So now that we've all played it, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
So now that we've all played it, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
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My lazy ass just ordered the switch CE yesterday. I won't be playing until pc days get to probably lol.
Great game. A few low points but they don't last long. Some of the returning elements like Sky Chase kind of blow but the other stuff they brought back was wonderful.
It's somewhere between 8.5 and 9.5.
Fun, but it feels too short. Also Blue Sphere on every checkpoint sucks.
Pretty comfy with a solid ost
The verdict is stop fucking cucking me with this shit and RELEASE IT ON PC ALREADY FUCK
Is it out for steam yet?
great but the special stages suck
at least there's always blue sphere...
Pretty top tier.
You know it would have been cool to see a popular 3D stage and bosses be put in the game. I get why they didn't, I just hope Mania 2 does a little bit of that
>people are calling Robo-Sonic Silver Sonic
triggerers me tbqh
Any special stage that isn't yet another sonic 2 special stage is a great special stage
Best Sonic in years.
pretty damn good game, would be perfect if it was a bit longer and had online, but as it is, it's a 9-9.5/10
It's not like the game forces you to enter blue sphere.
I liked this game's special stages a lot. If only there was a multiplayer race mode for them, though.
Does the collector have the game in it ? I heard not
yeah digital code
>medals required to unlock shit
>only obtainable through Blue Shit
yes it does
I really dont know what to think.
Sega punished us for some shit some trolls spoke during those streams.
The game is basically spoiled now at this point, even if we still get to play it, even if theres no denuvo and the delay actually was to adress the myriad of bugs console versions had, even if modding is a possibility, i wont be able to enjoy it, let alone play it.
Why? Why does it hurt that much?
Best Sonic game since Shadow. My criticisms:
>Feels a bit short (probably because of the rehash stages)
>Rehash stages
>Some of the new remixes sound kinda meh
>The plot is a tie in to what looks like it could be the worst title in the series
>Special stage 7 is piss easy
But all of the new mechanics and bosses are great. It's all really innovative and unique and you can tell that all of the new additions were made by people that really understand what makes a 2D sonic game great. It's a solid 8.5/10 for me
Literally all it unlocks is extra shit. Sound test, etc. Even then you don't need to beat every stage to get everything
My verdict is it's kicking my ass and making me feel inadequate.
3 Emeralds at oil ocean and I can't beat the boss
Kill me
Could have been cool, but that was more Generations thing.
literally everything about it was likable. could have gone without the rehashing old stages but they actually did it in an interesting way so it was still amazing.
the only real issue is that it makes you realize just how shitty 3d sonic games have always been and makes you want sega to retcon all of them and just start over from this fun cartoon sonic feel but you know they never will and that they will still make cringey shit that will kill their franchise and has already destroyed their legacy.
world building and personality in a game is crucial. good gameplay is just a bare minimum requirement. the rest of the work is the quality or unique style of the visuals, worldbuilding, and audio which is really what makes sonic feel amazing and what made this game amazing.
basically 10/10 but Sega still loses points for being autistic and not being able to do this themselves
>Mania 2
>Fucking huge character select
>Each character gets unique stages and bosses
>Shadow's in it and he gets Lava Shelter as a stage
Literally all I want
No, fuck off with a massive cast of characters. At most make Amy and Metal Sonic playable.
If you want different movesets, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles should just be playable with variations.
Sonic has access to insta-shield, peel out, or drop dash. The others would have something similar.
I was grinning ear to ear playing this on my Switch. It's like Sonic 3 and Knuckles but with better bossfights. Sonic Team of Japan should move in with these guys in America to understand what Sonic is really all about. Forces will seem really disappointing after a game this godly.
Why does Taxman look like a Ramone from the 70s?
I feel like Eggman/Robotnik isn't even a villain and Sonic isn't his rival, they're just playing around and having laughs.
At any point during the Chemical Plant Act 1 """boss""", Sonic could have just punched Eggman in the throat, took his lunch money and the time stone, but instead they're just playing this cute little game together.
The Hydrocity Act 1 boss is also this little wink wink nudge nudge "ohhh ya got me" fight.
Every time Sonic catches up to him, he just whizzes Sonic to some other world like they're playing hide and seek.
It feels more like a nostalgic get-together than an actual rivalry.
The reason Mania was good was because it got rid of that bullshit bloat that plagues the sonic franchise
>The plot is a tie in to what looks like it could be the worst title in the series
Where was it said this was a tie-in?
