>Absolver is an action role-playing game based on martial arts fighting, featuring an interconnected world with shortcuts and free-roaming, and merging single, cooperative and competitive play in the same campaign.


>Campaign can be played offline and online
>Matchmaking for 1v1 duels
>swords and wargloves are confirmed to be in the game
>2-handed weapons confirmed in post-launch
free updates
>no season pass and several free DLC planned

I'm not sure if Stagger is available from the start like the other 3 styles or if it's aquired later in the game

looks boring and floatly

nah. it doesn't

this doesn't look that fun at all

your shill game is too strong

relax retard you're not getting paid for this]

don't make threads if there's nothing to discuss

stop shilling

So.... this is the power of shilling...


Slow mode god hand

Nice buzzwords, go piece yourself together a cohesive argument

Game looks fine but you are making this thread come across as something a marketer would make, obviously you're probably just passionate about the game but come the fuck on, all you'll get from this is negative backlash

Who /Drunken Fist/ here?

>make single thread about upcoming game providing collected info and videos
>3 posts in
holy fuckin shit fuck off

you're making this thread every day, it comes across as desperate

on reddit or ebaumsworld this sort of stuff would fly, but you're on Sup Forums and if you as much as smell as a marketer the potential of a thread having any actual discussion reaches 0%.

>make a single thread every day

I'm looking forward to this as well but we don't need this every fucking day.

everyone and their dog

anons there's no need to be salty.
you do realise you're critizing me for making a single thread about a video game. on Sup Forums.
in the sea of the sjw twittier e-celeb bullshit shit post threads.
c'mon now bois lighten up.


I'm not saying it's fair, or that I detest you for trying.

Just that you'll get a lot more shit and eventually give the game a negative light.

You've made the same thread every day and yesterday announced your grand plans of making more as the game is closer to release and trying to force discussion over to a yet to be made /vg/ thread. I don't think you're a shill you're just fucking weird for trying to command discussion of this game, and a cunt because you'll negatively impact it in the process.

Seems like the dark souls of fighting games.

I want to have my guy throw punches. I shall box these weebs to death.

unfortunately correct and not a meme

I'm looking forward to this game, it'll be a decent journey at worst and hopefully the combo stuff keeps me interested for a while.
But man, the community for this game seems like it's already crazy autistic, the discord is filled with nothing but people proclaiming themselves to be the best windfall players because they can dodge attacks with 20 frames of windup or because they discovered the feint button.

>and a cunt because you'll negatively impact it in the process
hey fuck you. there's plenty of games and pure shitposting that have multiple threads going constantly.
at least this thread has content that actual belongs on Sup Forums.
i'm not shoving shit down anyone's throat with a single thread daily.
you should know only idiots get triggered by something like that

I mean it looks pretty cool but my gut tells me it's going the way of Brink.
It's got a pretty cool idea, unlockable outfits a urge to go fast and a few simple styles of player combat.
But it has no story and the level(s?) seemed rather uninteresting and monotonous.
What is there to keep the playerbase at large invested for a decent amount of time?
I am too lazy and inept to explain myself any further but the little footage that I have seen leaves me feeling like there is something missing instead of wanting more.

>But it has no story
It does
>What is there to keep the playerbase
gear and combat style collecting, ranked pvp

In making a thread for the sake of having a thread alone and not to discuss some new info on it you're gonna make people grow sick of seeing it before it's even out, and many will justifiably think you're actually just shilling for it. I think the game looks neat and will check it out once it's released but you're just gonna turn away many of those who were on the fence or just unaware of the game.

Looks cool, but i don't think my pc can handle this.

Good argument.

>present no argument
>demand an argument

Is Stagger just the shitpost style?

Here since you seem adamant on making these threads daily at least I'll throw some extra webms your way to bump with


That applies to real life too

I wish they went a bit more for that powdery impact kung fu movies have, they seem to have it on the dodges but not on the punches themselves which is a missed opportunity

Using Sup Forums to advertise your game is against the rules here. You should consider buying a self-serve ad on Sup Forums to display on Sup Forums. Please keep this in mind in the future.


much appreciated. i can't seem to find any webms anywhere else. i won't post daily since anons get triggered when they see the thread 2 days in a row.
probably gonna dumb down the OP aswell

>Denuvo shitposting threads
>Is there a game with [clearly offtopic bait]? threads
>waifu threads
>straight up porn threads
>eh fuck it it's Sup Forums culture am I right
>some guy trying to incite discussion about an indie game


>>some guy trying to incite discussion about an indie game
>by acting like a shill

>the only way to get a thread going is to trick shitposers by starting with "Are you buying X's game", "What went wrong/right?", "Sup Forums suddenly hates X", ...

saged n filtered

go away shills

So is this game gonna have a tournament mod or a guild-like system?
Will grappling ever be added in?

Devolver has a good track record for publishing quality games, but it'll be dead on arrival because they failed to give any kind of demo/open beta.

I predict the entire meta of this game will be solved within a week and everyone will always be using whatever works best, making the whole enterprise boring as fuck

Yes, that is right. That's how you shill here.

Please lurk a minimum of one (1) year before posting and a minimum of one (1) year of posting before making a thread.

