Horizon Zero Dawn

Okay, homos, it's been like 6 months since release.
I don't give a fuck about Aloy having fetal alcohol syndrome, or that the story is pandering special snowflakes, or that all men are evil and god is an AI sand niggress

Is the GAMEPLAY good?

>I don't give a fuck about Aloy having fetal alcohol syndrome, or that the story is pandering special snowflakes, or that all men are evil and god is an AI sand niggress

Literally none of that is true.

And yes the gameplay is good.

Well I had fun the one time I played it.

no, the gameplay is unsatisfying garbage

Stupid using words incorrectly.

>Is the GAMEPLAY good?
Pretty much, you get to murder robot dinosaurs using wide range of traps, projectiles and their own weapons you can shoot down from the bigger ones. You can hack them and let them fight for you. Meele side is a bit lacking though.
Look up some gameplay vids and don't listen to meme spouters and retards who can't post more than 'it's shit because I said so and everyone who disagrees is stupid'.


>talking about gameplay on Sup Forums

Forgot to say, bump up the difficulty without worries. The lower difficulties are really baby mode for the big crowd and won't let you enjoy the hunt very much.

It's bretty good.

Like said melee is a little lacking. I found refuge in bomb arrows and blowing everything to fucking kindgom cum.

Its great OP

Lodge Blast sling for me
fucking run bandits

Its horrible, I honestly can't see why people like it so much. The melee sucks and because us use a controller you have to slow time to hit anything. Enemy moves have massive hit boxes that do full damage from any part of the monster and in general combat is like pulling teeth.

Fucking yes that's what it is. Slings.
It's been like 4 or 5 months. Those were my shit.

Blast sling the until they fall down, hack the hell out of it and let it fight it's last health against it's friends.

My one literal problem with the game is you can't clear missions by hacking. They have to die.

It's good, but kind of gets boring after a while. Exploring feels repetitive as fuck (think original AC) and the only real saving grace is hunting big dinobots.

I'd give it a solid 7/10, and kind of hope they make a sequel. If done right, it could be one of the best open world game ever.


it's standard open-world combat, nothing bad but nothing great either

>and because us use a controller you have to slow time to hit anything.
Let me guess. PC bro who brought PS4 2 months ago for BB and can't use gamepad for shit yet.
Here's a hint: don't blame the game for you own shortcomings.
You'll get better with more practice.
Don't give up.

I didn't even give them a chance to get up
blast sling is no joke

Meant for

I found it to be ok at best.
You hide in conveniently placed tall grass to sneak up on a robot, shoot their weak points until they die. If it's one of the more dangerous robots then you can kite them to some traps that you placed to make it easier.
I never really felt a sense of accomplishment after killing a robot as I did when hunting some of the big monsters in Monster Hunter.

The story dragged on for quite a bit and none of the characters were all that likeable except for maybe one guy.

You delusional faggot.
>it matches my view on life in a patriarchal system so it's not leftist pandering drivel.

Next you'll be saying Far Cry 5 has absolutely no political message either




It's shit, concussion arrows are broken and the game plays itself if you have them

How can you exclude all those points and still consider playing it anyway?
And it's terrible. The gameplay is pathetic for a game with a budget this big.


no, it's fucking BORING

c u c k

It's a South Park character. Ugly by design. In that Photoshop episode.

The game is not like that and i don't believe we live in a patriarchal system that oppresses anyone.