It's never stated outright, but there are a lot of signs pointing to it
That ending blew.
>Reward for getting all 7 emeralds is Super Tails/Knux
>Literally all it does is remove the "Try Again" screen
>Extra boss was extremely simplistic
That's a solid "meh" result.
Also Knucks getting his own exclusive stage, and taking advantage of that was great, shame they didn't do it with Tails. Giving Sanic a two-act Extra Zone would have been the best way to add to this.
Not him, but it's pretty obvious it ties-in to Forces tbqh
>Phantom Ruby is about time-space manipulation fuckery
>Sonic is thrown into a warp at the end of game, location unknown
>Only sign he's well is his pose in the true ending, which is the same pose he does in the Forces trailer
>Fist Bump is in the final boss theme
>ZA WARUDO sound is from Forces
>Gem seems to be embedded in Infinite's chest
>Extra boss ending takes Sonic away from his home dimension, plus poses in the same instant he appears in Forces
>Fist Bump plays in the Extra Boss theme as a motif, once you know to listen to this you can't unhear it.
I didn't
>spend several minutes in each zone searching for special stage entrances
>find nothing
>watch some random youtuber stream the game
>they blindly run through the first two zones and just happen to stumble upon nearly every special stage
>i wont be able to enjoy it
If a game's surprise getting spoiled ruins the game for you, then the actual game itself isn't that good.
The Mean Bean boss battle sucks.
It's neat seeing it the one time, but it's not actually fun to play as a boss.
Eggman doesn't have his Final Boss AI from Mean Bean Machine
0/10 Worst Puyo Game
and it's not an exaggeration
I think that's called a 9.0
Oil Ocean and its boss were a mistake and should not have been in the game.
Tbh all the bosses in the game were ass except the eggbots.
once you do all of them, you never have to again
It's funny, because I find I have better success find the stages if I just play as per usual, without thinking on it too much. It's funny how often they pop up.
When I do actually try to search for them, I end up running in a circle for a few minutes, until I realize how straight-forward their placement is.
For example there's one in Press Garden Act 2, where you can see it if you run over a checkpoint. Basically it's right below you. If you run back you can get above and below that area easily, but the ring is inaccessible from here. But if you just ran forward from where you found it, the entrance to it is right there.
And funnily enough, there's another one in the very next room after that, obtainable by bouncing off a spring encased in ice. Easy to miss, but if you're playing regularly and not just hunting, you'll get it.
>the "short game" meme
yes it is
The "bullshit bloat" hasn't been the problem for 14 years you faggots.
It's the different for different's sake itself that made it a problem as seen in Boom, Lost World, and the storybook series. Like 06's worst playing character was ironically Sonic himself, meanwhile Gamma and Blaze gave an inkling of polish.
Spin Dash out of 10. That's all you have to do. Just Spin Dash against mini mecha Sonic while he's charging, and you're GUARANTEED a hit against Metal Sonic. No need to time your jump.
He hasn't played Colors
whoops, meant
>Mania is a huge success
>Taxman Team starts work on "lock-on expansion" (DLC)
>adds Amy Rose, Bean the Dynamite, and Metal Sonic as playable characters with unique movesets
>4 new zones, 4 remix zones
>New set of Special Stages with Super Emeralds to collect
>Chaotix mode where you select two characters to tether together and play simultaneously.
I'd prefer an expansion like this to a sequel one year from now.
Lmao tldr
Get a life
It's also the second boss of the game.
And also, some people never played Puyo Puyo before.
I never played Puyo Puyo before this game.
I might now tho
A lot of Sup Forums users are jobless neets with little money, so even if a game is only $5, they'll still complain if it isn't a 30 hour epic. Just discard their opinion and move on.
>Special Stage 5 is kicking my ass
Any tips?
>It's like Sonic 3 and Knuckles but with better bossfights
Eh, I like some of the bossfights for their spectactle, but that's all a lot of them amount to. There was something simple and effective about the bosses in S3&K that really makes them resonate with me., whereas Mania tries to hard to go the extra mile, and it just feels out of place.
The Mean Bean boss is neat, but not actually fun and engaging.
Metal Sonic is a good throwback, but the multi-tiers of that fight don't feel good, and reflecting the micro-Sonic really feels sloppy. Then the chasing spike wall, where Metal Sonic just sits there waiting for you to attack and kill him. Feels half-baked.