This is almost the perfect game, but something tells me there will be no lolis. What's the point of kicking someone's ass if I can't kick it with tiny loli feet?

It has as much story as Destiny did at launch.

it's being developed by a studio whose sole game this is. they already confirmed they'll be provide extensive support and balancing

I don't care if it's shit I want to use the dodging style.

>thread about upcoming vidya
>"better get in there to call everyone a shill and a newfag!"

Please lurk a minimum of one (1) year before posting and a minimum of one (1) year of posting before making a thread.

I think it'll be one of those situations where someone on reddit will "solve" the game and all the sheep will copy them but the people who actually bother thinking about what they're doing will still have fun.

>character customization
>looks cool as fuck
>equipment changes dmg values and shit
>online pvp

I have a very bad feeling about this

From what I observed in the beta the stat effects are marginal at best

Looks like shit. Plays like shit. That's coming from a martial arts fanboy too. Everything we've seen so far makes the combat look incredibly archaic. Hit register, animations and feedback all seems like it's from the 90s.

It'll be forgotten within a week.

so what do you do

I'm fucking ready.

You know like in Zeno Clash you wandered around beating people up to find out the truth? Its like that without the truth.

peer to peer. For honor red pilled everyone. Come one, p2p has to stay im 1v1. Im not buying absolver unless it gets dedicated servers

but then why the fuck even have it

>peer to peer
is it though? i can't find a proper awnser on this anywhere

The arts ugly and the animations look bad. But thats just like my opinion bro.

just for a tiny bit of flavor, I guess

it's like dark souls, they tell you armor matters but most of the time you just make sure the weight is right and then pick based on style

p2p is a perfectly fine functioning system regardless of the answer

you are one mean meme machine aren't you

I fucking hate for honor for making everyone think P2P is bad

what you hate is retarded people.
For honor has shit p2p, but it's the retards that use that as an example of p2p being bad.

Who cars both for honor and abosolver are P2P inintresting brawler trash

if P2P doesnt kill the uninteresting meta it will get will

>well fuck they shot down my one retarded argument try to rev up my mindless speculation engine and rev up another

Shit how'd you come to the conclusion that it will have an uninteresting """"""""meta"""""""""""

Are you a time traveler? Do you think online games and immediately associate them with all those scary things that constantly beat you? Maybe it's just brain damage?

pretty much

no idea why they didn't give us an open beta

I got a confirmation email about being in the beta and still didnt get in, feels bad

You know betas and demos have statistically always lead to less sales?

Who cares if RetardMcGee on Sup Forums doesn't buy the game because there isn't a demo, for every one of him there'll be 10 sales from the clueless

maaaaan, it bugs me that the hits in this game look so unsubstantial
that first counterpunch should have knocked the other guy flat on his ass, but nope
just a generic stagger
fucking SNORE

Looks shit

Sound is half the impact

apperently the sound effects make it so the punches and kicks feel very satisfying

>an interconnected world with shortcuts and free-roaming, and merging single, cooperative and competitive play in the same campaign
That sounds like a hot mess, but I'll keep an open mind if the combat feels and sounds good.


sounds souls-like

sure, i've watched some YT clips with sound (and the sound design is good, yes) but that's only half the equation

now this is more like it, needs to happen more often

Only happens on kills, probably a pacing thing you don't want people falling ass every time a heavy hit lands, but I assure you when that heavy ass hit lands and they die the corpse goes fuckin flying.

the best way I can describe it is if dark souls took a couple points away from its world exploration and put them into combat.

What ever happened to that furry game with the fighting rabbits/squirrels/etc?

spent too much time making the game easily moddable and forgot to make a game in the process

but it is, played in the beta
camera is shit, controls are shit and cannot be changed
fighting multiple targets was half impossible cause of how long attacks take and changing targets mid combat is impossible

Controls were confirmed to be rebindable.

Regarding all the other issues, sounds like you're kinda shit

preordered mine today

>sounds like you're kinda shit
il agree that it was in part due to the god awful fucking controls in the beta, but the controls for changing stances or targets were terrible
not to say that you could not even change the camera sensitivity
and why is it that whenever this game is shilled its always 1v1 and whenever its talked about, its about duels
its because the multi target combat in that game is garbage

you guys take this shit too seriously

just have fun

I don't entirely disagree with you, the camera in one of the betas was garbage, made switching in a brawl extremely tiresome. Thing is, it was fucking perfect in the beta before that, I have no idea why they changed it and can only hope they bring it back for the official release, there also wasn't the issue of your camera being on one guy and you for some reason attacking another.

By itself 1vMany fights are entirely fine though, sure a bit of patience is required, but it's entirely reasonable to beat 3 NPCs without getting scratched and when you do you feel pretty damn good

people say mario 64 and older games were "fun" but they're god awful and you know it, the controls were shit and the games were often buggy and bullshit.
jaded motherfuckers need to find a new hobby and come back when you're less a bundle a sticks

>only reason I'm interested is because I was told there would be staff combat
>I have yet to see any

two-handed weapons TBA after launch my dude

for free

sure it sucks they aren't readily available, but they will be here soon™

I'll pick it up during the winter sale, maybe sooner if I have the cash to blow on it.

I don't like
there's just something off
at every level

also sound design is shit