How do you decide whether the price asked for a game is fair or not?

How do you decide whether the price asked for a game is fair or not?

Time spent enjoying the game


>be american
>buy game
>that would be 60.00 plus tip
>get shot


Do you adjust for inflation?

Pretty much this. I might pay more if the game has replayability value (mainly online), but that's the only condition.


If I get 1 hour of enjoyment for every dollar I spent, I'm very happy with the purchase.

If I'm not going to get 60 hours out of a brand new 60 dollar game, I'll wait for a price drop.

Tipping should be fucking banned,it's atroucious, guy's doing his job, I would love if they tipped me in my job, but no, now I have to give them EXTRA money just because I would look like a douchebag if I don't, fuck that shi, if waiters deserve more tip then so does everyone deserve more money, theare are far shittier and underpaid jobs where you don't get tipped.

By the hours of potential gameplay and developer support.

By my logic, I would have gladly payed 69.99 for terraria and rising storm 2, but I barely feel as if stuff like max payne should cost more than 15 dollars.

But then there comes quality behind the product. Despite things like aurora 4x and minecraft devoting more than 1k hours of my life too, I wouldn't pay more than 30 for either.

Either how much I like the game or how many hours I sink in to it. Both is a bonus, me liking it enough to replay it is an extra bonus.

Clear sign you are either a kid or poor



Is D3+RoS+Necromancer worth the money?

$60 is fine for most games with at least a 10 hour single player mode. These days though you are hard pressed to find anything that's less than 50 hours long.

$60 for both mp+single player is excellent of both things are worth playing (CoD is not worth $60 for example) especially if there are free content updates.

$30-40 for multiplayer or short single player games is ideal, and finally no more than $15 for indie games.

If it were banned and waiters/waitresses suddenly had to be paid minimum wage, the cost increase of your meal would probably be greater than the tip you'd leave prior to the practice being banned.

>60 dollars for a 10 hour experience

Not poorer than someone who's got to be a waiter to pay for their expenses.

I try to keep costs below $1/hour but it can go higher depending on how much fun I'm having.
A game needs to be absolutely phenomenal for me to accept that it cost me over $2/hour.

If you're not getting at least 1 hour per dollar than you got scammed.

It's simple to decide how much I'm willing to pay, I just imagine how much it'll cost in a year and wait until it reach that price
And they always drop under 10 buck in less than a year

Do you know how waiters get paid? They get less than minimum wage and make up for it with tips. Also you can just order take out and not leave a tip if you don't want to pay for the service.

Very nice, but that's not really related to video games, is it, son?

They do have to be paid minimum wage

Not that user but fuck waiters
>Will steal if given the opportunity which fucks over the bussers and cooks who share the tips with them
>Will stand around doing fuck all but complaining about customers and texting on their phones all day
>Doesn't take any dishes back with them or do any pre cleaning making more work for the busser to do

You've clearly never had to work with one of those insufferable cunts

Tips are fine, it's just the faggots who get mad if you don't tip that makes it shitty. Sometimes you only have the money to pay for the goods/services you were given,but then they take it personally and start acting shitty. Tips don't need to be removed, but the idea that you're OWED a tip should be.

I know that if their tips don't cover minimum wage, they are supposed to be paid minimum wage for that pay period. But that would mean claiming tips on your taxes and blah blah blah and it doesn't really work like it's supposed to.

An important part here is $1/hour of "Entertainment". Games with hours of slog and filler don't meet criteria.

Looking at you "infinite quest" games

By that logic you'd never eat out, go to the movies or do anything really.

$60 is fine considering it's the same price games have had for a decade even though everything else has gotten more expensive

I'm thinking Europe

>By that logic you'd never eat out,
Not a video game
>go to the movies
Not a video game
>or do anything really.
Not a video game.

We're talking about the price of video games here.

>Work a job at a grocery store
>It underpays and I work long hours
>Multiplied by how much harder I have to work than others
>Never get tips

>Meanwhile in restaurants
>Have to listen to waiters and waitresses complain about people undertipping them
>Literally all they do is carry a plate around and expect to make boatloads

It's not about money per hour for me it's more like I don't wanna give money to retarded as fuck devs for doing stupid shit or acting like dirty, money grabbing jews.

>eat out
I don't
I don't
I don't

yeah, no. Murrican waiters/waitresses ( unless they work in a very nice place ) usually get paid around 2.40 an hour. Minimum wage in other jobs is 7.25 federally ( and states often have it higher than that )

So basically, you have to be a ballin ass server and work in a popular place to make any money.