And the remixed Hydrocity bosses are, again, neat in concept, but they don't play like complete thoughts, or with enough variety.
' < ' I kinda thought the Final boss and the Super Sonic Final boss where kinda bad.
I sucked at this before I realized two revs was the golden amount for scoring a consistent hit on metal.
At least it wasn't as bad as when I thought the propellor poles in FB were timing-based and not dependent on the direction you're holding.
Puyo Tetris is awesome and only 30 dollars digital and I highly recommend it.
git gud
it's okay. they were just testing the waters this game. they didn't feel the need to go all out.
mania 2 however. I think Daddy SEGA will allow them to go all out just this once.
It's the best Sonic game
So just like Bowser?
they're not time based?
Dude that happened to me exactly, I kept trying to time it just right on FBZ as well
Silver Sonic was just luck for me, Metal Sonic only needs 4 hits though
>new characters
Okay I'm done fucking around with this sprite.
I tried to improve the Sonic Mania sprite just for fun, what do you think?
Make sure you collect lots of rings to start.
At the very start there's a side path that's a ton of Blue Speres. Take it this one time because you need to speed up, and you'll be going really slow anyway.
Near the end, there's a path split where you can go left or right. Try to never go right, instead always go left and try to get the boost up in the air off of the two ring boxes.
It's the hardest of the last 3. 6 can be tough, but once you get the jump turning down you'll be fine, and from there 7 is like the easiest of them all.
Sega stop
a definitive 9
My only criticism is that Sonics right foot looks a bit odd.
You made it a combination of the 3 sprite.
I like the 3 sprites too, and never got the hate for it.
It's shit and sonic was never good.
Reminder that Sonic Mania will have Denuvo.
>wah that's impossible, no sonic game has ever had Denuvo
As it turns out, Sonic Forces is getting denuvo, and now Mania was mysteriously delayed 4 days before release for """optimization"""
>can't select the super sonic final boss from the level select screen a la Doomsday after beating it
taxman why
And? It's $20, it's based on games that you already know the quality of, and it's most likely widely available in your region. There's literally no reason to pirate this game.
10 outta 10
legitimately the only gripes I can come up with are the nitpickiest of nitpicks like stage transitions being inconsistent or the fact that you can't use super peel-out/insta shield in anything but no-save mode.
Then there's no reason to put Denuvo in.
I'm honestly more upset over the fact that unless you have a standard shield, you can't drop dash anymore with going Super Saiyan. That's the most fun part of the game.
You can still drop dash as SS, but you never need to, so it's pointless.
Aye, the shoes and the third spike are modifications of parts of Sonic 3 sprites and the face modifications are entirely original.
I think it's a shame that they didn't try to improve the designs of the sprites and instead made them shinier. Would be nice if they did something like this in a potential sequel.
Left+Down face buttons + Select/Minus/whatever the fuck DS4 controller has on the Press Start screen
Sonic 2 style level select and sound test, can pick it from there
oh neat
Sega would have to be incredibly stingy not to greenlight a sequel, given the feedback.
Everything was good except Mecha Madness.
8/10 will play again and again.
Critical reception is one thing, but sales are another. Do we know how well it's actually selling?
how the fuck do I enter the studiopolis act 1 secret stage
>There's literally no reason to pirate this game.
They delayed it for 2 weeks and lied about it
It's real good REAL good. I hope they have that dude do more. Also slightly unrelated but I almost feel annoyed that the last chaos emerald stage is one of the easiest but I'm glad at the same time
>Shadow has Advance-series Knuckles-esque combat and bosses like that Knuckles clone in Advance
>ZA WARUDO returns
>we've all played it,
You are a cunt.
looks like another contrived positive reception on looming release of games people desperately need to shill
PCfags aren't people
That's because it is Silver Sonic you dingus
take your lego spinoff and shove it
Last time I checked, it was doing good on the PS4 and godlike on the switch, which are the only 2 relevant non-pc platforms.
Metal Sonic deserves a better Boss Fight. I thought any boss fight with him in any game couldn't suck...but Mania proved me wrong. He probably got the shaft to make the Deviantart OC Squad look better.
You're kidding. Metallic Madness was one of the highlights for me.
how can you know for sure?
Finally beat Oil Ocean as Knuckles. That lower jump height really fucks you over.