Media Create 8/7-8/13

Media Create:

Switch 87,798
PS4 34,691
New2DS LL 24,187
New3DS LL 17,276
PS4 Pro 7,771
Vita 4,651
2DS 3,527
New3DS 740
Wii U 132
PS3 95
Xbox One 75

The Snack World: 87k
Splatoon 2: 97k
DQ11 3DS: 116K
DQ11 PS4: 91K

Other urls found in this thread:

Nippon is irrelevant when it comes to sales

PS4 is destroying Switch elsewhere

nice numbers


The switch is unstoppable.

Approaching DS levels.

>PS4 Pro that low
How could this be?

So what's The Snack World supposed to be

>switch blasts ps4 sales
>n-no this time it's irrelevant

The successor the Yokai Watch
No, literally


The newest cash cow for L5

>Switch is 90k again
Did they solve the stocking issues?

He's right though. Jap sales are irrelevant when the PS4 is crushing the Switch worldwide.

they announced that since June they have already improved their prodcution line, so likely they are making more units.

japan has have better numbers in he past 3 week and USA this week all GameStop stores got stock for 1st time since release

no it's not.

nice falseflag


Yes it is.

People are still lining up for it

no it isn´t. That was the case with the vita and that was the reason it still got games. If you have a switch you don´t need ANY of the western titles to have a good library of games.

>That was the case with the vita and that was the reason it still got games. If you have a switch you don´t need ANY of the western titles to have a good library of games.


And that has what to do with the PS4 outselling the Switch worldwide, because? I'm just saying between North America and Europe PlayStation sells more collectively.


>Nintendo wins again

How can Sonyggros even compete?

i like video games

Sony doesn't outsell Nintendo in Europe, PS4 has never outsold the 3DS. Fucking delusional drones, I swear to god. Only exception to this was the PS2 and then it was only by a million or 2.


Oh, so it's nothing.

you user have been derailing the 2 threads about sales, were you among the humans that had orgasms when the ps4 sold better than the switch in japan?

Nigger, did I say the 3DS? Where in my post did I specifically say 3DS or Nintendo in general? I said Switch. Besides, the PS4 is about to outsell the 3DS this year, so it doesn't even matter.

If you dont like Japanese games sure.
In which case you have fecal matter taste anyways

Because that's what you implied. It's just false that Sony outsells Nintendo. The only time this ever happened was with the PS2. Otherwise if you combine their handhelds + consoles Nintendo has outsold every company every generation.

>the 2 threads about sales


>were you among the humans that had orgasms when the ps4 sold better than the switch in japan?

Of course not. You have to be stupid to think just because Sony has one decent week in Japan means anything. People who seriously believe Nintendo wouldn't bounce back up in homeland are delusional. Almost delusional as those who think Nintendo Switch would beat out PS4 in Europe constantly.

I was able to pick one up for my boyfriend yesterday since he kept coming over to my house to play splatoon, though it was at gamestop and they would only sell it in a bundle so I spent like 400 dollars.

Shut up faggot

Fine, let me be as specific as possible. PlayStation 4, PlayStation quadruple, PlayStation numero quatro sells better on average in the rest of the world than The Nintendo Switch. 任天堂スイッチ, 任天堂開關, NIN10DOH SAWITCH.

If you want to add handhelds and console then fine, Nintendo obliterates PlayStation.

I'm not a guy

Yes you are queermo

Sony does outsell nintendo in Europe you fucking mong.
The PS4 has the best software to hardware ratio of any popular console ever.
If that isn't outselling nintendo then i don't know what is.
If you are bringing 3DS into it then lets bring PS2 into the picture aswell.
Stop being this deluded.
Sony is selling better than Nintendo.

Yeah turns out it's pretty easy to get a high attach rate if you count all those sub $5 flash sales.

NOOO AHHH why is the Switch STILL obliterating the PS4?

Pro always sold like shit. Slim is where the sales are at.

>"I-it doesn't c-count!!"
This is pathetic. Not all switch games are full price either.
Why limit this to arbitrary rules?

Nintendo decidedly doesn't include digital-only games in their software sales reports.

>Nintendo decidedly doesn't include digital-only games in their software sales reports.
better be trolling, otherwise seek help

Doesn't matter since the PS4 software to hardware attach-rate completely dwarfs all other numbers regardless. It would take a miracle for the Switch numbers to be higher than the playstation 4 numbers.


It's not arbitrary, revenue is what matters here. Are you going to argue that Terraria is a more successful game than the past three AssCreeds put together because it sold 20 million $2.50 copies?