>Go to restaurant
>Don't have enough to pay the bill
>People get mad at your for being a shitty person
Makes sense to me

>1usd = 1 hour of single player/offline fun
>Multiplayer only = 0usd
>Any sort of microtransaction automatically makes the game 0usd

For games like Civ an Stellaris I'm perfectly fine with paying the full asking price. A FPS with a 4 hour campaign? I would pay like five bucks for. Multiplayer only games I will never buy because those are not worth anything to me. The few I have like Overwatch were gifts from online friends that wanted me to play with them.

Because of this I normally wait for games to drop in price. Games that never drop in price like Activision games I just pirate they obviously dont want my money if they are going to keep a 5-10 year old game parked at the 20usd price point.

If you can't afford to eat out maybe stay at home. Restaurants are literally supposed to be a luxury, which is why you have waiters who are supposed to do everything short of wiping your ass for you.

I'm a bartender/waiter and while I have met some dicks like that in the little time I've been in the industry I have met a lot more people who aren't like that. Sometimes I personally take money out of my pocket and give it to my runner if I know he really busted his ass that night.

Length. If the game is short then there's no way I'd pay anything more then $20 for it. What I consider short is anything below 6hrs. Anything longer I'll pay more for.

Persona 5, Yakuza 0, and any Souls game for example. I'd gladly pay more then even $60 for them since I spent way over 40hrs on all of them.

>tips are part of the bill and you are oblied to pay it regardless of the service provided
This is the most burger logic ever.

Average age for consumers is way lower than years ago, the most popular releases are often targeted at kids and teens nowadays.
Publishers are catering to people with lower income than ever before and the market is saturated, they can't afford to make the prices higher. Most games go on sale like a month after release too, 60 dollars is too expensive for most games as well, the industry is fucked.

>t. has never been quadruple sat

Sure, if it's a restaurant where the owner/manager doesn't give a fuck, waiters can do and take as long as they want doing nothing. But we live in the days of Yelp, restaurants have a reputation to protect and there's a huge amount of stress involved in giving service to 4 tables at once in the proper way without taking too long.

$1 per hour of gametime is a good basis
I'll pay full price for a game if I know I'll get 60 hours out of it. The average game is worth waiting to reach 20/30, but some games like tekken hit the dollar to hour ratio very quickly. This also means I wouldn't pay more than $5 or so for a cinematic experience.

HELL NO. Video games have actually gotten cheaper on average over the years, so there's no reason to adjust

Its not my job to pay someone elses workers. Raise the price of the food and pay them a livable wage.

Its also the workers fault. They accepted a job where they only get paid like what 3usd an hour? That is their own dumb ass fault. They deserve whatever they get.

good dishwashers deserve tips more than wait staff

This. People don't seem to realise that $60 today is still cheaper than $50 on the PS2

>Thinking that compares to all the back-breaking work that stockers have to put in on a daily basis only to go completely unappreciated by everyone and held responsible for getting yelled at as to why your store doesn't have whatever special snowflake shit a customer wants
>Has never had to go get carts in a fucking storm where it's absolutely fucking hammering you with rain because your boss literally doesn't give a fuck about you, only to have people nearly run you over because everyone's in a hurry 24/7
>Has never had to work as a single register because the other two/three people went on break and the managers refuse to hire anyone else so you get all the blame for it and people question why you have a frown on your face

Most wait staff are women, so of course they are entitled to more money than men. Vagina = perfection, shitlord

Dishwasher detected

I wish I was a dishwasher though, I'd earn a stable wage and would not have to deal with people. Its pretty bad to be introverted but having to deal with dozens of people on a daily basis.

Can't wait to graduate so I can hole up inside an office.

always been my rule

What about quality? I'd rather pay $60 for Crypt of the Necrodancer or Nucler Throne than any CoD. And CoD has multiplayer so it can very well be a timesink.

>Thinking waiters don't have to deal with people's bullshit

This is not exclusive to your job idiot, literally everyone who isn't in a corporate job has to deal with this shit. You either take it or you do something to get out of where you are.

As a rough estimate an hour game for an hours wage.
If I earned $6 per hour and the game is 10 hours long then $60 is fine. I mean people pay $20 to go see an hour and a half movie.

