>strongest character is a female
Why dont this called SJW shit?
>strongest character is a female
Why dont this called SJW shit?
Cause it's not a butch dyke?
Because it literally is OK when Japan does it because they aren't faggots about it.
Weebs have double standards.
are people forgetting about titania
because it doesn't feel forced. people only give a shit about strong female characters when it's ham-fisted or they make them a Mary Sue
because you can sometimes rape said strongest characters.
It's okay if the girl is cute
I want to fuck that female. I want to be that female even more.
>Why dont this called SJW shit?
Why is every fucking OP made by a spic now? ANd why aren't people calling them out on this?
womyn can be strong. only if its not at the expense of men and to prove female superiority
Because she's cute :3
Calvard when?
It's literally okay when Japan does it because everything isn't politicized there like in the west
Because she's still beautiful and feminine. The SJW shit wants to eliminate the beautiful-woman norm in videogames.
It's never a good idea to remind them that all art is better for having beautiful women.
>implying SJW is bad
The majority of Japanese games are SJW
This. These characters aren't made with any sort of agenda to push for "strong female characters" or "empower women". They're just simply characters.
Cause she's purdy, just like my goddess waifu Lightning-san
nig lmao
ugly and strong is disgusting, both go against what men seek.
strong and 10/10 is actually a bonus
Game does not go for realism nor preach too
>they're just simply characters
Fuckin' kek, this is what weebs believe. They're fapbait, not characters. A walking pair of tits so you'll buy their kusoge.
They put a woman in their game because they felt like it, not for the sake of "diversity" or whatever's the new buzzword these days. That's also why she's attractive (if you think anime girls are attractive anyway), whoever designed that character drew what (s)he liked. That's literally all there is to it.
I don't mind stronk women in my games.
Granted, I'd sooner buy shameless fanservice game than some political SJW game with a "message"
Why dont learned English?
Come back when you've learned the actual meaning of she not just the things they like but the reason and the way the do these things
there's no agenda behind it
>Why dont this called SJW shit?
Because nobody hates female characters simply because they're female characters. The Japs don't create female characters as political statements.
Because her hair isn't shaved along one side, nor is her face mangled, or severely overweight(thicc).
They also start with a character by traits and personality, which is gender agnostic.
The west treats female characters like tits and ass with no depth or history. No reason to be included other than eye candy. And therefore no room to grow
>i will tell this story of a badass woman
>i want to manipulate people into thinking women are X
It's okay when you have a female character and she's strong.
The problem is usually hitting one of two extremes. One of them, shows up pretty often in anime, is that you call a female character strong at the offset then proceed to have her do nothing of note for most of the story except get beaten by the male protagonist before falling in love with him or kidnapped by his enemies so she can swoon over him.
The other is calling attention to what a strong female the character is all the time, undermining her character through giving her more credit due to her gender, and implying that somehow her gender should impact whether or not she's strong.
Just write them, call it a day, and people usually don't give a fuck.
Because it's progressive and our reddit mods need to make sure we accept diversity and progressiveness.
Because not all of us wave tiki torches.
His hair and name are dumb.
Is it just you who's been doing it or has there been a sudden surge of schrodingerposting on Sup Forums? Also OP is a faggot.
Tiki torches! We're screwed! If they're white they can do whatever they want!
Just me. I think.
Would you kindly fuck off eat shit and die?
>One of them, shows up pretty often in anime, is that you call a female character strong at the offset then proceed to have her do nothing of note for most of the story except get beaten by the male protagonist before falling in love with him or kidnapped by his enemies so she can swoon over him.
That's because that specific anime is aimed at the male audience. There's plenty of female characters that never have that happen to them.
If you invert your argument you're literally a PuA from return of kings who thinks anime are made to emasculate males and turn them into sissies who get beaten up and get their balls stomped by girls. Which is a trope that also happens to exist, in anime aimed at boys.
i like that one
Yun Ka Fai is the strongest character.
Japanese men are getting cucked and left behind since japanese women prefer to pursue careers into ripe old age, and then travel looking for foreigners. They are not interested in japanese men who can't accept them braking with tradition and worship their saggy tits and bad manners.
>it's in stylized cartoony games instead of games that try to be relatively grounded
>the woman is not ugly
>it's not an obvious attempt at socio-political brainwashing
It's that easy.