Persona 5 Thread

Last thread got pruned because of a raging autist, lets try again. Discuss games both released an upcoming.

Can't wait to see Ryuji's bust some moves in DSN


>raging autist

If only people could just ignore the retards

I wonder what the enemies in Q2 will be. I've been thinking about it a lot and there's no way they wouldn't be demons, especially if it's P5xP2, but how would they fit them all in a 3DS game? Surely they wouldn't use the same old demon sprites AGAIN, would they?



I made this during the last thread but didn't finish before it was pruned, behold, my abhorrent taste,
This is Atlus we're talking about, didn't P4 use the exact same shadow sprites as 3? Wouldn't put it past them.

What does heaven or hell even means

everyone either loves or hates Makoto and I'm not about to invoke their rage

Contemplating is I should get the dancing game just for Makoto, but as far as spin-offs go, I just want P5 Arena

Playing Street Fighter V just makes me mad nowadays, so just give me a fighter where I can beat people up with Makoto, Yusuke, and Joker and I'll be good


I'd totally buy DSN just for Makoto

Unlike P4 arena I hope they keep the main cast's Personas in their base forms because P5's evolved Personas are fucking trash almost entirely across the board. Additionally,
>Chad-'s title in P4 arena
I hope to god they make Joker's about being in to older women


I love Fuuka

Maybe the reason why Makotofags are so defensive is because the objective best girl outright calls her worthless during the game itself
I don't love Fukka but I love Fukka-user.


Last thread was sunk by Makototism I refuse to let it happen again

>Start a Makoto thread, call it "Persona 5 general" in your head
>Dump Makoto images in it
>Start a new thread, start it off with tier rankings
>Makoto never start up anything on the boards

Sure, sweetheart. Add me to your Notepad document filled with post IDs if your internet bullies to watch out for.

Why is he so perfect?

>bust a move
>broken leg
How awful.

Is PQ2 only going to have P5 cast or is it P5 with some other title? I really hope it the former. I wouldn't mind P5 cast again in a different scenario.

And it begins

>Have the perfect dance track
>remix it to an unrecognizable mess
I know bad remixes are inevitable, but at least use a good one for your preview video.

If I post a cute picture of your girl will you clam down?

I'm not afraid to post it again and let people wow at my superior taste for the third time this day can you guys not make every thread deleted?

If Sae is romancable in Crimson, it would be with full knowledge that you fucked her sister, and a dozen other girls.

For all Makoto has going against her at least she doesn't make you drink shit

P4D was a flawed but fun rhythm game, that was worth it to hang out with the P4 cast again.

P5D will hopefully fix some of the gameplay issues, but even if it doesn't P5 has an amazing soundtrack that'll be fun to play.

What if...
Ohya is actually Beelzebub

What about a cute Goro


We call her Kokoro

That's news to me

Don't be rude, user. Let's just all get along.

So they need to come up with a new plot for P3D and P5D. I'm not even worried about that, they'll pull out some random mythic gods who can only be defeated through the power of dance.

But when do SEES and Phantom Thieves learn their moves? IT had an idol in their group that taught them, but the other teams don't have any connection like that. Plus, if P3MC is around, they're going to have to somehow fit the P3D story during P3.


>taste so bad it ignites shitposting so bad it prunes 3 threads

Why is so useless?

It wasn't me per se all past threads were engulfed with shitposters and autism

Like seriously. Is there anything he CAN do?

To hell with this waifufaggotry. What do you guys want for P6 in terms of protag, SLinks, etc?

People are thinking it's gonna be actually non-canon this time since there's no way to write in Goro without giving him a retcon yet and P3 doesn't have anywhere to inject it before Door-kun dies. Personally, since you see a palace in the P5 trailer, I'm thinking it might be musical retellings of P3 and 5

New MashiMAN confidant

I've seen the hospital idea being passed around for P6 a lot recently and I'm kinda fond of the idea, it'd shake up the highschool formula somewhat at least.

It's way too early for P6 talk. We haven't even gotten Persona 5: The Revision yet.

Just throwing a topic to discuss instead of waifus.

That would be a good setting imo. I know Persona won't break away from high school, but a different setting would be cool.

have it be that one visual novel Sup Forums made with the cripple highschool but the main cast has supernatural powers

So, the bro party(Ryuji/Morgana/Yusuke) is the best party, right?

I went with Ann, Ryuji Makoto the whole game

Ryuji and Ann make the entire game a joke, 3rd party member is pretty interchangeable, though you're likely gonna end up bringing Makoto or Morgana for healing.

Party is 95% of the time Ryuji, Ann, Makoto/Morgana.

I'd prefer to swap out Ryuji for Haru's gun crits.