>all JP devs already switching over to making games for the Switch now due to it absolutely DOMINATING in Japan

Fuck bros... it wasn't mean to be like this, the PS4 was supposed to have a great weeb game future

I want to be abused by Pearl.

That's what it says on their website.

>That's what it says on their website.
you are right
>Packaged and Downloadable version


It's barely getting third party support, what makes you think Japs are gonna jump aboard?

Of card and disk software. Not software that's only available through download.

The PS4 isn't even portable, and the Vita is dead. That's where the Switch kicks in, getting the best of both worlds, the Nintendomination in Japan is unstoppable now.

Damn I guess you are right.
Do you think someone would buy my PS4 on ebay? I want to sell it before it's too late.

>all that west trash
Dodged a bullet there. Also, you're delusional as fuck if you think FighterZ isn't coming to the Switch.

Sure, there are a lot of suckers out there.

Oh I'm laffin'. It doesn't even get the shitty Japanese games.

Man look at all those shit games

>*also on PC
>owning only one gaming platform
Must suck to be this poor

It's over...

As opposed to *pffttt* Europe?

Where's the chart guy?

>mfw borrowed a PS3 to play P5 so I didnt have to buy a cinematicgameswithblackwomen 4 player

But not coming to Switch. Hush my beautiful child, it'll all be okay. ;)

Good. Don't want to see the Switch library be dragged down into the mud by those shit games.

>The Crash and DQXI boost already ended
It's over bros...

>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>not coming to Switch

It's okay sweetie, maybe mommy will buy you a PC this Christmas.

Probably not the guy you're thinking of, but here's one.

>W-we didn't want them anyways...

>tfw I fell for the Sony meme
Why didn't I just go PCtendo, I could have had minimal overlap and maximum access to good games


on the 1st tread

>wanting to play something of this quality
Be my guest, shit eater

>3 different shades of red
Nigga you what

I hope you learned your lesson at least.

Like I said, that's not even true if the Switch is supply constrained. Are you baiting?
How is it outselling Nintendo if PS4 never outsold the PS4 toddler? You'd have to ignore literally everything I wrote to be so delusional. The Switch haven't even had its holiday sales yet.

Namco Shouldn't have even bother with gameplay that terrible. It manage to look worst than God Eater.

Funny. Where were you guys when "ps4 sells in Japan!"
They sure we're relevant then.

Has it happened yet?

Holy fuck
The Switch is ripping the PS4 a new one, eviscerating its anus in the most brutal manner

I bet you're a fat roastie.

We're getting a handful of VNs for what it's worth. Well that's a good start I guess.

>Nintendo can sell ~80k Switches a week now after production went up a bit
>still next to impossible to get one with lotteries and hours of queues everywhere, just yesterday reporters went to a ton of stores all over and failed to get one

Jesus christ, I think at this rate it's safe to assume Nintendo could sell 250k Switches every single week for the next 2 years minimum in Japan without demand ever drying up

Are we sure that it's not the next Wii U yet?

Sony has't been dominate in Japan since the PS2. That's the honest truth, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. But even though Sony doesn't rule Japan like they did 15 years ago, they still get weeb games galore unlike Nintendo.

Nintenbros are praising their underpowered tablet with no games is selling instead of demanding a real console.

>actual marketing
>people know it exists
>the gimmick doesn't affect the gameplay and it's actually useful
>getting great games on a regular basis
Pretty damn sure.

>mfw OP was trying to meme Wii60 at one point

Wew lad.

Should Sony surrender and just quit the Japanese market or should they risk utter humiliation on the level of Microsoft with their Xbox by staying in for a few more months?

Another rolling simulator/souls clone
God I hate these games

Japs hate Nintendo anyhow. At least under a Sony rule they actually turn a profit.

Monster Hunter World will be their last stand in Japan. After that inevitably fails to move much beyond 1 million home consoles will be done.

>a person rolling sideways gives them i-frames
When the fuck will this meme die?

What did he mean by this?

You... you realize we're in a sales thread for Japan, right?

Well the most important thing is that it's portable and japanese love that shit, shit's going to be a money printing machine in japan for quite some time,that much is guaranteed

I like the idea of using associated colors for each console, but I guess it makes some of the lines too hard to distinguish.

>shit's going to be a money printing machine in japan for quite some time
The moment the sales slow down they'll announce a handheld only SKU, and they'll continue to sell millions until the end of time.

Oh yeah I forgot about the new Atelier is also gonna be on the switch and that one looks good.