Japanese game

>Japanese game
>Blood Type is in character stats

Other urls found in this thread:


>japanese game
>white woman as main character

>Blood: 8

>Implying blood type wasn't invented by rich Jews so they wouldn't be tainted with inferior peasant blood during operations and filthy peasants wouldn't get their glorious pure blood

I wish I was a cool Blood Type

B+ here

dumb ass nips got a dumb and gay idea that blood type has an influence on a persons personality and shit.

It be like urban myth tier shit that is just dumb as fuck.

they put your blood type on your dog tags, why wouldn't they put it in the game stats with height/age/etc.?

Blood: Yes

Because if you're shot out and bleeding, it makes it so they can do an immediate blood transfusion without having to look up your medical records.

The Japanese do it because they think it changes your personality.

We are plenty

You now realize that Jill was overweight.

60 / 1.66^2 = 21.77...

>Eyesight: O

It's her thicc legs


Get down a gym you feg

If she was 50kg at that height, she would be a literal skeleton.


skeleton detected

It's not about the blood itself though. It's about giving players a rough idea of a character's archetypal personality.

Landwhale detected

Oh wait, it's T H I C C now that feminists have finally brainwashed all males.

>21.8 BMI
>When the range for normal weight is 18.5 – 24.9
Fucking Africans

thicc is only used by underage normalfags who try to be funny

>thinking a healthy bmi is healthy is being "brainwashed"

That isn't even really THICC, it's just normal


>i'm not fat i'm just big boned
Sure, hun.

This is the fucking state of Sup Forums posters that they have no idea that girls who lift weights get bigger and heavier in their ass and shit. And why would they know? They have done nothing physical in their life.

>They have done nothing physical in their life.
Speak for yourself, fatty.

I have to, they lack the confidence that a gym membership my sort out. You don't get off the hook either twink. Eat some meat, lift some weights twink.

>American game
>gender and sex are in character stats

why are you fucking queers so obsessed with twinks?

>The Japanese do it because they think it changes your personality.
No more retarded (arguably less retarded) than the idea the relative positions of the stars at your birth impact your personality.

>athletic asian woman
hello new fetish!

Why are you twinks so obssessed with queers??

You got any more of this girl or other similar body types? That strong femininity is pretty hot.

My Japanese friends once told me the Japanese think bloodtype shapes personality.

Oh yea. All of the day bro.

I wish people would at least skim a thread before replying

>You will never play with her hair
Why even live?

What if there was a game where it gave you the blood type and then later your character became injured and then you were asked what the character's blood type is and if you get it wrong the character eventually dies from it.

It's equally retarded, but at least no-one sensible gives a shit about horoscopes in the west. Nips however care about their blood type shit a lot.

Why wouldn't you just ask for O-?

Do they need to be Japanese?

for difficulty's sake, that isn't an option.

Nice touch.

I mean preferably but anything's good bro. I'm mostly about that body in this instance.

Fellow best blood haver. Be positive, bro!

>birth date
>star sign


She's not even. She's a healthy bmi.


Not even what?? A trained athlete??

B+ reporting as well

Heavier than average.

Fucking mongols
go back to finland

I'm B-, I must kill you in battle now.


Weigh her did you?? When a girl works out user, or lifts, their muscles become denser. A small amount of muscle weighs more than a LOT of fat. A girl does not have to be Arnie Scwarz to weigh more than the average soft skinny fat girl who does not work out.

she fucks black dudes exclusively

Why are you guys so obsessed with this shit?

It's your guys fault we don't get more of her now. Pol scared her off the net. Well done.

I just realized I don't actually remember my blood type. That can't be good.

>5lbs of fat weighs more than 5lbs of muscle in his world

Bet you think that 5lbs of steel weigh more than 5lbs of feathers too.

It's funny

bmi isn't synonymous with weight

You were responding to a post about whether Jill from resident evil was overweight. I said she's not overweight and was a healthy bmi, I worded this part poorly. I'm into fitness and I work out regularly I understand how it works. The chick you posted is probably a healthy bmi as well.

What are you even trying to say?

Are you dumb? They weigh the same. Or am i being ironic'd?

Today Sup Forums taught me something

Type O - The Warrior


Famous O's

Queen Elizabeth II
John Lennon
Elvis Presley
Liam & Noel Gallagher
Paul Newman

Type A - The Farmer

unable to relax

Famous A's

Adolf Hitler
George Bush Senior
Soseki Natsume
Ringo Starr
Britney Spears

Type B - The Hunter

dislike custom

Famous B's

Akira Kurosawa
Paul McCartney
Mia Farrow
Leonardo Di Caprio
Jack Nicholson

Type AB - The Humanist

sometimes standoffish

Famous AB's

Jackie Chan
Marilyn Monroe
John F Kennedy
Mick Jagger
Alain Prost

what do you think champ

But steel is heavier than feathers?

It's weight and height. We're given both her weight and height in the picture.

>he didn't know about the blood type meme shit in nippon
come on now senpai you gotta know shit like that

I don't think Jill is overweight either, but she is deffo on the stockier side with that big ass. And that's ok. As for BMI, don't know if i trust it. Lift with a bro who is a manlet and comes from a genetic pool of skellies. He was always skellies and he has brute forced his way into swoleness. The man is fucking ripped and now slaying left and right, but despite deadlifting 200KG he is still only like 150lbs, so if he goes by BMI, he would be "obese" even though he is absolutly shredded and swole.

Universal donor but I dont donate. I need all my blood for my penis.

I'm O

Not sure about plus or minus.

Any brOs here?

BMI doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle weight, and it gets increasingly inaccurate as you move outside the usual human height range.
Also, >implying.

How do you figure out your blood type, do you have to call the hospital or something?

B holds pretty true for me, actually. Like spot on.

Been here since 2007 and I've probably seen it mentioned a few times, but never paid any attention to it.

You guys wanna get together and have a little transfusion party? We can secretly invite and steal his blood after we murder him with ours.


O- here, feels good to be the Jesus of blood types.

Don't know what to tell you. Im 6ft 2 myself, and he is a short dude, but bizzarly ripped and swole. Light as fuck on the scales but can lift heavy. Fuck, i can't deadlift 200kg for shit.

Donate blood, they'll tell you.

BMI is fine because it's incredibly obvious if someone is outside of their "healthy bmi" due to fitness. The problem is fat dudes try to convince themselves "it's totally muscle bruh". BMI plus a quick body fat index gives you all the info you need, but honestly so should a look in the mirror.


gibbi blood ples HUEHEUEHUEEH

Tall guys tend to be worse and lifting due to longer levers and moving the weight further. I'm 6'4 myself and the distance I have to squat compared to my shorter brother is insane.

Just join the military, that's how I figured it out.

>literal jew blood

Which is why developers don't put horoscopes in their video games.

It's weight and volume ya dingus. Height isn't synonymous with volume either.

AB- the rarest blood type here

AB-, feels good to be able to get blood from anyone

Yeah but surely being able to deadlift 440lbs when you weigh 150lbs like he does is odd?

Each blood type has it's own color.

How tall is he? It's definitely really good, way more than I can DL.

Most americans have blood type :

You're fucking retarded.

Body Mass Index is a simple calculation using a person's height and weight. The formula is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in metres squared. A BMI of 25.0 or more is overweight, while the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9.

That's the first google result. Feel free to correct me if you fine other info. I'd rather know the truth than be right.

Jill's part nip for what it's worth


O+ and I have no idea what that means.

>falling for my epic maymay
Truly the best ruse ever created