It's all redundant though, because I buy everything for the cheapest it's ever been on steamprices, and put the lowest amount I'm allowed to on humblebundle (when it's not complete shit) and as bad as that is at least I'm actually paying and not just pirating everything, because it is all fucking pirateable.

Quality of course trumps any other metric, but the reason I didn't really include it is because there's no way to really judge a games quality until you have played it. Of course you could pirate but at that point why the fuck would you bother with buying the game unless you really really like it. Also there are lots of games that simply cannot be pirated.

your back pain amd cramps would make you wish otherwise

So how do restaurants work on literally everywhere other than the US?
My girlfriend is a part-time waiter and she still receives an average pay. And the restaurant is pretty good and quite far from expensive.

luckily i work at a retirement home so they treat me better than a restaurant
also they boosted me up to prep cook/expo/busboy/and line if we're really short.

This guy gets it.

I still get back pain and cramps because of walking for 8 hours but I understand you those things are always too low for some reason must get pretty awful by the end of the night when you have to clean all the shit.

Our dishwasher actually gets tips but that's because he also acts as a runner sometimes.

You can't decide until after you've played the game, yet it's illegal to pirate. Thus, you need to do research on whether or not a game will be good while also taking the developer's history into consideration to influence your purchase. It's why independent critics, as opposed to companies or marketers, can be a powerful tool,

Tipping is a funny thing. In some places tipping isn't banned but is most certainly not accepted. In others the wages for wait staff are much higher but tipping is either a good way to get them fired or must be done at the main register/desk. I'm by no means wealthy but I enjoy eating out every couple months, more often than that if friends or family drag me along during some outing.

Tipping is entirely proportoniate to the service I receive as a whole, and if I feel i've been given good service i'll tip twice. Once by hiding cash underneath a dish, the second at the desk because servers CAN be greedy little shitstains and because some businesses get oddly exclusionary with some employees. My biggest tips have been at a family run Vietnamese restaraunt that had the most amazing fucking noodle bowl and the other was at a place where we sat eight people and had each person rack up a hundred and twenty dollar bill.

I mean i'd like to tip the drones at a Walmart or equivalent but how the fuck do I do that? Typically the cashier does fuck all and the people who DO make my life easier are either not present or will lose their job if some stranger slips them twenty bucks.

Dollar per hour. It may not be fair or applicable to all games, but I don't give a fuck. I also don't play multiplayer so I don't factor that into a purchase.

I just can't feel any sympathy for servers. They get all huffy when they don't get a bunch of money from tips and act like it's your fault they didn't get a job with a stable wage. They want skilled work wages from low skilled minimum wage jobs and no matter how many sob stories they tell me I just find it offensive they try to place the blame on me.

I'm from a couple posts up. I agree that a shitty, whiny server deserves nothing from me. However, if one of them is clearly making a real honest to god effort than I feel they might deserve extra. I don't mean smiling or saying enjoy your meal. I mean remembering allergies and drink choices if i've only been in there twice. I mean making sure that water is never in low supply, that the waits for service are never too long but they're not hawkishly circling my table either while waiting for me to sip the last of my beer or whatever. I mean the food is hot, hasn't sat for more than a couple minutes, they somehow miraculously get everyone's orders right when there's twelve at a table and some six year old changed their order four times.

He can afford to eat out. He's just choosing not to give a service drone extra money for litetally doing his job.

It's amazing, waiters/waitresses all complain about how hard their work is, yet soon as anyone talks about getting rid of tips and paying normal wages, they're up in arms. Because they know they're overpaid.

The idea of tips being a % of meal cost is the biggest scam ever. That $100 steak isn't somehow heavier.

As someone who's worked at a shitty minimum wage job for six years I actively go out of my way to make peoples jobs easier in ay way that I can. Weather that's putting something I don't need at a grocery store back where I found it instead of wherever, putting a cart I'm done using back with the other carts instead of just leaving it wherever, cleaning my table at a fast food joint, fuck, even just being NICE to people.

I'm still against tips. I just don't go out to eat unless I'm grabbing something cheap at a fast food place.

>I wouldn't pay more than 30 for either.

And you shouldn't for Dwarf Fortress and never will have to.

Although you might be tempted to donate once it hits 1.0 in about 50 years.

>which is why you have waiters who are supposed to do everything short of wiping your ass for you.

What? Bringing me shitty water and asking me if I'm ok? Carrying out my food for me or showing me where to sit?

That's it?