Went with Ann, Yusuke and Ryuji I'll swap on occasion though.

That's party I used for most of the game
Endgame was R, A, and M, felt like the right balance
Charge and concetrate make them too good, makoto having medirahan and marakukaja was really good

I have a theory that people who like Makoto are lonely retards who project their ideal girl into her since she's so fucking boring and bland

Excellent theory my friend bur I don't project anything on Makoto and I like her the way she is

fuck no
Morgana is only good as an auto-heal battery
Ryuji/Makoto/Yusuke is the true best party

Still waiting for the guest character.

Best is clearly Makoto/Ann/Goro.

Flavor of the month asshole doesn't realize no one cares about Nier Automata anymore outside of console war raging fanboys. Totally glad SEGA has nothing to do with SquareEnix and won't give you shitters a single inch. You'll see Hatsune Miku in the Dance games again and your tryhard flavor of the month game will be a console war tombstone of 2017.

as a persona fan you need to relax.

nier has way more of a following / chance to be relevant than your hardcore waifu weebshit life sim.

Morgana's good so long as he has Zorro

Preach it brother

Maybe, but I will say Makoto is more offensive in bait than the NEET Futaba. I thought Futaba was going to be pandering and bait, but Makoto fits that role to a t.

Ryuji, Makoto, and Ann just break the game. Having three primary damage dealers makes every boss on merciless mode a joke.


nobody can pull off an ann cosplay because she's only a quarter white, they can't change their facial structure

No, it's just your taste is so awful it spurns innocent anons into shitposting

Well I'm not ashamed of my taste.
I love my girls

So what is the diffrence between Hard & Merciless?

I heard Merciless Crit makes 3x damage.

Damage received: x1.6 - Damage dealt: x0.8 which is the same as hard mode.
Experience: x0.4 - Money: x0.4. Hard mode gives normal amount to both, just like Normal.
Critical and technical hit damage on both enemies and allies is tripled.

Is a fresh Merciless Run even possible?

Probably, if you give up on some of the slinks.

The shadows in P3 and P4 aren't sprites, they're models, and they're the same ones they used in PQ. The issue here is that in order to use Demons, of which there are a much larger quantity, they'd either have to downgrade the current models from P5 to a point that they'd fit on the cartridge, use the ugly old PS2 models and still probably downgrade them, make entirely new models (extremely unlikely), or have the game be a strict downgrade from PQ by using the ancient 20 year old sprites from, like, Soul Hackers, which is what they've been doing literally since that era.

Well guys?

Yeah, it's possible. Time management will have to change. Max every Party Confidant as you can. Don't expect to be completing the Palace in 1-2 days. I managed it. Also some bosses are irritating as they can easily one shot you.

>only a quarter
Both of her parents are half white, so she's half white

If they do an enhanced version of P5 I seriously hope they cut down the tutorial section in some way. I want to replay it, but the tutorial just takes forever.

I think there should be an option to skip it on ng+

Persona peaked at 2.

He's polite and not Ryuji.

Yeah what a great 'game' that was.

>Baofu and Futaba have the same ultimate persona
Wonder how they're going to handle that in PQ2

>not being able to appreciate exotic coffee blends
You don't deserve her.

Persona 2 is the worst persona

Still a fine game though


sure, buddy

It's probably going to include only the IS cast.
obvious bait

>obvious bait

only from the fact Persona 1 exists. But it's 100% objective that 3, 4 and 5 are all better than 2

>better than anything
the only thing 4 is good at is "muh digital friends having fun together" events.
Shit soundtrack with only few good tracks, terrible scooby doo story and terrible characters.

Look man, Nier is great, but you're spouting bullshit. Although Automata raised the relevancy of DOD, it's nowhere near the current level of Persona.

Nuh huh Persona 4 has Naoto and she's smart***** and has big* breasts

>make an ace detective character
>too dumb to set up cameras when getting kidnapped on purpose
>too dumb to come up with anything after she joins your party
>make a typical silly idiot bro character yosuke
>later in the game his deduction skills are 400% better than naoto's and actually helps the team
some good characters there, i won't lie

wut even is this, dont remember it in the game

>Scooby Doo Story

>obvious bait
Im not joking. p2 has by and large the easiest/brain dead gameplay, so it's only redeeming factors are else where. While the story is fine, it's nothing outstanding compared to the other games and the characters aren't that much better either. As for the OST, while it's best songs are some of the best in the series, everything else is pretty plain. Like I said it's a fine game, but it's definitely the weakest persona game

It's from the P5C ending


>the only thing 4 is good at is "muh digital friends having fun together" events.

If you are contrarian, yes. But I foolishly made an assumption that I'm talking with a normal people with good taste.