had enough flying over empty clouds with skyward sword

>I had enough flying over empty clouds with skyward sword
That was fun are they really people who suck at getting immersed in video games this much?

>skyward sword flying
>fun and immersive

not sure if I should take this post seriously

Are there more of this pictures? It's fucking hilarious

>Monolith could have made it so you fly from titan to titan in an airship in Blade 2 but they decided not to because it would be "boring"
Is this from an interview? Source if you can.

What are you looking forward in the gamescon showcase of XC2? I hope they show more weapons and more exploration. There is a climbing mechanic in the the game that they didn't even bother to show during treehouse

not him but I've 100% read or heard this from Takahashi, it's either an interview or the demonstration, most likely an interview. It's 4 am now I don't feel like snooping around

reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles/comments/6j2f2h/xenoblade_2_interview_with_tetsuya_takahashi/ It's translated from a french interview and it actually gives some really interesting info.

And Australian rating system already gave xeno 2 a rating. Game is pretty much confirmed for 2017

Thanks. Glad that he spoke a bit more about Blades, I've been wanting to learn more about them.

Mt. Valak, I'm always a sucker for snow levels, and the god-tier comfy music at night only makes it better.

On my shelf.

Sylvalum would be my favorite, but...

The Left Arm of the Bionis, if it was ACTUALLY PLAYABLE.

And before anyone interrupts, remember that the final boss is level 70 SPECIFICALLY because they had to cut out the Left Arm. The Left Arm was probably another 5~10 levels worth of experience. If it was included the final boss would be Level 80+, making the final run significantly more challenging and more satisfying. Fact of the matter is it is so easy to grind past the final boss that you wouldn't be able to see the cool mechanics they had for the specific fight.
That and they made the Giants an extinct species because they couldn't use the Left Arm.

But Z**** is level 83

Wait, did they upgrade that for the 3DS version? Or maybe I still remember the Japanese version, which I played first.

>He talks to them for a short while longer before attacking the party. They fight his first form, then his second form. His level is listed as ???, but it is speculated that this is around level 81. His creations are level 78 on the first fight and level 80 on the second. After defeating Z**** twice Shulk gains his own Monado, to Z****'s bewilderment, and attacks once more.

>started replaying XC with the HD texture pack yesterday
Shit is glorious.